Four Seasons Ago

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No matter how overwhelming emotions are, they fade... They get lost. They do not come back anymore.

But for Jongwoon, it was different. His emotions are still in place. He is still stuck at that place where they parted four seasons ago...


Hello~! ^^ 


I am sort of getting myself together. kkkkk. I am quite busy. Work is killing me. 


I am still working on my pending fics. Inspiration where did you go? Come back~~ HAHAHAHA


Enjoy reading ^^


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389 streak #1
Chapter 1: This is so goooooood! DAMN good!

It reminds me of my time when I have my heart broke LOL
Melodyewonkyu #2
Chapter 1: Hi there, Keep fighting for your life, exam and everything.
Thanks to keep going with the fic.
This is really depressing me, Kyu leave Woonie coz his love fade.
I think the explanation love with cloth is also understand, it's really like that.
When we buy a new cloth we really love and wear it often but when the time pass by
we use it once in a while after that we do not use it anymore even it's still in a good condition.
Wow clever writer, It's really really good story.
fatimakys #3
Chapter 1: interesting, i did not get the story line but the main idea is moving on and this is enough for me to understand
fatimakys #4
then hey back ^^
uh it is the same here , the last exam is 2morrow and i just finish studying for it