This is reminiscing

it started with nudes (don't let it end)

Jennie thought a little before she typed her reply. She was busy. There was no way she would go on a date with Jongin. Besides she already had a date with Jisoo, right? It was probably no date but Jennie is convinced once they are finally a thing and look back at it they will consider it one, so it might not hurt to use it as an excuse to tell Jongin.


Jensetter [20:50]

No can do

I already have a date tomorrow


Jongin oppa [20:50]



Jensetter [20:50]

We. Are. Not. A. Couple.


Jongin oppa [20:51]

We are


Jensetter [20:52]

Only in the public eye

Why are you so annoying about it anyway?

You don't like me


Jongin oppa [20:52]

I do like you


Jensetter [20:52]

No you don't

It's not me you like


Jongin oppa [20:53]

I'm not gay Jennie


Jensetter [20:53]

Didn't say you were... 😜


Jongin oppa [20:55]

Whatever, I don't like him

I'm straight, I like you

I don't have the taste of lesbians

I have the taste of straight males


Jensetter [20:56]

Whatever you are dreaming of keep dreaming about it really


Jongin oppa [20:56]

Date tomorrow


Jensetter [20:56]

How about no?


Jongin oppa [20:57]

Pick you up at 11?


Jensetter [20:57]



Jongin oppa [20:57]

See you tmrw


Jensetter [20:58]



Jongin oppa [20:58]

With me


Jensetter [20:58]

Without you

You are not invited

Don't you dare show up


Jongin oppa [20:59]

Why can't you give me a chance?


Jensetter [21:00]


Jongin oppa [21:02]

You have never been with a guy how can you know you are?


Jensetter [21:02]

You have never been with a guy how can you know you aren't?


Jongin oppa [21:03]

Cause I'm straight


Jensetter [21:03]

And I'm not

Accept it


Jongin oppa [21:04]

I can't give up on you Kim Jennie


Jensetter [21:06]

Yes you can


Jongin oppa [21:07]

I accept defeat but not givin up


Jensetter [21:07]

You should


Jongin oppa [21:09]

Be careful no one sees you on your dAtE

Who are you going with anyway?



Jensetter [21:10]

My future wife


Jongin oppa [21:10]



*Jensetter is offline*


The annoyed girl closed her phone and went to bed, impatient for tomorrow to come. She has no idea where to take Jisoo but Jisoo said places that she has a connection with would be really helpful, so that's what she plans to do.




The sun shone through the window. A small ray shone through the window and landed on Jennie's face, waking her effectively up. Jennie has a short sleep. Usually she doesn't sleep for more than six hours. She rubbed her eyes, trying to adjust to the early morning and made her way downstairs. To her surprise Jisoo was already sitting waiting for her.

"You are up early." Jisoo gave her a warm smile. "Good morning."

"Now it is." Jennie grinned, making Jisoo blush slightly. "Wanna eat and then head out?"

Jisoo nodded, so the two ate breakfast before they headed out.

Jennie made sure to wear a face mask, glasses and beanie. Jisoo settled with a summer dress. It was a beautiful weather, after all. The sky was partly cloudy but the sun is really bright and warm.

"Where are we going?" Jisoo asked curiously, turning her face to the girl who walked next to her.

Jennie was smiling under the mask. "Let's just walk through the park first."

The crisp cool air brushed against their skin and rustled the green leaves at the same time.

The park is not huge. It's also nothing special. Jisoo wondered what it meant to Jennie.

Soon Jennie sat on a bench and Jisoo followed. In the area in front of them people were playing with their dogs. Their cheerful voices mingled in the air.

"It's nothing special, you probably think." Jennie noted.

Jisoo felt a little flustered. "No–"

"It is nothing special but I like feeling the air hit me when I walk and blow against me as I sit. I enjoy the silence. It's a fresh breeze and nice change from my world. Usually everything is loud around me, the world moves so fast. Sometimes too fast for me to chase, hence when I feel overwhelmed I come here."

"You like silence?" Jisoo questioned. She already figured Jennie was shy underneath but Jisoo was still a loud and cheerful person. She could tone it down if Jennie enjoyed it. She wouldn't mind sitting in silence with her.

"I do," Jennie leaned slightly closer to Jisoo, making their shoulders brush against each other. The action confused Jisoo but she didn't have anything against it. "Because I'm so sick of forced conversations I have to make on daily basis."

She leaned even closer to Jisoo, then turned her face to her. The smile under Jennie's mask was visible to Jisoo this time as they were only inces apart.

"That's why you don't have to worry about that applying to you. I don't think our conversations are forced." She smiled. "It feels oddly natural."

Jisoo's cheeks turned rosy but she returned the smile. "If you do need silence and space though, tell me."

Jennie nodded before leaning her head on Jisoo's shoulder. Jisoo should feel flustered, embarrassed and startled, considering who the person leaning comfortably against her is but rather than feeling embarrassed Jisoo felt comfortable. She leaned her head against Jennie's as she let the warmth of Jennie's cheeks overcome her. She really really loved those fluffy cheeks and couldn't say it enough. Was it appropriate to pinch them? Jisoo chose not to. It might annoy her. She didn't want to be fired.

The raven haired girl enjoyed the awkward silence with the younger girl. After a few minutes they kept walking they reached a bridge.

