Snowy Days - Sekai

EXO - One shots and drabbles


The snow fell, tiny atoms of water turned to a soft, non liquid thick white duvet. It had reached two feet already, and still more came.

The snow crunched under his feet, as much as they would stay on top of the white cover than under. The cold breeze made goosebumps fly all over his skin. There hadn’t been a Winter this cold in decades. It wouldn’t take long before things would freeze, only to melt again when summer washed over, which could take months, even years.

By the time he had reached his destination, he was soaked. From the toes to his belly button, his clothes stuck to his body like paper with glue. However, that wasn’t the bad part. Right before he walked into the tavern, a big, muscular guy stepped in front of him.

The man’s dark brown eyes stared him down, making his legs tremble. His face had this weird wrinkle, just left of his right eye, which made him look more intimidating than he was. If you looked closely, and studied it, it looked very much like a bird. A raven, maybe.

“Where do you think you’re going?” He was informal, which made him, again, just a tiny bit scarier.

He swallowed the lump in his throat, then, as he was ready to answer. “Jongin. Woah, you’re wet. What’re you doing out here? It’s freezing.” He sighed at Chanyeol, one of his best friends. The tall clumsy guy frowned at Jongin. It made him look much like a baby, and if you added his messy hair, which Jongin sweared was too well done for Chanyeol to have just come out of bed. But, unfortunately, he knew the weirdo never did anything, at least not with his hair, as he woke up,.

“Hey, tall guy. This is business between me and our fellow friend here,” the intimidating guy said, pointing to himself and then Jongin. “Stay out of it.”

It certainly didn’t make Chanyeol back down. Actually, it made him tighten his muscles and push his chest forward, as if to show off the little flesh he had on his body, or maybe just his ribcage.

“You know this guy?” Chanyeol asked him, without looking at Jongin as he asked, but rather staring weirdly at the big guy in front of them. One of his eyebrows was raised whilst the other was so close to his eye that it was nearly closed. His mouth was the weirdest. If you’ve seen a fish, and its mouth, then you’ll know half of what it looked like. The way Chanyeol’s mouth was at that point was… There’s literally no words for it.

Startled by the look on his friend’s face, he just shook his head. “Are you okay?” he asked, worry determined his voice. Chanyeol only shrugged. “If you would excuse us. I think he might need a doctor.” Jongin turned to the male, who’s intimidating look was long gone, replaced by a shocked one.

“I need no doctor. Jongin’s just stupid. Poor guy, so unlucky,” Chanyeol exclaimed. Jongin had forgotten the freezing breeze that had bothered him just minutes before. It had been replaced by a weird Chanyeol taking his attention, which he had to admit he was glad for. He would have been stuck with the big guy if it hadn’t been for Chanyeol.

“Let’s just go in, huh?” he asked.

Chanyeol nodded. Silence fell over the two friends as they moved towards the door, and inside, where the warmth could make him feel his feet again. At least then he wouldn’t lose a toe.


눈 덮인 일


Finally, Sehun had a real bed to use. As his back hit the soft mattress (which wasn’t very soft at all), his eyelids closed. It felt like he was finally at peace.

Just for it to break when someone knocked on his door. “Come in,” he said, tired and angry. There was no need hiding it.

In came a big built man. His beard was full of snow, as well as his hair. For anyone, he would have been intimidating, but for Sehun, that wasn’t the case. Even if the man looked like he could crush anyone to tiny crumbling pieces, Sehun saw nothing scary about the man.

“Boss, I have news.” The man’s  left eye twitched.

“Oh, wow? I had no idea that was why you disrupted my sleep,” Sehun replied sarcastically. He rolled his eyes. “Bad or good?”

The man looked down at his feet. He bit his inner lip. He said one single word, but as he was muttering, Sehun didn’t manage to hear it.

“What?” His impatience was growing.

“Bad, sir.” He saluted, making Sehun roll his eyes yet again. He gestured for the male to go on, hopefully he would before Sehun ripped his head of.

