Chapter 5

A Crush or More? [HIATUS]

A/N: Waahh~ School is finally starting xd (And my university is being stupid T__T)



The bell rang indicating that lunch break began and the hallways were beginning to get crowded by students.


“How was the party yesterday?” Dia asked as she was putting the books she didn’t need until later in her locker.

“It was really fun! Hae-in was really happy and oh! I didn’t forget to say happy birthday from you, Bora and Youngji!” Hee-Jin said and Dia laughed as Hee-Jin sounded so proud.

“But she didn’t really like it that Hyun Mi brought Woo Hyun with her... He got her a picture of himself as present! Can you believe it?! I found it funny, but Hae-in got pretty pissed off by it.”

“I totally get that though. She wanted to have her day and then someone comes in she didn’t want to be there, and on top of that with a bad present... So what did she do with it?”

“Hae-in wanted to give it to Hyun Mi, but Hyun Mi said she needed to keep it as it was a present with good will. So Hae-in is probably going to burn it...” Hee-Jin said and Dia laughed out loud.


As they had their stuff for their lessons after lunch break, they walked to the cafeteria spotting their friends already sitting at one of the tables. Sitting at the empty spots they also grabbed their lunchbox out of their bags and started eating.


“Bora~ we didn’t finish our talk yesterday.” Hee-Jin said with a grin on her face.

“What do you mean?” Bora asked, unsure of what she was talking about.

“Ah! I know. BOYFRIEND!” Youngji said excited as she remembered and Bora laughed at their curiosity.

“Well, he’s sitting right next to me.” She said and patted Jin’s shoulder and he choked a bit on his sandwich.

“Oops, sorry.” Bora said, smiling apologetic and rubbing his back to sooth him.

“Thanks.” He said and smiled at her.

“Ohmygosh really?! How? I didn’t mean it in a rude way, but... how?” Hee-Jin wondered.

“Well, we were already friends.” Bora started.

“We know.” Dia declared as they were all friends.

“And we coincidentally met each other during summer holiday. It seemed that our family booked at the same hotel so we hung out together a lot and so we became more than friends as it just felt right.” Bora said, smiling at Jin the whole time as she informed their friends of their change of relation status. Jin could only blush as it sounded quite cheesy, just like a movie.

“That’s cute. I wish I had a romance too.” Youngjae said smiling enviously.

“You’re too awkward for romance.” Mark commented.

“And you’re too obsessive to get a girl to like you.” Youngjae retorted back.

“I think it’s really brave from you two to take friendship to another level.” Dia commented.

“Agreed. What if you’d fight and you don’t get to be friends anymore?” Youngji commented and Hee-Jin nodded.

“I don’t think I could do that, I would be too scared. You tried it though Dia.” Hee-Jin said after a while as she thought about it.

“And we’re still friends so there’s nothing to worry about I guess.” Mark commented.

“We don’t have to think about breaking up. Just think about the here and now.” Jin said shyly.

“Exactly.” Bora said, clearly sounding proud of her boyfriend.


“Oh by the way, Youngjae are you free today?” Hee-Jin asked.

“Yup. Is there something?” Youngjae asked in wonder.

“Seho ahjussi wants to see us. I don’t know what for though.” Hee-Jin answered and took a bite from her sandwich,

“Okay. When are you done?” he asked and opened his sandwich to see cucumber in it. His face scrunched at the sight.

“We have music together, that’s my last class for today.” Hee-Jin said, looking at his sandwich because of his face that screamed ‘disgusting’. She saw the cucumber and took it, eating it.

“Thank. I still got History sixth period. Do you mind waiting?” he said and closed his sandwich again and took a bite.

“Of course not, I’ll come to your locker then. By the way, how come your mom still puts cucumber in your food? You hate it.”

“She think I’ll eat it when she hides it, but no chance. I still taste it and it’s disgusting.” He said determinedly while the others chuckled at this.

As the first bell rang, they said their goodbyes to each other and walked to their respective classes.




“So! That was it for today. BUT! We’re not done yet as I have an announcement to make.” Baro, the chemistry teacher, said as he closed the textbook in front of him and laughed out loud.

Yes, chemistry teacher Baro was a bit odd sometimes.


