The Finale



*Annyeong! I'm really sorry for not updating this oneshot xD I was busy thinking on how to end this :> So I finally got the idea on how to end this, so I hope you guys like it! ^^


My eyes fluttered open, only to see Woohyun Oppa's face really close to mine with his index finger touching my nose. I looked at him with my eyes widen. I pushed him away and looked at him shocked.

"What were you idiot doing to my nose?" I suspiciously asked while pointing my finger at him. I will really tattle tell him to Sunggyu Oppa. He will be so dead when Sunggyu Oppa knows about this. He has never did this before. . only when he has something stupid or evil on his mind.

"I saw a fly so I was going to poke it but it flew away, so that's why my finger is touching your nose!" He said his excuse. I looked at him, used with his excuses. He started wailing his hands, pulling Myungsoo Oppa and Baekhyun by the hem of their shirt.

"Tell her what happened!" He exclaimed while I looked at the two, face-palming themselves. I shook my head and rubbed my temple. Oh this ride is going to be a long way. I looked at the three, quarreling with each other like little children. I closed my eyes again, wishing that this ride will be over soon.

>>Fast Forward<<

I hurriedly went out of the jet, running towards the exit. I left the three, bringing my luggage with me. I hurriedly pulled out my phone, dialing Daeyeol Oppa's phone number. I walked and walked towards the arrival exit.

"Hellloooo~?" Daeyeol Oppa chimed through the phone. I chuckled while getting all excited to attack Daeyeol Oppa with a big hug. It has been years. I have been busy with school. And this year will be my last year in Seoul. I'll be having my college in Jeju, I think? It depends on where my Oppa's are going.

"Oppa~ I already arrived." I said while smiling to myself. I got to the excite and searched for my tall Oppa. I looked around, until I saw a bunch of playful, noisy boys caught my attention. I chuckled as I could see Gyugyu Oppa scolding Woo Oppa, Jong Oppa and Yeol Oppa. I could see that Jong Oppa hasn't changed a bit. Still the guy that gets angry behind Gyu Oppa's back.

"Jinjja? Where are you?-- HYUNGS! I'M TALKING TO ~~~~, SO KEEP QUIET!" Daeyeol Oppa exclaimed from the other line, making me pull my phone away from my ears. I ended the call and went straight to them. They were having a little bit of argument.

I tapped Sunggyu Oppa's shoulder but received a 'shoo' hand movement. I went to Dongwoo Oppa, I still received the same response. I went to Sungyeol Oppa, Daeyeol Oppa, Hoya Oppa and Sungjong Oppa, I still received the same response. I got irritated. Invisible smoke went coming out from my ears, making my face turn red.

"YAAAAAAHHH!" I shouted, making them stop and look at me. Their eyes widen, some of them were in agape. I placed a hand on my hips, raising a brow at them. Finally, Daeyeol Oppa and Sunggyu Oppa were back to their senses. Sunggyu Oppa attacked me with a bear hug, while Daeyeol Oppa followed, then the two were followed by the others.

"O-Oppas! I. Can't. Breathe!" I said, a little bit louder for them to hear me. They 'Oh'-ed and broke the hug. They smiled at me sheepishly while rubbing the back of their head. I was going to say something when I heard Woohyun Oppa screaming in joy. We all turned our heads towards him, seeing him being ignored by Baekhyun and Myungsoo Oppa.

Woohyun Oppa ran towards his hyungs but was pushed away by them. Instead of them hugging him, they hugged Myungsoo Oppa and Baekhyun Oppa. Woohyun Oppa looked at them with his face looking all shocked. He turns to me with a sad pout.

"Fine! Be that way, AT LEAST I have ~~~~, right?" He asked while looking at me with a hopeful look in his greasy face. I shuddered by the look on his face and acted like I was going to puke any minute. He looks at me with a '=______=' look and turned his back at me.

"FINE! Leave me lonely. I'll find someone that will love me!" When Woohyun said that, a lot of girls went squealing and spazzing which made the colors on my face get drained up. This old hag still have fangirls? It would be such an icky thing to know.

A pair of arm went placing themselves on my shoulder. I looked at the owner of the arm and rolled my eyes and went leaning my left shoulder on their chest. I just sighed and looked at the person.

"Oppa. . ." I whispered while looking at his eyes. He looked at me back with a questioning look and asked me, "What is it?".

"I missed you." I said while smiling at Sunggyu Oppa. He chuckled and ruffled my hair. He then pinched my cheek and said, "Aigoo, I missed you too. Especially when we keep on acting like a couple." I chuckled and nodded my head.