“That… That man you told me to bring, he… I don’t know what happened, something with his friend needing a doctor and… It was very confusing, sire,” the man said. Sehun stared at him. He took a deep breath to calm himself down.

“What exactly happened?” Sehun asked, as calmly as he could manage at that point, which wasn’t very calmly. It sounded more like a threat than a question.

“I stopped him, but then his friend came and he was very weird and then his friend needed a doctor and… I-I don’t know what happened, boss,” the man stuttered. He sounded like he was on the verge of a breakdown.

“In short, you were so confused that you let him go?”

The man nodded.

“Leave, and never come back.” Sehun pointed to the door.

Finally, he was alone with silence again. He laid down on the mattress, closed his eyes. For a minute he lay there, dreaming of peace and quietness. Hoping he wouldn’t be disturbed again. And for hours he could just stay there, in his room in the tavern, not worry about a single thing.

But noooo.

Life hates you sometimes, this was one of those days.

Out in the hallway loud voices interrupted his silence. A laugh so loud, and contagious, came from everywhere. He got out of the bed. The door burst open by his anger. The stranger outside glanced at him, startled.

It was two men, one very tall and the other just a tiny bit shorter. The looked around Sehun’s own age, early twenties. Both had brown hair, the taller ones was messy, but in what you would call a fashionable way, and his hat made it look a little better. The other’s looked more taken care of, made to look that way.

Both had startled, surprised, dark brown eyes. Though, the taller acted upon it, now staring back at Sehun like Sehun should be afraid of what he could do. The other, more calm and casual, just looked at him in shock.

They had, what anyone rich would call poor clothes. The taller one had pointy ears stopping his hat from getting any further down in his face. His pants were ripped at the knees, and his shoes was worn too much already. His shirt was the only thing that could resemble something nice, like he had just gotten it, but even that was stained in, well, everything.

The shorter one had better clothes, not good, just better. He didn’t have a hat like the other, but he looked richer. His shoes weren’t as worn as the tall ones, but they still had holes in it. His pants weren’t ripped, but more stained than the taller ones. His white shirt was worse than the other’s, but still, looking at the total, it looked better. It was stained, but only just around his neck, and his sleeves.

“Did we do something wrong?” the shorter asked, raising an eyebrow at Sehun.

“Yes, you were way too loud. I’ve been trying to sleep for the past hour, and guys like you ruin it. For once in your life, shut up.”

Sehun turned his heel and went back into his room, slamming shut after him. He looked up in the ceiling as his back hit the bed. “Please, let me sleep, just for an hour or two.”

The ceiling stared back at him, as if it was saying, nah, won’t happen. Sorry, I really am.

He sighed.


“Another one?” the bartender asked. He looked at Sehun to see if he was serious.

“Yes, another one. How many times do you need to hear that?”

The bartender held up his hands in defense. He was fast to refill Sehun’s glass, and just as he was about to take it. With a smile on his face, (he may have gotten a little much to drink) he reached for the glass. Right before he seized it, the glass wasn’t there anymore.

This was not his day.

“Thanks, I needed a drink,” a familiar voice spoke at his side. Sehun sent the man a grudging look.

The man was his best friend. The blonde made haired man siped at Sehun’s drink. His pink lips lay around the glass in a teasing manner. His hair was covered in snow, making it look whiter than it was, and his clothes weren’t any better. They had to be soaking, after all, snow and heat made water.

“You stole my drink,” Sehun exclaimed.

“Did I? I am so sorry, sir. I thought it was for me.” The male sat down besides him. “Long time no see, my friend. How’s life been?”

Sehun smiled, his anger completely vanished. “Well, same old, same old. I have been up to some things, but they didn’t work out. Life’s hard these days. How ‘bout you? Have you been a nice deer?”

“Sehun,” he sighed. “How many times do I have to tell you, my name is Lu Han? You call me Luhan or Han, not Deer, okay?” Luhan sighed at his friend, but there was still a smile playing on his lips.

“I have to have some fun, don’t I?” Sehun excuses himself.

