Fetched @ 9pm


The famous actor named Kibum reminisced quietly about his memories in school. Teacher and their lessons, classmates with classroom activities, fans and their obsessive stalking abilities. He remembered all of them but the one he missed the most is… “Hanging out with the night shift school security guard.”


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398 streak #1
Chapter 1: yebum! another rare pairing! love it~
Chapter 1: Hahahahahaha how cute! A newbie guard Yeye
Chapter 1: so cute!! my mum used to pick me up late but never more than half an hour ^^
Chapter 1: This reminds me of me. I am also being fetched every day quite late... Except for the fact that there are no guards (or teachers or ghosts) at my school.
Anyway, this was interesting! I liked it :).
yewonlove #5
Aaaaaa~ so cuteeee!! Love it love it love it!!!!!!!
yewonlove #6
Aaaaaa~ so cuteeee!! Love it love it love it!!!!!!!
I love it!! :))
So cute! I wish there were more Kibum/Yesung fics...
memoire- #9
Me likey!!! Yesung be y at the end!!! xD
Liked it! Wow I find myself commenting in all teh stories I have read so far!...That amazing, thi story is so original, me likes it ;)