‘What is he scheming now?’ Hae-in thought, looking at him suspiciously. As she had him for chemistry already in her first three years of high school, she was glad she had him again this year. His explanations were clear and fun to hear. The only downside was that he often came with crazy ideas for experiments or assignments. She hoped this wasn’t one of them.


“The oh so favourite assignment of you all!” he began, drumming with his fingers on the table.

“Please don’t say-” Hae-in whispered.


He said it.


“But we’ve just had our first lesson of the year sir.” Jungyoon commented, also not really fond of the idea.

“So? I know all of you already. There’s no need to go easy on you all, I know you’re all such smart kiddos!” Baro said teasingly. 

“And because I know you all so well, I’ve already made groups of two.” He said and grabbed some magnets from the whiteboard to attach a piece of paper to the board.


“What does it need to be about?” Hoseok, a classmate, asked.

“Chemistry of course! Maybe you’re not all that smart...” he answered and the bell rang.

“Well, that was it for today. Oh! Almost forgot to tell you, the presentation just needs to be five minutes. Piece of cake right?” And he left the classroom, leaving the students stunned.


As the students started to pack their bags, students began to gather in front. When there were only a few people left, Hae-in and her friends decided to take a look.

“The presentations are next week already?!” Jungyoon yelled out.

“Mister Baro really doesn’t change.” Hyorin said.

“So let’s see... I’m with Yugyeom.” Jungyoon said.

“Who’s Zelo?” Jackson asked.

“I’m with Bambam.” Hyorin added.

“Yes! Let’s do this Hyorin.” Bambam said and they high fived.

“Jungyoon, we’re paired up together. When do you want to meet and discuss our presentation?” Yugyeom called out.

“Let’s do it now.” Jungyoon suggested and he nodded.

“No! This is a nightmare! Please say I’m blind.” Hae-in yelled.

There it was on the sheet of paper, in black and white.


Group 2; Hae-in & Jimin


“You’re not blind unfortunately.” Jungyoon commented.

“I can see it clearly.” Jackson added.

“Then this is worse than a nightmare. It’s... REALITY!” she yelled out upset.

“Aw maybe it will be fun.” Yugyeom said, trying to stay positive for his friend.

“No it won’t be. You know how annoying that guy is... Why does this school have so much group projects anyway...” Hae-in muttered out the last part.

“Because the school encourages us students to communicate with lots of people and group projects are one way for that.” Hyorin answered honestly.

“Yeah, I didn’t want to hear that...” Hae-in said, and Hyorin scratched her head.



Walking out the classroom, Jungyoon and Yugyeom went to the library while the others walked out of the building.

“Can we figure out our topic tomorrow? I got something to do today.” Bambam asked Hyorin and she nodded.

“Yeah, let’s go Bambam.” Jackson yelled and they ran ahead.

“Well, I guess you’re the only one now. Good luck with your presentation Hae-in, you can do it!” Hyorin said and walked off.


Walking to her bike, Hae-in heard someone call her name. Sighing heavily, she turned around.

“Hae-innie, I found you!” Jimin yelled and stopped in front of her.

“Did you see the group arrangement? We’re together! Aren’t we lucky.” He said and grinned while Hae-in unlocked her bike.

“I would rather say more unfortunate.” She muttered.

“So when do you want to meet up? We can go to your house? Or to my house! Whatever you want.” He suggested, way too happy.

“What about the library?” Hae-in proposed, disgusted at the thought of being alone with Jimin.

“Ah that’s cool. So when?”

“Tomorrow after school? I only got till fourth period.”

“Awesome, me too.”

“Alright, that’s settled.” Hae-in said, and mounted her bike.

“So, you want to hang out now?” Jimin asked with his annoying grin.

“I have to go.” And Hae-in and rode away.

Jimin yelled an “I see you tomorrow.” Which she ignored and once again she let out a loud sigh.

“Well, at least it seems he wants to do something for this assignment. I don’t have to do it alone... Or maybe that would actually be better...”




 “So that’s it for today’s theory! Don’t forget, next week we’ll have a small review quiz about today’s music theories so prepare for that. Now talking about exams.” Henry said.

“Already?!” Rian exclaimed.

