
Abort Mission
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"What the hell. He went to Tiggen? Without me? ."

There I was sitting on the hard but quite comfortable wooden floor of my dormitory room with my back pressed against the foot of my bed. My feet ached from a tiring day. Hence, I decided to comfort myself with the luxury of a much-needed hot shower the minute class had ended - which explains why I was in shorts and a tank even though the Sun was barely down.

I was just about to go through my nightly routine of stalking everyone I encountered on my instagram feed when I came across my brother's post. He had went to Tinggen. TINGGEN FREAKING CLIFFS. One of the best theme parks closest to town. And without his lovable, totally amazing sister. .

"Son of a - shhh. No, stop cursing. Stop cursing. Control yourself. You've been such a potty mouth lately, I can't believe you haven't gotten yourself in trouble yet." 

Speaking to oneself was comforting and it helps, quotes a wise man I heard this phrase from - or was that me talking to myself too? But it does help in most cases. Scoffing, I continued to scroll down hastily and let my eyes skim through the remaining posts. Not finding anything worthy of interest, I quickly found myself at the top of page before pulling it down slightly to let it refresh. The grey circle spins once, twice, then thrice. It disappears when a new post takes its place.

The cropped photo was different from the usually eccentric shots that dominates my feed. Instead, it was grainy and black and white. Plus, it wasn't a photo. I was mistaken. It was a video. By bangstergram, no less. My mouth opened in a silent scream as I kicked my legs in the air. It has been ages since he had posted anything that I was in a state of euphoria that he did. I climbed on to the bed, mentally preparing myself for whatever he was about to drop in the short video.

His rap. His voice. His mere existence. Unf. Dammit boy.

Before I knew it, I was fangirling.

I needed to channel this fangirling energy to someone else. I needed too. 


                                 Did you see it?!

        See what?

                                  BYG instagram


                                       Go watch it.

        Later. Cooking.

        And before you ask, it's oatmeal.    

                        Ew, oatmeal? You old lady.

        Shut up.


I finally was able to put my phone down after watching it a few more times and scrolling through all the social media accounts that I had. Nothing new, nothing interesting. My mind wandered around as I lay still underneath the sheets. My thoughts drifted towards school, family matters, entertaining activities etc.

Now that I thought abou

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Chapter 1: Good thing this is just a story coz if it happened to me irl I'd also faint on the spot!
This was too funny and cute!
Chapter 1: Omg! Hahahahahahaha, I would probably run around screaming at me family like 'omg he liked my selfie~ he noticed me!' and throw hearts around. And I'd spend the rest of the week with just smiling at it
WeeniesandBewbies #3
So is it just me or did I not see properly that the insta name for this AwesamaOneshot was indeed WeeniesandBewbies ? Cos bruh, that's also my own as well ! Woozah . So freaking Amazing . @self #WeeniesandBewbies .
Chapter 1: Ahhh, such a cute little story! I'd freak out haha

Great job <3 :)
Chapter 1: Whoah~ YG answered your question? I never give B.A.P like button. And he is liking my selca? Nope, I never upload my selca~
Thank you for the story and keep supporting B.A.P
Hwaiting~ p(^-^)q