What to do

Dude Looks Like a Lady

Having had some time to cool down, Chanyeol was able to sit himself down and actually think through his previous conversation with Tao (more like a lecture in Chanyeol's opinion). Thinking it through, maybe his anger got the best of him and he maybe he did say some very nasty things to Baekhyun during their confrontation. Instead of talking it through like Baekhyun wanted to, Chanyeol had told him he disguested him and from that had kick started Baekhyun in packing his things and leaving the house. 

By the time Chanyeol had returned that evening he was met with everything as silent as it had been in the days after discovering Bokyung was actually Baekhyun. Most of the time he would go visit his grandparents, or even take Tao up on the offer of dinner or a drink or two so that he could escape the place and not have to spend such a long time alone when he was use to somebody else being there. 

Standing on top of the stairs, Chanyeol turned towards the room that use to be occupied by Baekhyun. Before the wedding, the room was originally Chanyeol's bedroom and by right if Baekhyun was gone he was going to move back in and reclaim that room as his again. 

Except he had yet to do that. In fact he had hardly been anywhere near the room since the night he went in there and discovered Baekhyun. Walking into the room and seeing how bare it had been since Baekhyun had come to remove the last of his belongings was the first time that he had entered the room. Looking around, it was difficult to believe that somebody else had occupied the room previously. Nothing was left behind and Baekhyun made sure to keep the room neat and tidy before he left for a final time. 

Something in Chanyeol was telling him that maybe he should go see Baekhyun, that maybe he should just sit down and listen to what he has to say because Tao made a very good point and Chanyeol hated it when he did because he knew that his friend was right, and he would have to go do what his friend said. That, and maybe he was feeling just that little bit guilty for what he had said to Baekhyun before he stormed up the stairs and locked himself in his room. 

But how the hell was he suppose to track Baekhyun down to speak to him? He guessed that it would probably be a good start if he went to where Baekhyun worked and see if he was there, but he hardly had the time off from work to do so in the hours that Baekhyun worked. If Baekhyun wasn't there by the time Chanyeol got there, what was he suppose to do then? It's not like Baekhyun would have gone back to his parents and if he was staying somewhere else, well then Chanyeol was well and truly screwed in trying to find him. 

Why did life have to make things so difficult for him? 



After begging Tao to cover for him for the remainder of his shift- with the promise of doing anything he wanted in return- Chanyeol had managed to find the time to get out of work and make his way over to where Baekhyun worked. 

Stepping inside, it felt kind of weird. The last time he had done so, he was being led to believe that Bokyung had already left and that the guy who was actually pretending to be his wife was actually a co-worker. Now that Chanyeol thought over it, he had to give Baekhyun some credit on being able to fabricate a second fake identity and story out of thin air like that. 

"Can I help you?" a guy, around Chanyeol's age he was willing to guess, asked upon seeing Chanyeol wander around aimlessly 
"Y-yeah I'm looking for Baekhyun" 

"Baekhyun? He hasn't been here for the past week" the guy began "Something about having personal issues and that he needed some time off to sort himself out"

Yep, life was definitely making it difficult for Chanyeol 

"O-oh, do you know where he's staying? I really need to talk to him" Chanyeol asked as the guy eyed him before nodding his head 
"Last I heard he was staying at a friend's house. I can give you the adress if you want it" and of course Chanyeol was going to accept the guy's offer. 



Holding onto the slip of paper with the adress and directions on how to get to the place, Chanyeol took a deep breath in and began to walk down the hallway. Looking out for the number to the apartment where Baekhyun was staying he finally came to a pause when he stood outside the correct place. 

Now what? 

What if Baekhyun refused to speak to him because of how Chanyeol treated him? What was he suppose to say if anybody answered and asked what he was doing there? It's funny how Chanyeol was thinking of this now because Tao had managed to knock some sense into him and convinced him he may or may not have acted like a . 

Hesitating, Chanyeol finally worked up the courage to knock on the door and stepped back both hoping and secretly not hoping that somebody would answer the door, trying to think of something to say when and if the door opened. 

From the other side of the door, Baekhyun was stood there frozen to the spot with his eyes wide open in panic 

What the hell was Chanyeol doing here? How did he know Baekhyun was staying here? 

Baekhyun didn't know what to do; the last time he had seen Chanyeol, the latter was telling Baekhyun he disgusted him and left him there with an obvious indication that he wanted Baekhyun out of his life. Now he was on the other side of the door and looking like he was there wanting to speak to Baekhyun. He wasn't ready though; after how Chanyeol had shouted at him and left him like that, he didn't think he was ready to face Chanyeol just yet, not like this. 

Composing himself, he tiptoed up towards the door and once again looked through the eye piece to find Chanyeol still stood out there. He only stayed there for a minute or so more and Baekhyun was sure he could hear a sigh from the other side before he saw Chanyeol finally walk away. Making sure that Chanyeol was definitely gone and wouldn't come back and try to coax Baekhyun out again was the guy able to let out a sigh of relief and slide himself down the door, still clutching his chest. 



Though what he had in mind didn't exactly go to plan, Chanyeol was able to take one tiny positive away from this knowing that at least he didn't chicken out like he thought he would. Stepping aside to let two or three people out from the elevator, Chanyeol waited until the doors were closed before he collapsed again the wall and let out another sigh. 

He was able to do this and go and try to find Baekhyun today, though he wasn't sure if he was going to be ble to muster up the courage to do it again until he got the chance to properly speak to Baekhyun.... 

I finally got a poster and background!! You likey? 

So yeah, Chanyeol finally musters up the courage to try and go see Baekhyun... yet Baekhyun's a chicken and won't open the door! *tut* what are they like? ¬_¬ 

Until the next chapter!!

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Beau1996 1480 streak #1
Chapter 25: Very fluffy - both sets of parents completely but ended up with two great sons!! Chanbaek forevermore 😉
Chapter 25: the bonus chapter was so cute
Chapter 25: Cuuute
Chapter 13: HAHAHAH
Kkaching #5
Chapter 13: Finally T*T
Chapter 25: Poor chanyeol and baekhyun for having parents like that . but thats their fate . they got married eventhough not as they wanted but yeah .. Got together at the end
emperor_carat #7
Chapter 25: Omg so cuteee
Chapter 13: I snorted louder than I should have at Yeol's reaction to seeing a sleeping Baek instead of a sleeping Bokyung
sikami #9
Chapter 14: Author-nim, just how evil can u get. will there be an accident. will someone die. LIKE, WILL THIS STILL GO DOWN. OR WILL THINGS BE OKAY IN THE END
aarushic_18 #10
Chapter 25: AWW they're so adorable!