“Yes, now. So the music test will be after all the difficult tests like math and such. I know it’s like two months up ahead, but that means you can all prepare for it. So the assignment will be to sing a duet. Pick a song and get the feeling~”

“Can we choose our own partner?” Jaebum asked.

“Unfortunately not, my friend, that’s why I have this.” Henry said and showed a box with an opening on the upper side of it.

“In this box, all names of the girls are written on the piece of folded papers. So boys, pick one. I will write down who you drew immediately so there is no switching papers. Next assignment it will be the girls drawing, so don’t be sad ladies.” He said and the students sighed.

“Here you go, first one.” Henry said and put the box in front of Woohyun.


As he rummaged through the box, he took one paper and unfolded it. Upon looking at the name he smiled widely and yelled, “Hyunmi!”

“Really?!” Hyunmi yelled and smiled happily at him as he showed the paper.

“Of course! Cause you’re my destiny.” He said as they drowned into each other’s eyes.

“Alrighty lovebirds are noted.” Henry said as he wrote their names on a list and proceeded to go around the class.


“Dia.” Jin said happily and they high fived.

“I hope you don’t mind Bora.” Dia said, looking at her friend.

“Of course not.” Bora said and smiled.

“Rian.” Jaebum called out and he gave her a little smile.

“Well, at least you can sing.” She said nonchalantly.

“Hee-Jin?” a voice called out. Hee-Jin looked at the boy, it was Daehyun. Well, her preference surely didn’t go to him as he was one of Namjoon’s friends.

“Ah no! I wanted to pair up with her!” Youngjae yelled out and began to whine and his friends laughed at his antics.

“Alright, grab a note pouty-mouth.” The teacher said as Youngjae pouted a little, taking a paper out.


“Yah, why do you sound so gloomy? Be happy you’re paired with your friend.” Bora said and swung an arm on his shoulder.

“You can’t sing, I wanted to do a ballad.” He said, looking annoyed at her which caused Bora to look irritated back.

“We can just find a ballad with rap.”

“Well, you can discuss it all after class.” Henry said and just at that moment the bell rang.


Grabbing their stuff, they stood up.

“I’m going to my archery club now. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Dia said and the others bid her a goodbye.

“I’ll see you at my locker later.” Youngjae said and walked away to his next class.


Walking out of the classroom, Hee-Jin saw Daehyun walking up to her.

“Uhm... Hey, you wanna search for a song now?” he said, sounding awkward.

“Uhh sure...” Hee-Jin said just as awkwardly back.



A/N: I would want to transfer school if my high school had so much group projects xD I always preferred to do it alone... What about you?? :) Hope you enjoyed the chapter~ Comments are <3

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Chapter 11: omg yay, they're going on a trip :D
I'm just like: who will be her tutor. Why doesn't Henry tell her a name THE SUSPENSE!
Omg Hae-In xD
poor Hae-in extra PE
What's with all the teachers keeping secrets at this school lol xD
And Mark is so cute <3
OMG Xiumin so cute <3

although he was probably true. - he was probably right / it was probably true
Chapter 10: OMG, I was hoping for a chapter like this, showing Dia and Mark's past <3
This sounds like me way too much xD
Mark is soo cute <3
Mark and Dia are so cute together omg, I can't, you're killing me!
And Hee-jin is such a good friend too, omg!
omg and Dia and Myungsoo are cute too
what is this cuteness in this chapter!
actually this whole chapter sounds like me a lot xD Except for the cute guys, but that can still happen xD

