Chapter 1

It Gets Better

Tap tap tap 

I couldn't believe my eyes. My parents were sitting across from me, staring at me, trying to guess my feelings. My father has a horrible habit of tapping his fingers against the table in situations that didn't  favor him. 

“Give me some time to think about it. We’ll talk some other time.” I said, leaving the living room and heading towards my room. 

My week has been exhausting enough and to make matters worse my parents had to drop a bomb on me. If it's any consolation, at least they had to drop this matter on me on a Friday. So that means I didn’t have to worry about work the next day. That means I had 2 whole days to think through this matter. Oh dear god, I take back whatever I said just now. 

I laid down on my bed the moment I entered my room. My mind was cluttered with so many things. Groaning into the sheets, I decided to head to the toilet for my much needed shower. 


I was 19 then. I was a late bloomer entering university a year later cause I couldn't decide which major I should pursue. Only coming to a decision in August when admissions were closed. 

Since then I've been working several part time jobs trying to save as much money as I could for my university fees. It wasn't that my family was poor or that my parents refused to pay for me. In fact they would be able to pay for mine and the entire batch of upcoming students university fees. Me being me just wanted to work hard for myself.  I was a strong believer in working for what I wanted and no one could stop me not even my parents. 

At 20 I finally entered the university I wanted working my off and graduating with a degree in social work at 23. 

At 24, my career had just started. I was ready to grow up. I was ready for change. And oh boy did I not realize that this change was going to be much more drastic then I ever imagined it to be. 


Earlier today when I got home from work, I was greeted with the delicious scent roaming around the house. 

“Wow, what's the special occasion? What's with all these food? Is someone coming?” I asked my mom as I removed my coat and placed my bag on the nearby table. 

“Hana dear, can you call you siblings and father down for dinner? And no ones coming dear, can't your mother cook nice food for her family once in awhile.” My mother smiled walking towards to kitchen to get more dishes. 


Dinner was as normal as it could have been in the Choi family. My 2 younger siblings arguing about the latest kpop gossips going around. Me relieving my stress with all the stories of what goes on at work and my dad replying everyone with witty comments just to irritate us having all of us roll our eyes at him. 

Since it was a Friday night, my 2 siblings went out after dinner for movies with their friends. While I, being exhausted from work was relived to be staying at home. 

“Hana, come here for a minute. Your dad and I have something to tell you.” At my mothers voice I started getting butterflies in my stomach. It wasn't like my parents to pull me out to have a talk with them. Whatever they had to say couldn't they say it during dinner? Slowly I walked to the living room sitting on the other unoccupied couch. 

“Honey, you know both me and your dad love you very much and I hope you understand where we’re coming from. Don't get mad at us, whatever we did was with you in mind” hearing those words made my stomach churn. I could feel the dinner I just had come up to my throat. 

“We met with our old friends, the Kims the other day and we would like for you to marry the Kim’s son, Jongin.” My mother finally said it. She looked nervous glancing between me and my father. 

“I-I I mean why so sudden?” I couldn't help but to stutter. 

“The Kims wants their son Jongin to get married and you were the ideal girl. I know it's shocking but trust me on this Hana, Jongin’s a nice guy. I've seen him before and the Kims too are a nice people. We've known them for a long time. Trust your parents on this one eh.” My mother said in the most softest voice I've heard. 

I sat there for what seems forever. Trying to process what my parents have told me. 

“Give me some time to think about it. We’ll talk some other time.” I said, leaving the living room and heading towards my room. 


I couldn't sleep. I was tossing and turning in my bed drowning in my own thought. I was on the verge of crying, feeling overwhelmed. 

Feeling restless, I left my room to the kitchen to get myself a glass of water. Sitting down on the island countertop of the kitchen I was starting to think I was crazy for even thinking about the marriage. I should have straight out said no to my parents the minute they mentioned it. Before I could fall seeping into my thoughts I heard the house door creek open. In came in Hyein and Hyunbin, whispering about the movies they just watched. 

“Noona, what are you doing up so late? Aren't you sleeping?” Hyunbin asked as he noticed me in the kitchen. 

“Could the two of you sleep with me tonight please.” I sounded weak asking the two youngest. 

Hyein walked towards me, holding my hand bringing me up to my room. With me being sandwiched between my two siblings, I could finally feel my eyelids getting heavy and hopping that this was all a dream. 



It's 4:50 am from where I'm from and I still can't sleep. 

Here's a short first chapter as an introduction! I do hope this would be the first story I'm able to finish. 

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10 June 2015 - The start


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Heyyaz #1
Chapter 5: Cant wait to the next chapter
Chapter 5: So short omg but thank you!!! I'm really anticipating for the next update. Story seems good!
Chapter 5: Gawd!!! My curiousity is as big as pacific ocean. I'll wait for your next update author-nim :)
Chapter 4: Ah seems really fun and cute! Excited for the next update
Lovin' your story!! :) Will wait for the next chaps!
ooooo.......Sounds good.. cannot wait to see next chapter