Suzy stared out from the balcony with a warm cup of tea in her hands. Life as a top actress was becoming more difficult for Suzy. With so much demand from the critics; everything seemed like it was impossible to achieve. She had a lot on her mind lately. It would effect on her performance and she'd get scold for constant mistakes. She faced many problems too. One of the most difficult choices she was ever faced with was leaving her child in Hong Kong.  Everytime she heard a baby cry, she would feel anxious and upset. It frightened her how weak she has gotten. She couldn't do anything but to keep everything to herself. She didn't want anyone to worry about her. Chanyeol stood next to her and took a bite of his apple. The two have been dating for three weeks already and Chanyeol could see that something was bothering her. Every morning should be a breath of fresh air but for Suzy, she was drowning in her past.

Michael was crying again. Breakfast was too hot and burned his tounge. The father quickly stood up from his dining seat and held Michael in his arms. Comforting Michael was the only strength the father had. But Michael needed more than a comforting father. He needed a mother. The father sung a lullaby, made funny faces, rub the baby’s belly. He tried everything he could in order to calm Michael down. He fed the child some milk and that’s when Michael stopped. The father placed him onto an old second-hand sofa and the television. He was just about to change the channel until he suddenly came across a commercial. It was a short teaser for “Youngji TV”. It was dubbed in Cantonese.

“Michael. It’s time to fly out of Hong Kong. We’re heading to South Korea to find you a new mother.”



Date: 24 March, 2020| Time: 5:09am | Location: Sydney, Australia | Status:

Good morning lovelies. Did everyone have a good night sleep? Well I hope you all did. Gosh! I miss you all. How are you all? Hmm? Hmm? I promise you I am not drunk. I’m just super tired and excited at the same time. 


I’m obviously not in Korea anymore. What is the name of this hotel again?

Time: 5:15am | Status:

Sorry about that, I forgot to change the batteries for the camera. Good news good news! It's all fixed. Thank god I have five spare batteries in my backpack. I've been filming for one and a half months. I learnt that memory cards and batteries are essential.

Ahem, where were we? Oh yes! The name of the hotel. I actually... stil don't know the name. Maybe because it's in english.  English is still a very difficult language for me. Thankfully I have a tutor for it though because I realise how important English was for my career. My fans weren’t just from Korea. I took that to consideration. English is definitely on my learning list. I also heard that many of you guys are still practiciping your english too! We're learning together, don't give up my lovely fans. We can do this!

Anyways, I just came back from a flight. I fell asleep as soon as I walked into the room. I have to leave at 6:30am though. Guess where I’m at! I’m in Australia!!!

SBS PopAsia invited me over for an interview. Not just some interview by the way. I recently made a comeback with a full album. It took me ages to put it all together. Finally I am back in business with an album in my profile. Can’t wait to read all your comments about it! 

Time: 6:09am | Status:

Yes, I spent literally an hour reading your comments on twitter. Why do I have so much hate? For those people who keep saying I’m too chubby for stage performances; you need to take your words back when I lose more weight.

I’m a work in progress as you can see.

And it's all thanks to Park Chanyeol. Ugh! He is amazing. You all need to call him up because he will train you hard. The results are outstanding. He knows the best healthy recipies I'm telling you! And guess what; he's a certified fitness trainer. How awesome is that?

I work out four days a week and I'm thinking of expanding on that. It's so fun.

Oh would you look at that. My memory card is getting full.

I'm so grateful this isn't live.



Youngji squeezed out some minty toothbrush. She scrolled through her twitter notifications while brushing her teeth. It was indeed a good day to relax after spending months working. But work never stops for Miss Heo.

Youngji TV has been in the public eye for weeks. Multiple teasers were shown across Asia. It was also dubbed in multiple languages to capture a wider audience. The first episode will premier in a few days. The first few parts would be about her solo album preparation. Dance practice, singing, writing, recording, filming; yes you name it. Every single step was filmed. Every process was captured. Since that segment was finished, her next filming would be based around her active lifestyle, and she was going to feature Chanyeol in it (who is currently on a long hiatus from EXO activities).

