Our Hearts

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In which Jongwoon realises it was his head he had been following, and not his heart.


Cheeky finale to the hearts trilogy. (True Hearts & Wavering Hearts)

Hi guys,

It has only been two years since I have uploaded a story... I have some legitimate reasons for this (whether they are good that is for you to decide - but I came back right? ;) )

1. I got a boyfriend who buys me things and takes me on nice holidays

2. I started working in London. I had to do 10 hour shifts and then commute 1.5 hours each way. (y) 

3. I went on holiday for 3 weeks to Hong Kong. It was amazing

4. I started writing this, only for my computer to pass away on my yesterday. It was a sad day. Apparently the motherboard has died. I am now computerless for the time being while I wait for the new macbook to come out.

Regardless, I am back. :D

Send me messages to chat :D


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398 streak #1
Chapter 1: Love it, I'm glad it's a happy ending story
Liza_Blessedx2 #2
Chapter 1: Love the ending ....Love will prevail..Love Kyusung <3<3<3
Chapter 1: this whole trilogy was well written ~ really liked it ^^
Chapter 1: I've read all three and I really enjoyed it...Kyusung is one of my favourite pairings and there should exist more fics with them!
Melodyewonkyu #5
Chapter 1: I love it to end like this.
I think you writing new style also cool.

Thank you for still up load KyuSung fic, Be happy with your life.
Chapter 1: I like the change in the writing style.
I also liked everything you've written.
I've been hurt by Kyuhyun's condition but I'm happy knowing that, in the end, he managed to get Yesung back.
Chapter 1: Yaaaaay!!!!!!!
Writing style. No problem! More inside thoughts, less conversation is alright :)
Storywise. Waaah! Definitely rebound. I am sad for Siwon, but it's a good thing I guess that I don't/you don't have Siwon's perspective because I'm pretty sure I will be brokehearted if he is brokenhearted huhuhu WonYe is my second most favorite otp afterall :')
But yeeeees for KyuSung! Hardcore KyuSung shipper heeeere and I am glad for this ending kekeke... At least now they know better? They will be together again but in a, hmmm, more mature I guess way... They'd know how to handle problems better than the first time around. And because they know how miserable they'll be if they aren't together, then they'll work harder with their relationship. Yay! I'm happy. Thanks for this authornim. <3
I can't wait for this! I understand about being busy, but I hope you update it soon. :D
Cenya14 #9
Though the description sis short, Story sounds interesting