Let's Not


Based purely on the song "Let's Not" by Super Junior KRY


Saying that this moment is the last to you whom I loved so much

Even if you try to turn it back
Even if you hold onto me crying
I was the one who said no and bid our farewell

I always act strong
But I’m a cowardly man
Didn’t have the confidence to protect you forever and left

Don’t love someone like me again
Don’t make someone to miss again
One who looks at only you and needs only you
Meet someone who loves you so much
They can’t go a day without you

Hurting, you try to hold me back
But I’m a cowardly man
Who doesn’t have the confidence to give happiness to anyone beside her

Don’t love someone like me again
Don’t make someone to miss again
One who looks at only you and needs only you
Meet someone who loves you so much
They can’t go a day without you

Even if we are ever to regret our breakup
I can’t do anything but give you our farewell

Don’t cry in pain
Counting the time that’s passed
Don’t miss a foolish love that’s already passed
One who looks at only you and needs only you
Meet someone who loves you so much
They can’t go a day without you

I hope that you’ll be happy
Let’s never meet again

This is challenge fic for Super World under My Music Life


Copyright © 2011. nytslyer03 @ AsianFanfics. All Rights Reserved.

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My Stories Belong On; Asianfanfics ONLY


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389 streak #1
Chapter 1: Yesung was the one who let Kyu go, so he has no right to stop the wedding

Tho, this story still hurts my damn heart T^T I want a happy ending story T^T
Liza_Blessedx2 #2
Chapter 1: This is so so sad.....how long will that marriage last when Kyu and Yesung are still in love each other, my heart aches for them both ;( Great story authornim.
Chapter 1: By Kyu smiled brightly when he saw the bride hopefully he is at least some part of him is in love with the girl.. Because it will never work out if he really doesn't even for just a little bit.

Oh my, Kyukyu, Ye walked away because he loves you. He still does. Meh... Anyway
AlyciaC #4
Chapter 1: i'm really sad about this story even if i loved read that !
KcuLL22 #5
Chapter 1: T__T that's heartbreaking :(((((
lahdeedah000 #6
Listening to the song while reading... sniffle.
I'm not usually the biggest fan of , nor do I ever cry. But, you made me tear up a bit.
Why are you making me cry at *looks at clock* 3..AM... ;-; *sniffle* I'm just here on my bed with a small box of tissues and holding a big stuffed bear yelling at my lap top like it's a movie saying " KYUHYUN RUN TO YESUNGG!! FORGET THE GIRL YESUNG LOVES YOU MOREEE!!! RUN AFTER HIM PABO!! YOU KNOW YOU WANT TOO!! YOU STILL LOVE HIM! HE STILL LOVES YOU, YOU PABOOO!!!!" *Bawls eyes out more* Great story though! *sinffle, sniffle*
Lilou_eito #8
Sorry, needed it.<br />
The story is really great, thanks for sharing :D