“That’s no excuse.” Luhan rolled his eyes. “But what made you sit down here? I thought you wanted to sleep, for once when you have the chance?”

Sehun made a grimace, it kinda looked like a muppet. “Everyone kept disturbing me. No use of sleeping when there’s too much sound.”

Luhan nodded, and opened his mouth to say something, but it washed away in the chaos of the tavern making a creaking noise. Everywhere around them, people shouted out to each other.

The bartender made everyone quiet down. “I have to say I am sorry, but there’s nothing to do with this. It just some creaking,” he said, but Sehun knew he was wrong.

“No, it is not. We’re snowed in,” a voice from the other side of the tavern said. “Don’t think we’ll get out any time soon.”

The bartender sighed. “For the extra days you’re here you will not need to pay for the room. You have to pay for food and drinks.” His announcement caused a cheer, but not for long.

“Let’s get to our room, huh?” Luhan asked, and Sehun nodded. He left a few coins to pay, and then made his way up together with Luhan.


눈 덮인 일


Jongin woke up freezing cold. Through the little window in his room, which he had left open just a little bit, snow blew in. A water pool was left right under the window. “Great, now someone will complain, too.” He rolled his eyes and sighed.

While he got dressed he kept muttering perfect over and over again. Only to wake Chanyeol by doing so. Who wasn’t very pleased by that.

“You ing had to wake me,” Chanyeol told him, his voice grumpy and tired, even though Chanyeol was the one who got most sleep out of the two, no matter where they were.

“Sorry, grumpy. I didn’t mean to,” Jongin answered, and sighed. He hadn’t gotten much sleep out of two reasons; 1) it was freezing cold as the winter crept on, 2) he couldn’t stop thinking about that guy that had burst his anger out on them because he couldn’t sleep.

The man couldn’t be older than Chanyeol or himself, but he could definitely be the same age as one of them. He had brown hair, almost black, and the way it lay had been just perfect. His brown eyes had been bloodshot, with purple bags under his eyes, probably from lack of sleep. However, anger had determined them, and his other facial features. Like how his mouth didn’t twitch at first, but when he spoke, made every word so very clear, or how his nostrils flared like when someone’s angry.

They only thing that made Jongin think he lied about the sleep part, was how his clothes wasn’t wrinkled, or his hair lay so perfect. His clothes looked expensive, without a single stain on it, as well as there wasn’t a single wrinkle. But then again, that last part could have been because it were so tight, and toned his muscles in such way Jongin hadn’t noticed any.

“Have you lost your hearing, or have you just gone deaf?” Chanyeol asked, pulling Jongin out of his thoughts.

Jongin shook his head. “No, I can hear you. What’d you say?” Jongin replied, then sighed in relief.

“I asked you to open the door, someone knocked. But clearly you were ignoring me as you didn’t say or do anything.”


“Yeah, now open or get the hell out of here. Just something, and leave me sleeping,” Chanyeol yelled. Annoyance was in every word he spoke.

Jongin decided to just do as he was told, and opened the door. But he didn’t invite the man standing outside into his room, he walked into the hallway instead. He didn’t even wait to find out who it was before he pushed him into the hallway and made room for himself.

“What’s this kind of treatment? Though we were friends,” the man spoke to Jongin, clearly offended.

“Chanyeol’s mad so whatever you want, we’ll take it here in the hallway or down at the bar.”

“Ahh, but it’s kinda private. My room?” he asked, and Jongin nodded. A big smile on his face.

“I missed you, Lu. Really, I did.”

“Everyone misses me when they’ve met me. Can’t have someone forgetting, huh?”

Jongin smiled. After all, he had gone to the tavern to meet up with Luhan in the first place. It was in the middle of where they lived so it fit perfectly, and it was where they had met for the first time.


Luhan’s room wasn’t very clean, and though he said it was the guy he shared a room with, Jongin didn’t believe him. There were clothes everywhere, and  some, Jongin recognized as Luhan’s. It was both of them that made the mess, not only one. And if it was only one, Jongin would still blame Luhan.