Sunggyu Oppa and I were always close to each other. Nobody could separate us before. We always act like a couple. Without feelings for each other! We would feed each other and other couple would do.

"Yah! You just arrived and now you will be doing couple things with him?" Sungyeol Oppa asked me while looking the both of us. Sunggyu Oppa and I just laughed it off. We didn't know that someone was watching us with anger in their eyes.

We went out of the airport, Sungyeol Oppa bringing my luggage while the others were talking with each other. While Sunggyu Oppa and I, we are holding hands. . . for fun! We talked about stuff, life and etc.

We got inside the car. I sat on the shot gun while Sunggyu Oppa was on the drivers seat. We all were already ready to go home, so Sunggyu Oppa started the engine and drove off. I looked at the rear mirror and saw that Baekhyun looked like he was not in the mood. A dark aura coming out from him.

I just shrug it off. I talked to Sunggyu Oppa while he is driving. He is still the same, the hamster I knew before. Haha, Hamster. He looks like a hamster with chubby cheeks. His eyes are really small.

"Oppa, how's your love life?" I asked while looking at him, anticipating his answer. I noticed that everyone in the car went silent, waiting for Sunggyu Oppa's answer.

"I'm. . . actually waiting for someone to graduate from her high school." He said while looking all nervous. We started thinking if who that lucky girl is. I tapped my lower lip while thinking. A girl graduating? Hmm....

"~~~~?" Hoya Oppa asked which made all of us look at him, except for Sunggyu Oppa. Sunggyu Oppa looks pale. What's wrong with him?

"A-aniya." He stuttered while pressing on the gas. We all grew silent and went thinking again. Awkward silence filled the air. Well, I somehow thought of making it not awkward anymore. I started humming their song 'Can You Smile?'. I started singing while doing the beats. Everyone looked at me and I just smiled at them in the rear mirror.

Woohyun Oppa then joined me singing along with the others. We started singing the song with happy smiles on our faces, except for one person. Sunggyu Oppa. We laughed until we reached home.

Days passed, Sunggyu Oppa and I kept doing couple things, only earning groans from the others. I would always catch Baekhyun staring at me at times. Something is pretty off.

Here I am, sitting at the wooden swing at our back yard. I looked at the view that is in front of me. It was the water in the ocean. Moving gracefully. I moved the swing a little bit and enjoyed the breeze.

I felt a presence beside me which made me look up to that person. It was Myungsoo Oppa. There is something wrong here. I could sense it.

"Gwaenchana Oppa?" I asked while looking at him. He just looked straight at the ocean. I could see his chest going up and down steadily.

"Would you be shocked when I said that I love you?" He asked out of the blue. I stopped swinging and my eyes widen. I could feel that everything just stopped.

"W-what?" I stammered. I couldn't believe on what he just said. I need to hear it again or maybe I just heard it by mistake. If you guys heard the guy that you used to love before saying this words, wouldn't you guys be yearning to hear it again to make sure if you heard it correctly?

"I said I Love You." He said while looking back at me. I jumped on my place while looking at him. I heard it correctly. My heart started to beat nervously, my hands started to sweat, my stomach feeling weird like there is this knot.

"U-uh. . ." I lost my words. "Do you feel the same with me?" He asked. I looked at him then back to the ground. My heart only beats for someone. . and that someone is Byun Baekhyun. Why would I not love him? He still hasn't left his place on my heart. He has been on my mind for this past days.

"I'm sorry. . but you're too late. I loved you before but you just threw my love for you away. I realized that. . . I never loved you. It was just a puppy love." I said while looking at him. Seeing his hurt expression. I stood up and left him.

"So is this the feeling of being rejected, huh?" He asked, making me stop my tracks. Memories of him rejecting me went flashing back on my mind.

"Oppa! Happy Valentines Day. . . Here's something for you. . Please do read it." A thirteen years old me said while handing fourteen years old Myungsoo an envelope, containing my confession for him. He just nodded his head and walked away.

- -

"I'm sorry but I don't love you nor like you as a woman or lady. But I just like you as a sister, sorry." And with that he left while throwing the piece of paper at me. I wrote all of my feelings all night and this is what I get. I stared at the piece of paper until I felt a drop of water falling on my head. I dropped on my own knees, not minding whether my skirt nor socks get dirtied.

I cried and cried. My heart aching in pain, rejection and anger. I'm an. . . idiot for loving him.

"Good. Now you know how I felt when you rejected me." I said while walking away from him. I went upstairs since I noticed that the Oppas aren't around. I went inside my room and closed the door. I was going to take another step until I was slammed on the wall.

