You? Him? Her? Huh...? Who?


Lu Han, an average mushroom head receives a love letter one day. Who in the school could even like a nerd like him?!


Wouldn't it be great if you could choose who to fall for you?

All by using destiny.

That super talented school president, the hot barista, that famous musician or even that all time favorite celebrity.
They could all be yours truly and yours only.
As long as your love for them prevails others...

You can enter our store at midnight.

Purchase your red string and tie it to their pinkie within 48 hours (regardless who ties it and how it is tied),
thereafter, we wish your life full of blossoming destiny and love with them.

Who will you tie your red string to?


---The RedStringShop---


A/N: This is a more plot driven fanfic than a romantic one (albeit of course there will still be some of these moments, I mean its tagged), so for the first few chapters, there won't be such moments. :3 #justaliteralauthor'snote. ^^


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740 streak #1
Chapter 6: Thank you for updating, I just binge-read all the chapters. I am loving the plot and characters so far, I can’t wait to see what happens next. I hope we get more info on who bought the red string.
Chapter 5: Ohhhhhhh Kai is so straightforward tho. Thanks for the update!! Lots of love! ❤️✨
ahiru23 #3
Chapter 4: Ohmygad
ahiru23 #4
Chapter 3: Awe this exciting he needs to find the buyer of that redstring
swaglord #5
please update soon!
ahiru23 #6
Chapter 2: Wow amazing plot. But who put that envelope in luhan locker