“So, what’s up?” Luhan asked, even though it was him that had brought Jongin there.

“Not much. Getting met up by big intimidating guys, but rather than that, not so much. You?”

“Well, met up with some other friends of mine, or just one, but… And well, found out something I need to tell you.” At the last part, Luhan was suddenly worried. His enthusiasm for meeting Jongin was gone.

Jonging gestured for him to go on, very interested in what Luhan could possibly be so worried about.

“There’s this guy. Good friend of mine actually, but a little weird. He’s the one I’m sharing this room with, and well, he could be a little, I don’t know, desperate of some kind.” Luhan paused. “He’s got this obsession with someone he doesn’t know. He only knows the guy’s name, and when I found out the name of the guy, I couldn’t just say I knew him. But, he’s doing everything to find him, everything, and it’s not so good for him. I kinda hoped you could help me out.” Luhan looked at him, his eyes begging Jongin to say yes.

“That depends.”

“On what?”

Jongin sighed. “On what you want me to do.”

Luhan’s eyes lit up. “That’s easy. Make him fall in love with you or something. Or sleep with him. Just something like that.” Luhan smiled now, happily.

“Correct me if I’m wrong―”

“You’re wrong.” A voice, which Jongin recognized without being able to give it a face, said.

“Sehun, weren’t you supposed to wait for me?” Luhan asked the man that had stepped into the room, whom Jongin found out was the man that had yelled at Chanyeol and him.

“I got bored. Why’s he here? Are you friends with him and his noisy friend?”

Luhan sighed. “Yeah, Sehun this is Jongin. That other guy is Chanyeol. You get used to him being much,” Luhan explained.

“Lu, I don’t think it’s that smart,” Jongin told Luhan. Nonetheless, his eyes were fixed on the male in front of him. How his brown eyes, still a little tired, had lost much of the purple color of the bags under his eyes. How his clothes were different from when they had met, now with a few actual wrinkles.

“It’ll be fine. You can do it,” Luhan waved it away. Jongin knew Luhan noticed how fixed Jongin were on Sehun, the gorgeous man in front of him. He could most certainly see how Jongin stared at the male in awe. And no matter how much Jongin wanted to take his eyes away, he couldn’t, there wasn’t anything he could do about it.

“What is it that he can’t do?” Sehun asked, tilting his head and studying Jongin.

Jongin shrugged. “I’m still a little confused,” he admitted.

Luhan hit the back of Jongin’s head. “No, he’s not. He knows what to do, and he’ll do it, too.” Jongin shook as Luhan’s cold breath hit his neck. This wasn’t exactly how he had thought it would be to see Luhan again.


눈 덮인 일

세혼 ∣ SEHUN

Sehun pulled out a chair by the bar. He didn’t know if he could wait for Luhan to come down before he began eating. He figured out quite soon he couldn’t.

“One… something breakfast-y.” He gestured for the man behind, whom was another from the day before, to give him something. The man looked at him weirdly, his ice blue eyes trying to stare him down. “Just gimme some food, will ya?”

The man handed him some food. It was a plate filled with some greenish gough. Sehun picked in it with his fork. The consistency reminded him of jelly, and the color kept reminding him of puke. He was on the verge of vomiting.

“What the hell is this?”

“I don’t know. Maybe the breakfast menu?” the man asked sarcastically. He rolled his eyes, making the anger boil within Sehun.

“You think this is so great, then eat it yourself. I say no thanks.” He pushed the plate towards the man, but it had more force than he wanted it to. As it slipped of the counter, and smashed behind it, the male looked at Sehun. His eyes were now full of anger.

“You did it. You clean up,” the man said. He gave Sehun the lamest threatening look he had ever seen. Sehun rolled his eyes, and sighed at the man’s dumbness.

“Don’t think so. You can do it. I don’t want to,” Sehun smiled, a fake smiled that caused the male to snap at him. He lunged forward at Sehun, who jumped back right in time. “Missed.”