are from my sources - according to my sources
about the said boy. - about said boy
bow in the right way. - bow the right
they both laughing. - they both laughed
But seriously the ending was so funny. It made me feel kinda bad for the children, though. Come on, they exerted so much effort :'¥
Wheezes lmao this is the most IC I've seen of Jungyoon omg /becauseicanrelatealotlol BROWNIES OMDFG /rolls on the ground
is it daehyun? or xiumin? I'm not familiar with the canon ages in this fic but I will laugh so hard if it was Namjoon or... ,or SEHO AHJUSSI--
And Hee-Jin and Dia talking,, their convo is so cute omg <3
I do hope Dia realizes that besides admiration (crushes and whatnot) myungsoo could be a ...staLKER!!! Zshsns but I'm pretty sure that even if he was, she'll just call him a secret admirer lol MYUNGSOO I HOPE YOU HAVE PURE INTENTIONS I will facefault so hard if he was just admiring her archery skills and no more --that would be so anti-climatic D:
pipoos omg lmao idk it sounds funny to me
and fancy sauce brands or something, it makes my head hurt JUST CALL IT PASTA SAUCE TT TT
and and, I just really want to reiterate that you have done a really good job with jungyoon omg so in character-- *^*
this chapter was very fun to read for me btw HUEHUEHUE have I reached character limit yet
Chapter 9: Hee-Jin is not boring! How could you think that Daehyun!!
omg because of you I know now who Bambam and Jackson are xD
Jackson missing feels so right xD Sorry Jackson xD
Woohoo, at least they are not complaining about me :D
I want a brother who brings me brownies too ;_;
Pipoos xD omg yay
what saus is tagliatelle sauce?? :O tagliatelle is just pasta, right??
OMGOMG, is it Xiumin?? That would be so adorable though :D
Baymax <3 <3
Myungsoo <3 /is totally become a stalker here xD I don't mind since it's Myungsoo though xD
Lolol, if Baro was my teacher I'd hate him if he did this. Like seriously? No mark? So mean!
OMG that last sentence <3

It was one of her worst habits probably. - It was probably one
Why don’t you never come - why don't you ever
“Since I know you all longer, - Since I've known you for a while (?)
a side of one another yet. S - Another side of (?)
Hae-in #5
Chapter 8: "What type of guy do you fall for? Mark? - Eww no..." - HAHAHA XD 'Ew no', not even 'no'. No, she had 2 say EEEEEWWWW ╭ (oㅇ‿ o#)ᕗ
"Hee-Jin’s type is a mature guy for sure" - lol, no way. No, just... no.
"Today Hee-Jin had more confidence to confront Daehyun." - Confront, really?? XD
(థฺˇ౪ˇథ) Kekeke || “I’ll pay - No! I don’t want to be in your debt.” - not even 'iDon't want Xiumin 2 see that some other kind of guy is paying for my meal!'
"Getting their order, they looked around for a seat and that’s when Hee-Jin spotted her little sister sitting with a guy at a table." Ok wow... I would just communicate w/ Jimin w/ putting self-destructing notes in his locker 2 (A) not talk w/ him and (B) prevent him 2 keep those (。◝‿◜。)
“Yeah let’s do that.” >> "No, let's not..." (≖ ‿ ≖)
Jimin is stupid =.= if some1 would ask me 'So you like me?' @ tht timing, I'd jux ignore them (because no answer would b suited 4 tht Qs) (´◉◞౪◟◉`)
Chapter 8: Hahahahhahahah!!! I ship Hae-in and Jimin!!! Lolllll!!! Can i say something crazy.. I saw that one coming, the marriage line i mean XD
My comment isn't long but it conveys my feelings (*´Д`)ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ
Chapter 8: So Hee-jin wanted to be his type before???
Youngjae freaking adorable <3
gfff, Mark too <3 I can see why I dated him :P
Omg, I lolled at Jaebum's face xD
Daehyun and Hee-jin are freaking cute together, though :3
Daehyun is a total Bonbon xD Uhm.., No, I just know the japanese term xD
Totally bonding over cheesecake xD Cheesecake pairing <3
It feels like they are on a date xD And like they are talking about a second date right in front of Xiumin? He should get jealous xD
Frozen reference had me lol xD
Hae-in and Jimin <3<3<3
Write moooore <3 It's so awesome :D

I’m not so on formalities.” - not so big on
dancing like a ball! - like at a
you’re parents - your parents
rich world. - world of the rich?
be in debt.” - in your debt
To not make it awkward if not more awkward, - ??
Chapter 7: Lollll Hae-in's comments are still the best. Magnetism? No, personal space!!! Hahhahahaha my favorite part.

I thi j i will just ship hee-jin with anyone but xiumin. Huahahahahhah... Your fault for adding so many guys XD
Chapter 7: ok I just got home and saw the swing
omg it looks like a circle hammock I didn't notice that the seat was made of entangled ropes
seems fun to sit in e w e