Give you strength


Fear was his enemy and friend. But one friend was there to help ease that fear.


Yesung and Ryeowook had always been close. Now it's up to Yesung to help his younger friend. 


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1645 streak #1
Chapter 1: I really miss such soft Yewook moments, where Yeye hyung cares so much for Ryeonggu baby. For me, they're just the cutest ❤️ Thank you for writing and sharing this. But first of all a big virtual hug for keeping all your old Yewooks. Most of them are so fluffy and sweet, that they still fit after all the years. It would have been a pity to miss them, because nowadays people rarely write about this shipping. So I'm really happy being able to read it, even after all this years. Thank you ❤️❤️
Chapter 1: Yesung really care about ryeowook ^^
Chapter 1: aww..sweet.. i wish he's ok in the army..i miss him.
Short but quite sweet :D
Chapter 1: Aww this is soo cute! but it reminded me about Wookie going to the army...T-T