Her agency thought it would be a good idea for her to be in charge of filming. As for editing, she would do the basics but obviously she needed the professionals to put everything together. Viewers would see how much effort she has put in her work. She was a dedicated person when it comes to her fans.



 Time: 7:35am | Location: SBS PopAsia studio | Status:

Finally changed my memory card and I just got a call from my manager and he said that I’m done filming for episode 1 and 2. All I had to do is edit them into 30 minutes for each episode. But my professional editor can help me.

I shall do that when I go back to Korea tonight. I’m going to get some morning coffee and meet up with the PopAsia team.

Looks like it's going to be another looooooong day.

See you soon, xoxo


 Time: 8:55pm | Location: Sydney International Airport | Status:

Back in Korea!

And food is the only thing that's popping into my mind.

The first thing I'm going to eat is ramyun.

Yes I am starving.



Jackson and his son waited for their belongings at the baggage carousel. Michael slept throughout the entire flight and Jackson was busy thinking about where he would go to find Youngji. Now he regrets it because he was exhausted. Everyone was exhausted. The last thing they all wanted was to wait for endless minutes for their luggage. And here we are. Jackson actually had no idea where to start looking. He came up with nothing.

The airport suddenly was filled with clicks and chatter. It was a female celebrity. Jackson was more awake thanks to the noise. A familiar face caught Jackson’s eye though. A bundle of paparazzi’s were following her. It was Youngji and it looks like she just returned to Korea too. Feeling more than lucky, Jackson made a fist and punched upwards. Jackson quickly grabbed his suitcase and followed the crowd. Climbing into the taxi, he gently closed the door to avoid waking his son. He carefully put on Michael’s seatbelt and smiled at the man.

The driver turned around to look at his customer.

“Where would you like to go?”

“I need you to follow that car, sir!” Jackson replied with his finger pointing at Youngji’s car.



Jackson successfully followed all the way to Youngji’s apartment. Before rushing into things, Jackson spent a brief moment to admire the place. It was a fancy version of paradise. From the wallpaper, floor to the expensive looking chandelier, everything would be described as elegant. This place was expensive. He hasn’t been able to step a foot inside such a nice place since his years as an idol. Obviously those days were long gone. He terminated his contract with JYP three years ago and joined the acting business. He regrets it for many reasons. He wasn’t well-off anymore. No more managers, fans and support. It was indeed a very independent lifestyle once you decide to go solo in the entertainment industry. Michael’s mother quit her idol life and joined the theatre industry too. She became successful within time and he didn't. He became mister nobody. That’s why she probably left him.

Despite his remembrance of the dark past, Jackson was in awe with the place. He wished he could live here with Michael. He knew Michael liked places that were spacious and clean. His old place in Hong Kong was a major embarrassment. All the furniture in the apartment was old. There was unknown substance stained on the wall. The location was pretty bad too. It was always loud from building and road construction. The only reason he rented it was the affordable price.

Youngji went into the elevator. As soon as the door closed, Jackson came out of hiding and waited to see which level she stopped at. The elevator made a “ding” sound and stopped at level 9.

Jackson pressed the up button and waited. He suddenly became intensely nervous. He was about to meet Youngji. A friend. An ex-girlfriend in fact. Even he found it strange that he came to Korea just to find Michael a mother. Of course he wanted the real mother to come back but, that’s impossible. Youngji’s a celebrity but for some reason he felt like she was just a girl with big dreams. Youngji was the type of person who would always say yes when you ask her a favour. She would always help.

Michael woke up and rubbed his eyes.

“Daddy, where are we?”

“We’re going to meet an old friend of mine.”

“Can I ring the doorbell, daddy?”  

“Yes you may,” Jackson bent slightly down so that his son could reach the bell.



 Time: 11:49pm | Location: Youngji's apartment | Status:

Home sweet home!

Oh… someone’s here. Must be the food delivery.

That was fast.

I just called them 30 seconds ago.

Let's go and say hi~



Youngji lowered her camera and swore her heart was experiencing some sort of discomfort. Immediately, she regretted opening the door. She felt like fainting. She shook her head and squinted her eyes. She was in disbelief. The shock was so real she thought her life would be over in 3... 2... 1.