The man jumped over the counter, graciously. He leaped for Sehun, who, again, got away by a single step to the side. Sehun smiled. However, it seemed to agitate the man further. And this time, no matter what Sehun did, the man caught him. Sehun lay on the ground. Pain shooting through his head. Now he wasn’t pleased either.

You don’t know who you’re messing with,” Sehun whispered, his eyes stared at the man with fury. Around them, everyone routed for the other man, and booed at Sehun, which made him even more annoyed. For years everyone thought he was a loser, a weak one at that too. He was stronger than he looked like. Faster than he looked like. No one believed that.

The man above him made the wrong move. He punched down where Sehun’s face was supposed to be. A painful scream caught his ears. He charged, pulling the bigger, heavier man with him, making him be on the top. It caught the man of guard, not for a long time, but long enough for Sehun to strike the right place, the private one, leaving the man in tears on the floor.

Sehun got to his feet. “Told you,” he said, and everyone heard it. And everyone stared at him in fear, even if he didn’t see them, he felt their eyes. They scanned him for scratches, for anything that may tell he had just been in a fight, but there wasn’t a single wound on Sehun’s body.

He turned around, pushed past everyone that stood in his way. On the way up, he tried steadying his breath.





Luhan couldn’t, in any way, know he had just been in a fight. Especially since it was with the bartender.


Outside of his room, Sehun could hear the voices that talked inside. It was Luhan, and someone else he couldn’t recall he knew. He hadn’t heard it all, but he had heard enough. Something about falling in love, and banging. Whoever it was, he had to be handsome, and a good friend of Luhan, as the chinese wouldn’t ask that if they hadn’t known each other for quite a while.

“Correct me if I’m wrong―”

“You’re wrong.” Sehun opened the door to the room, answering the other person before he had started to say anything. His eyes landed at once at the man in the other chair, the man Luhan had been talking with, and that he had complained to when he couldn’t sleep.

“Sehun, weren’t you supposed to wait for me?” Luhan asked, but Sehun wasn’t interested in Luhan. The male in front of him, was way more exciting.

“I got bored. Why’s he here? You friends with him and his noisy friend?” Sehun asked. His eyes didn’t leave the man’s body. The night before, having been too tired, he hadn’t noticed how nice his shirt sat on him. Studying the man now, Sehun saw how handsome he was. Toned muscles, stunning dark dark brown eyes, beautiful tan skin… He was in lack of words for how angel like this man was.

“Yeah. Sehun this is Jongin…” Sehun heard Luhan mumble something else, possibly about Jongin’s friend. But he didn’t care. He did everything he could to act indifferent.

“Lu, I don’t think it’s that smart,” Jongin said, but his eyes were locked on Sehun. He could feel them tracing his every line.

“It’ll be okay. You can do it,” Luhan replied Jongin.

“What is it that he can’t do?” Sehun asked. He tilted his head to get a better study of Jongin. To see every detail. Like how his eyes looked at Sehun, dancing over him. Or, how his mouth, that Sehun already wanted to know how tasted, was just a little bit open. Or, simply how his hair clearly hadn’t been groomed.

The man shrugged. “I am still a little confused,” he admitted, and a small smile formed on Sehun’s lips.

“No, he’s not.” Luhan hit the back of the male’s head. “He knows what to do, and he’ll do it, too.” Luhan grinned. Maybe a little too pleased with himself.

Sehun smiled back at his best friend. Not only because he loves seeing him smile, but also for introducing him to Jongin, definitely one of the most handsome men he had ever met.


Three hours later, after Sehun had calmed down enough to not want to smash someone’s head against the wall, the door to Luhan and his room opened. He was expecting Luhan to barge in and drag him out of bed, but it wasn’t Luhan that came inside.

Sehun didn’t look up at the man, however, just by the man’s legs, Sehun could see who it was. Jongin moved longer inside the room, towards Luhan’s things. He moved gracefully, making it hard for Sehun to look away long enough to do what he wanted.

“What are you looking for?” Sehun asked curiously.