"This is where I found my dog Kai." Jennie told her looking at underneath the bridge. "He was abandoned and starved in a cardboard. There were more dogs, maybe his family. They were already dead but he had no idea and kept cuddling with them." She said sadly. "I was about eight years old when I found him. My parents had a fight, that's why I strolled around at night. No one noticed I was gone. No one cared if I was there in the first place. I heard Kai's small barks. He reacted to my foot steps and acknowledged my existence, so I did this the same for him. He made me feel less lonely, warmer and was my only friend at that time."

"Didn't you go to school?" Jisoo asked. "Everyone would fight to be friends with someone like you."

Jennie chuckled. "It was the opposite. Everyone hated me. They said my parents ruined their families' lives and took out their anger on me."


"Yup and one thing I've learned: The water supply to the toilets in our school was drinking water." Jennie stated. "It depends on toilets and is safe to drink."

Jisoo cringed. She took a look at Jennie's face to find any trace of silliness but she was completely serious. "Jennie..."

"You don't have to feel bad. It's the reason I could escape this country. I vomited afterwards, the teachers then became attentive of what everyone did to me. The teachers didn't want me to make their work place even more disgusting than it was, thus they told my parents about it. Of course they didn't care but my teachers kept plastering them about me. My parents ultimately decided to send me off to New Zealand because they wanted me to achieve a higher education overseas and shut my school up."

"That's good right?" Jisoo asked carefully. She tried to talk less and focus all her attention on Jennie.

"It was, the only hard part was leaving Kai behind. No one knew who I was over there. I even changed my name. They called me Ruby Jane." Jennie smiled slightly. "Although I went through a hard time of depression when my parents told me I can't come back to Korea but have to become a lawyer in the US."

Jisoo nodded understandingly. Already being aware of this part of her life.

"I already told you about what happened afterwards but did I tell you that I told my mother after my father went mad?" Jennie's face turned darker.

Jisoo kept quiet, signalling Jennie to keep going.

"She took care of Kai while I was gone or at least made her servants take care of him. I told her the same I told my father, hoping she would be more understanding but the moment I did she cut the call. I guess that was her way of showing me she also no longer wants anything to do with me. I went there to get Kai but her servants told me he was run over by a car when my mother walked with him." Jennie spit bitterly. "I could visually imagine how she didn't pay any attention to him as she was on her phone, speaking with business partners."

"I'm so sorry Jennie..." Jisoo muttered sadly.

"You have no reason to be." Jennie started walking again. "In some way it gave me a thick skin. Doubting more people and not making the mistake of misplacing my trust again. They say I'm cold but I just don't give my smiles to people who don't mean anything to me. They never gave me theirs either."

Jisoo rubbed her head. Jennie smiled easily at her. She was so soft and easy to get along with. If they tried giving her a chance before making an opinion about her they would adore her as much as she did.

Then Jisoo thought about her words. "But you smile easily at me...?"

"Exactly." Jennie's mouth tugged into a gummy smile. Jisoo could tell because one of her eyes became smaller than the other one. She noted that's what happens when Jennie smiles genuinely brightly.

"......" Jisoo blushed furiously. She meant something to the brunette?

"Now your turn." Jennie's hand brushed against Jisoo's as they walked. "Tell me about yourself."

Right. Jisoo remembered saying she would tell her stuff about her in return before.

"Well, I already told you some stuff about me on our first day... what else is there to say? I love reading, I love writing, I love winter and the color purple. I have a kind family and weird, yet lovely friends."

"...Are we friends?" Jennie asked nervously. Their hands keep brushing against one another.

Jisoo turned her face to Jennie and smiled. "I guess? If you wanna be my friend, that is."

"Yes!" Jennie said almost too excited but she wasn't one to hide her excitement around this girl. Jisoo could easily destroy her walls. "I would love to be!"

"Great." Jisoo said and noticed a warm feeling in her hand. Jennie slowly made her way to her hand and interlaced their fingers steadily.

Again Jisoo didn't mind. Friends hold hands.

"You know I can't show you my liberal and wild childhood memories because they all happened in New Zealand– Wait... I actually can do that...! Do you want to go with me to New Zealand?" Jennie asked like she got a sudden flash of insight.

Jisoo's eyes widened. "Seriously?"

"Seriously." Jennie declared with determination.

"Like right now?" Jisoo asked in disbelief. It's been awhile since she travelled anywhere. Going to Jennie in Seoul already felt like much but New Zealand is on another level.

"Right now." Jennie said more and more cheerful.

"Um... okay??"

Jennie held Jisoo's sweaty hand tighter and flashed her another gummy smile.

"New Zealand it is!"

"Wohoo!" Jisoo cheered, letting Jennie swing their hands around.

'You are crazy.' Jisoo thought, chuckling at the adorable girl. Her cheeks puffed up when she skipped happily around with Jisoo in her hold.

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1120 streak #1
Oh congrats on being featured authy
565 streak #2
Oh featured!
2072 streak #3
Congrats on the feature!
reveluv316 805 streak #4
cant wait to start reading
idkwhattoputheree #5
Chapter 27: love this!
reveluv316 805 streak #6
congrats on the feature
2072 streak #7
Congrats on the feature!
1104 streak #8
Congrats on the feature!
theoriginalhigh19 #9
Chapter 21: this is literally comedy gold with the right amount of uwu and awesomeness too. IM HAVING THE TIME OF MY LIFE READING THIS LMAO
mikaiori #10
I'll reread this in the future. I love it, thanks authornim! 🤍