“Long time no see, Youngji!”

“Hi Jackson’s old friend!” Michael giggled and waved.

“Can we come in?”

Jackson awkwardly smiled and hugged Michael tight. He tried his best to look casual. All she could see was disaster. She couldn't help but analyse him as she has worked on a few clothing projects a while back. First off, he looked terrible. Jackson was wearing unmatching colours. His sweater looked ancient. His pants were awkwardly ripped at the bottom. His socks looked like it hasn’t been washed in years.

It was a fashion disaster. Awful, awful, awful. The only good looking thing about him was his hair. But his bangs were too dirty. 

She thought it was some beggar for a second. Actually, she would be much happier to see a random homeless man than Jackson. Her ex-boyfriend was standing infront of her and the first thing that came to was:

“Um no? I don’t want to see your face. I thought I told you three years ago to disappear out of my life?! I remember I made it crystal clear.”

Youngji was about to shut the door but Jackson put his foot inside to stop it from closing.

“Look! I know I was a jerk but I need your help! I don’t know where else to go-”

“I don’t care! It’s your problem.” Youngji looked away.

Jackson looked at Michael. He looked at his son with loving eyes. He wasn’t going to give up. He had to keep pleading.

“If you hate me so much then take Michael only? Please?”


“Me too, Michael… but my friend doesn’t want me to.”

Youngji scoffed and placed her camera at a nearby table. She then got a broomstick and pointed towards Jackson.

“I am NOT your friend. Now leave before you get hit with this weapon!”

“That's a broomstick not a weapon-"


"But you would never hurt Michael, right?”

“Who- what?! Who is Michael?”

“Michael’s my son.”

“That’s your son? WHAT?! You have a son?!”

“Yeah, look. I need you.”

“I said no! It’s over between you and me. I'm not helping you or your son. I'm sorry.”

“Please, help us.”


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yartzel #1
Chapter 2: I love the's different...waiting patiently please update soon...
ashhh30 #2
Chapter 3: i was searching for some stories about jackji and i found this was different from the others so i wanted to give it a try ...i read all the three chapter quickly but now? i was disappointed to not found any updates...are you going to stop it here? I hope you can find the time to go on with this story, it worth it ;)
Chapter 3: how cud Jackson become irresponsible.. even in the future i don't think Youngji deserves that kind of man.. even Michael's adorable n i ship JackJi as well.. i still hope better things for Youngji..
Chapter 3: I think Michael is super adorable to think its Jackson's genes. Ha!!! One question? Are you an architecture student? You really spend time doing Youngji's apartment it's really simple yet organize. A perfect place to stay
KiBelle #5
Chapter 3: yes! The ship is sailing! Finally someone who thinks the same: that Jackson does have a crush on her and he has told those he is close to! Cause I have no other explanation for when SeHo introduced Youngji as Jackson's girlfriend and Jackson's dad said: "yes I know".
Chapter 3: OMMGGG. I HOPE THIS SHIP SAILS. LIKE OMG. IT MUST. IT NEEDS TO. And yaass, i love how even his mom ships them! I didn't know his friend did too! EHEHEHEH, YAS. What if...they're actually in a legit relationship tho...:D *fangirls* CUZ LIKE, IN ONE OF THE CUTS, JACKSON WAS LIKE "We're over!" When Youngji chose Jackson. Ommgggg..too many feels now. I gotta calm

BUT OMMMGGGG. HOW'S CHANYEOL GOING TO REACT!? Why not have Jackson appear of Youngji TV, and yknow, maybe he could pull a Kangnam and get money! XD IDK, BUT I FEEL BAD FOR JACKSON AND MICHAEL. POOR BABES.
Chapter 3: here comes trouble /well sounds familiar hahahaha/ can imagine how panic youngji now hahahaha XD
ah btw do u made those map by urself?

p.s: /helping u got into the ship so we can sailing together/
Chapter 2: This story totally not "sweet like a candy" but i love it XD

p.s: did u see in c-radio when younji and jia focus to eat orange? Jackson so busy taking care of youngji T^T