Jongin didn’t look up as he answered. “Lu told me to get his wallet. He’d forgotten it.”

Sehun smirked, a chuckle slipping from his lips. Quietly, he got out of the bed and moved to the door. He looked at Jongin’s back, that was also toned with muscles. It took every strength in Sehun not to rip it off right there and then.


The door locked, and Sehun slipped the key in his pocket.

“What was that?” Jongin turned around and glanced at Sehun, his face pure confusion. Sehun shrugged at his question.

“You want me to help you look?” he asked, a small smile playing on lips.

“That would be great.”


They didn’t search for long before Sehun spoke. “He tricked you.” Jongin sighed, clearly he knew it would happen eventually.

“Why would he trick me? I can easily get out of here.” Jongin pursed his lips, and the puppy look that crept on his face, made Sehun whine soundlessly. He craved the male in front of him. He wanted to know what the man’s lips tasted like. How his skin was against his own. How their body fit perfectly against each other. He needed Jongin, and he needed him right away.

“Maybe he took the key my key, and locked it from the outside?” Sehun questioned. Luhan knew him all too well. He knew Sehun would fall for Jongin’s looks. He knew Sehun would end up doing exactly what he was doing now.

“Why would he do that?” asked Jongin, and sighed in frustration.

“I don’t know, but what’d you say we make the most of it?” Sehun his lips, then bit his lower. He could feel himself harden just by being in the same room as Jongin. It had been a long time since he’d felt that way, but he couldn’t say he didn’t enjoy it. In fact, he would admitted out loud how much he wanted to feel Jongin inside him. Or himself inside Jongin. It only mattered that he would be able to do either one of those things.

“In what way? I’m not sure wh―”

Sehun attached his lips to Jongin’s. He moved their bodies closer to each other, made Jongin know how hard he was. As his eyes were closed, Sehun couldn’t see the reaction on Jongin’s face, but he knew the man  had to be startled.

Then, Jongin kissed back. Sehun nipped at Jongin’s lip, and he opened up, letting Sehun explore his mouth. For a long time, they stood there. Lips concealed, and the world gone. Sehun had never felt so alive before.

Jongin pulled out of the kiss, startling Sehun. He had been too deep.

You . Only bang him. No romance, okay? You got that? His brain screamed at him. He hated his brain sometimes, but he couldn’t fall for anyone. Not with his line of business.

It had happened once, and once was more than enough. It hadn’t ended well, and he had gotten the better outcome.

“I can’t do this.” Jongin looked at Sehun in awe. Sehun inhaled, and exhaled.

“Why?” Sehun asked. Curiosity got the better of him. “The kissing part, or what it would lead to?


It hit Sehun right where he hoped it wouldn’t. No, this wasn’t happening. Control. “Why?”

Jongin just stared at him. He didn’t answer, but he didn’t need to either. Sehun knew what he would say. Or he thought he knew.

“Luhan told me to make you fall in love with me, or bang you. But I can’t do that unless I know I have your full attention. Unless I know that it’s me you want, and not your obsession, as Luhan called it.”

That wasn’t what he had expected.

“Excuse me.” He left Jongin. Opened the door, and ran down to Luhan in anger. Not only had he known Sehun would want Jongin, he also told the guy to sleep with him, and he told about Sehun’s obsession. That had been a secret. He had only told Luhan because he trusted him, not because he would go around and tell about it to strangers. And you could hardly call it an obsession.


눈 덮인 일



Jongin stood there. Completely frozen. He hadn’t expected Sehun to kiss him, much less want to sleep with him. He definitely hadn’t expected Sehun to leave him in the room, speechless and confused. Jongin took a deep breath. He closed his eyes, bit his lip and frowned.

No matter how many times he went over the scenario in his head, nothing made sense. He saw why Sehun got furious when he had told him what Luhan wanted him to do, but… Something didn’t add up. If Sehun was so obsessed with this guy, why would he want Jongin? Why would he have that glint of lust in his eyes when he looked at Jongin?

