Why Angst?

Hey guys, 

Please don't feel attacked, hurt or something like that, I just wanted to share my feelings since I read a Story and at the end the main ship didn't get together. I normally don't read angst but there was no angst tag so I didn't even know and it made me sad. 

I'm just asking, why people are writing angst Stories. I swore to myself to never write one since the world we are living in is angsty enough so when I read or watch something I like it to have an happy ending. Drama is good but I just don't get why people in Stories don't get their happiness at the end or someone dies.

Just wanted to share this with you. Hope you have a great day😁✌️


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Oh I get what you mean. I feel the same. I lived through so many ty things that I don't like angst either. I respect authors who write in generell but I think I couldn't write angst, like never.
I'm an angst writer and feels more secure writing angst. I started out writing with a want to portray mental disorders more realistically than what I had read so far (with it being an interest of mine and also because I was struggling myself). I'd found the portrayals rather ... romanticised when I read and I didn't like that. Writing mental disorder usually get pretty angsty. ; - ; Then I switched to crime because I enjoyed reading a lot of crime in my sparetime and so it felt like a natural progression. I honestly even found romance and fluff really hard to write, it felt like I had a million words to describe an angsty scenario and two to describe a fluffy one.
That has changed a little and I like writing fluffy stuff too nowadays. But like you, I honestly also preferred reading fluff and romance. I got too much angst in my life and the world is certainly full of enough bad as it is. Luckily, we get to choose what we would like to read. :D

For me it was the portrayal of something I held a dead interest in and later my love for a specific genre that practically made me write mainly angst.

Though I will say, it feels kind of sad to not tag a story appropriately. I understand if you felt a little misled when they didn't have their happy ending and you weren't expecting that. ; - ;