《愛在記憶中找你》Finding You in Loving Memory


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14 streak #1
Chapter 4: Merry Christmas!

Is this the final chapter? I hope not >< I want Raymond and Linda to be back together again!!!

I'm going to write a tvb FIC soon but I think it may be a bit ridiculous ><
ahmahs #2
Chapter 4: At first, I was a little sad that they didn't reconcile... But after some thinking, I realize this is what fits the title the best! They are connected through the fond memories they made with each other. I guess this is a bittersweet ending; bitter because they weren't together but sweet because their love for each other only grew stronger
14 streak #3
Chapter 3: This is really nice, there are too few tvb fics here! I love Rayda lots and I miss them in dramas together :(
ahmahs #4
Chapter 3: Wanted to read this in the afternoon but I guess reading it now when I can take my time is not a bad option too:) I'm having mixed feelings towards the next chapter being the last! I really want them to meet but ahhh I'm enjoying the story and it's ending... But it's comforting to think that you'll never stop writing hehe
ahmahs #5
Chapter 2: Their meeting was really cute haha, to think how they became lovers from then is really "aww". I can tell Raymond and Linda really love each other and can't wait for them to meet again! On a side note, trying my best to remember the dates haha
ahmahs #6
Chapter 1: Your writing is more than bearable and it isn't ty, don't worry! So much angst in this chapter:( But I can really feel their emotions... Looking forward to seeing how this will progress
ooh I just happened to login today (been ages). and so you did write it! congrats on your fic. I can't tell you how much I'm anticipating the first chapter. Thank you so much for writing for Rayda. I miss them so much. All the best. Right here waiting
ahmahs #8
Can't wait for the first chapter to come up! Quite anticipating it haha. Perhaps it's because the storyline is beautiful and maybe because it's your writing:) I saw the tag "angst".. but I have a feeling it's not going to be that angst haha