He needed an explanation. Luhan was probably getting yelled at by Sehun, so his first choice was gone. Then there was Chanyeol, but, no offense, Chanyeol wasn’t the one he wanted advice, or any explanation from. Plus, Chanyeol had no clue what had happened, having slept through it all. Maybe he should ask Luhan when Sehun ca―

The door burst open, an angry Sehun barged into the room. He closed the door and locked it, and this time Jongin saw everything he did. How long had he been standing there for Sehun to already having bursting out his anger at Luhan?


Jongin looked at Sehun quizzically. His head couldn’t grasp reality as everything happened too fast. Sehun looked at him, brown eyes drilling into Jongin’s.

“Bed,” Sehun panted, pointed to the bed. Jongin still wasn’t sure what Sehun wanted, was about to do, but he did as he was told. He glanced at Sehun to check what the male was doing, and he regretted it in an instant. Sehun had taken of his shirt, and was fiddling with his belt. Jongin his lips at the sight of Sehun’s bare chest.

“Like what you see?”

Jongin nodded.

Sehun smirked. He threw his belt in the pile of clothes that was already there. He moved towards Jongin, who was panting and trying everything in his power to get his gaze away from the man in front of him.

“Shirt off,” Sehun commanded, and Jongin nearly ripped his (only) shirt off. “That’s more like it.” Sehun bit his lips, getting a quiet moan from Jongin already. Sehun moved on top of Jongin, one leg on each side.

He bent down, and traced Jongin’s muscles with his tongue. He moved up, and Jongin bit his lip not to moan. Sehun already knew how much Jongin liked it, he didn’t need to satisfy the man on top of him even more, not yet.

When Sehun’s tongue reached Jongin’s neck, he couldn’t hold it in any longer. He let it out as Sehun nipped and at his shoulder. He squinted where he lay, and usually, he’d topped, but this time, he would let the other do the job, as it was just as delightful.


눈 덮인 일


세혼 ∣ SEHUN

For the next week they were stuck in that tavern. It had stopped snowing, and Sehun kept waiting for the snow to melt. And, even though he had slept with Jongin, Sehun had made Luhan change rooms. They still hadn’t talked again since that day. Jongin kept prying at him to tell, as he now shared a room with Sehun, but he hadn’t told the male anything. Sehun kept his secret to himself, however, whenever they had a round, Sehun nearly slipped the name.

But there was another thing that kept him from saying the name outloud. Luhan knew who it was, that much Sehun had figured, but Sehun had a feeling he had already met the guy. And, as Jongin took most of the space in his brain, his obsession was starting to fade away. He hoped it would too, as he liked Jongin more than that guy.

“You coming?” Jongin asked from the doorway. Sehun shook himself out of his thoughts.

“Yeah,” he said, and got a weird stare from the man waiting for him.

“Chanyeol will be eating with us,” Jongin said, and Sehun raised a brow. “He wanted to. According to him, he’s sick of Luhan and Luhan is sick of him.”

Sehun nodded, as if it was the most clear thing in the world. He shrugged.


The little tavern was full of people chatting, every single one of them grumpy. Sehun had only got out of his room to eat, and even then there weren’t this many people there. Jongin led the way through the crowd of people. Sehun felt eyes on him, and as it had been a week since his fight, he had a feeling they stared at him because of something else.  

They made it to a table in one of the corners. Sehun still felt as if everyone watched him, like they thought he was about to do something. And it was first then he noticed how quiet it had become. There were no longer anyone chatting around. He was surrounded by silence.

A familiar voice broke the silence. “Mr. Oh. Long time no see, huh?” The voice sent chills down Sehun’s spine. It was deep and dark, and even if Sehun didn’t see the person it belonged to, his mind had the perfect picture.

“I wish it would have been longer,” Sehun replied. He gritted his teeth, and prepared for the worst.

He felt someone take his hand, and looking to his side, Jongin smiled at him reassuringly. Sehun sighed. No one, except him, knew what was happening.