I groaned in pain as the impact was really hard. I looked at the culprit of banging me on the wall. My eyes widen. My heart started beating really hard, my stomach having his butterflies. It was Baekhyun. He looked different. His eyes hungered for attention and. . . love?

"What do you want?!" I barked, pushing my feelings away in this situation. He brought his face closer to mine and I could feel his breath glossing itself on my skin. I looked at his eyes. His eyes showed pain and sadness.

"What do I want? I want to confess to the girl that I love!" He exclaimed while making me freeze on my spot. I looked at him, tears forming on the corner of my eyes. My heart shattering from the words he just said.

"THEN WHY DON'T YOU?!" I shouted while tears started falling down. I want to end this already. I don't want to feel heartbroken for the second time already. If this end, I would rather go out with Sunggyu Oppa. He is the only one who loves and cares for me. Along with the other Oppas. They never want me to be hurt or anything.

Baekhyun looked straight to my eyes, he huffed and huffed. "I LOVE YOU! THERE I SAID IT!" He shouted while looking into my eyes. I looked at him with tears falling down from my eyes.

I stayed quiet for awhile until Baekhyun got irritated. He crashed his lips onto mine. It was harsh. I whimpered, trying to push him away. He didn't budge or anything. I cried while hitting his chest, making him break the kiss.

I looked at him and said. "So, you just made me all heartbroken?! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THAT YOU LOVE ME?! I WAITED FOR SUCH A LONG TIME, DO YOU KNOW THAT?! I LOVE YOU. . But why didn't you just realize it just now?" I looked at him with more tears falling down on my cheeks one by one. He looked at me, shocked at my sudden confession.

I looked down and cried. My shoulders going up and down. I suddenly felt a pair of arms hugging me. I looked up and saw Baekhyun Oppa crying. "I'm really sorry for making you wait. ." He sobbed. I soften while sighing. I placed my right hand on his cheek and his cheek with my thumb.

He looked at me with those loving eyes which made me love him. I smiled and him and pressed my lips softly onto his. I closed my eyes as I felt that he was responding back. His hands were snaking themselves on my waist.

My arms threw themselves around Baekhyun Oppa's neck. He bit my lower lip, making me part my lips open so that his tongue could enter mine. Our tongues battled with each other. Moans were heard. Good thing the Oppas aren't here. We kissed and kissed until Baekhyun and I stumbled, making the both of us landing on the bed. He was on top of me while I was under him. I pulled him closer, making the kiss deeper.

After 15 minutes, we pulled away as we panted. He laid beside me with his arm around my waist. I looked at him lovingly and said. "I love you." He looked at me and said. "I love you too, Will. . you be honored to be my girlfriend?" He asked while staring straight into my eyes.

"No." I said, making him shocked. I laughed and said. "I would be more honored to be your future wife." I joked while winking at him. He laughed and pulled me closer to him.

"Do you want to do it again?" He asked while I smirked at him. Without answering him anymore. I crashed my lips on his. I parted my lips for his tongue to go inside my again. He shoved his tongue into mine again. Our tongues battled again. The kiss became hotter and hotter.

I went on top of Baekhyun Oppa and continued kissing him. He then snakes his hands inside my shirt but I stopped him while smirking through the kiss. The kiss lasted for 20 good minutes.

I broke the kiss and panted for air. I smiled at Baekhyun Oppa. He smiled back at me and gave me a peck on the lips and said.

"I love you." I smiled at him and hugged him. I finally found the person I truly love.

"I love you too, Oppa." I said while he smiled at me. I pinched his cheeks and laughed when I saw him pouting. Oh, I think I found the man that I would marry someday.

The End~


Annyeong Haseyo!

So, did you guys enjoy reading this oneshot? :3

Aigoo xD

I hope you guys like it! ^^

If you guys want to read more oneshots, here are some of my oneshots xD

-Under The Mistletoe [Complete]

-Lucky. [Complete]

-You're My First and Last. [Complete]

-Love so Divine. {SEQUEL FOR YOU'RE MY FIRST AND LAST} [Complete]

-Baby, Don't Worry. {SEQUEL FOR LOVE SO DIVINE.} [Complete]

-Pororo (뽀로로) [Complete]

-Midnight Wish. [Complete]

-Love is just a Myth, a Legend and a Fairytale. . . or Something. [Complete]

-Oppa! That's my Chocolate ! [Complete]



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xiaooqii #2
Chapter 1: Omg!!!! author-nim... its a great story!!! i love it :) part 2 soon? i cant wait!!!! otteokae???