“Ahh, the love,” the voice said. Sehun closed his eyes. He told himself not to say anything. Not to trigger by the man’s words. “You still have a lovely face, Sehunnie.” Thin, cold fingers brush against his jawline. Sehun opened his eyes. He locked gazes with the male. Piercing his own eyes into this man’s brown ones. All his anger showed, he knew it. His hand tightened around Jongin’s.

“Where is he?”

“Right to the point now, huh?” The lanky man moved away from Sehun. He sat down in one of two chairs that were around the table. “Actually…” He crossed his legs and smiled at Sehun. It was like the smile was mocking him, like it said, I have something planned, but there’s no way I’ll tell you.

“What?!” Rage boiled within Sehun. It stared from the inside, made his blood warmer. His free hand where in a fist at his side.

“I don’t know where he is.” The male yawned. Sehun saw red. Not red as in the normal color, but blood red. The way you can’t think of anything else than see the blood flow out of the person in front of you.

“I don’t believe you.”

“Smart choice, because I do know. I just don’t know if I’ll tell you.”

Sehun’s nostrils flared. He gritted his teeth. He looked at him. It wouldn’t take him much to run and kill the man, but he held himself in place.

“Tell me, Wu.”

“Am I sensing a threat?” The fake surprise in his voice made the fury creep through every cell of his body. “Well, I’ll tell you then.”


“He’s… How do I say it?” The man gestured with his hand, they way you do when you know the meaning, but cannot, in any way, remember the exact word. “Dead.”

Sehun charged. He let go of Jongin’s hand and threw himself at the male in front of him. Even with the surprise attack, he wasn’t good enough.






Sehun felt numb. His whole body ached. He could barely keep his eyes open. Everything had lost focus. He looked up at Yifan, or Kris as he would rather be called. The man stared at him, pitifully.

Remember who you’re fighting against.


눈 덮인 일



Jongin waited hours before Sehun woke up, and in the meantime, asked Luhan every sort of question he could come up with. About Sehun. About that man, Yifan. About the man Sehun spoke about, and most definitely, what Sehun actually did.

From the answers he got (Luhan didn’t want to answer some things, saying it was Sehun’s job), Jongin found out quite a lot. Yifan, had been a friend of Luhan, Luhan being the one that introduced the two. Something, Luhan didn’t know what, had happened, making him angry at Sehun. In the end, they couldn’t stand each other.

He also gave Jongin the name of Sehun’s mystery guy (not his obsession, but whoever Yifan had kidnapped, or what he’d done). The guys name was Tao, or full name, Huang Zitao. Apparently, every guy Sehun knew, (except Jongin and Chanyeol) were chinese.

A sound from the bed Sehun lay on, startled the two men chatting. According to the doctor that had been in the tavern (they had asked how long it would take before Sehun woke up), Sehun would sleep for almost a week. He’d only slept for about four days.

Jongin was fast on his feet to Sehun’s bed, and to his disappointment, his ‘boyfriend’ wasn’t more awake now than before.


Days went by, yet nothing happened. Doctor Zhang kept saying he would wake up eventually. Jongin had lost all hope. He slept through most of the day. Didn’t eat. Didn’t drink. He became skinnier and skinnier, until you could see his ribs.

“You have to eat,” Luhan said, trying everything to force the spoon into Jongin’s mouth.

“I don’t want to.”

“You have to. You won’t die on my watch,” Chanyeol’s deep voice rung.

Jongin turned around in the bed so that his back faced his friends. A tear made its way down his cheek.


“Where am I?”

Jongin turned around to find Sehun awake. His eyes lit up at the sight, and he ran over as fast as he could. It had been nearly three weeks.

“Wh-Who are you?”

Jongin stared. His whole body shook.

“Where’s Tao?”

Sehun got to know Jongin once again, but this time, nothing happened between them. The man Jongin fell in love with, was in love with another man. Sehun couldn’t recall anything that had happened since he lost Tao. He never remembered his love for Jongin either, nor his obsession with Kim Kai.

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