Plastic Beach ft. Red Velvet, Blackpink, & SNSD


DISCLAIMER: If you didn't read "Demon Days" before this, you won't really know what's going on. Plot-wise, that's fine if you don't care, but there was a lot of character development in "Demon Days" that you're missing out on that kinda provides the foundation for this. It's not even me shamelessly promoting my own story, just warning you that this story won't be nearly as enjoyable without reading its predecessor.


A sequel to "Demon Days". Focusing more on Blackpink as the star characters instead of Red Velvet. 

One year since the events of "Demon Days".

This story follows the Gorillaz album "Plastic Beach". Again, if I have trouble fitting all of the content into single chapters, I'll break them up into parts again like I did for "Demon Days". The title itself contains spoilers for the story; yes, Blackpink is in your area once again (:

I want to focus more on the characters now instead of just what's happening around them. So, there'll probably be more relationship-esque stuff and less grand "saving the world" plotlines. This isn't to say that there won't be action this time, because there totally will be, but it'll be on a smaller scale. Also, lending to the theme of the album this will be more sci-fi based instead of fantasy like the last one. 

About to take down chapters 13, 14, and 15 in order to begin reworking them, combining them into one chapter.

Get hype (:


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Fire_trek 348 streak #1
Chapter 14: Chapter 14: I was literally biting my nails through this whole chapter! I was like Tiffany stop this madness! It’s one big misunderstanding and you all can solve it. We lost Yuri and maybe even Rosé(I hope not) too many casualties in this war. This was so action packed and so descriptive that I could read this laying down I was up and pacing lol great chapter and suspenseful now you left it on a cliffhanger and I’m shook… and since this fic hasn’t been updated in a while I’ll assume the ending. Both sides calm down, they talk it out, Rosé survives. In the end YerixLisa stay together, Irene sticks with Seohyun, Taeny gets back to square one, all the ships prosper and Wendy teleports Joy to Plastic Beach and they all live happily ever after! The end 🥲 thank you author nim for this story I really appreciated it
Fire_trek 348 streak #2
Chapter 13: No my girl Yuri :(( but at least Rosé and Dalgom are safe. So the battle finally begins, huh? I’m afraid of losing any of these characters. Also what happened to Yeri? Is she still alive? Her last thought was of Lisa:(( This is getting me all depressed and it’s not even the end yet..
Fire_trek 348 streak #3
Chapter 12: Yes, WenJoy is back! I was worried about them, but not too worried or they would have shown up in the story before now to show any progress. Cool, Wendy’s powers expanded to such great lengths! I wonder if she could teleport herself and Joy to Plastic Beach? I know who you mean when you say “fear for certain characters” it’s probably Seulgi and Jisoo if I’m being honest lol Taeny is nothing to play with and they will have their heads on a silver platter if they could.
Fire_trek 348 streak #4
Chapter 11: Aw we lost Jessica.. I see that Seohyun is doing things for a positive reason and Tiffany just wants Jisoo’s head which I can’t agree on.. I love Jisoo too much for her to die. I wonder what will happen to Yeri when Irene arrives? What will be of my YerixLisa ship! :((
Fire_trek 348 streak #5
Chapter 10: FINALLY!! My fav ship YerixLisa did it!!🥳 I would like to thank the author for this precious moment and my eyes for reading it lol no, but seriously that was great and now they are going to look for Seulgi because Jisoo snatched her up. I’m glad that Taeny is back on the same page but I hate that Seulgi ran about Yeri. She’s been through enough already she didn’t need to go through knowing she died too. But now I know with Lisa she’s feeling better :)))
Fire_trek 348 streak #6
Chapter 9: No plot progression and I’m totally okay with it because that was hot 🥵 I would have thought that by the way you built up Jennie and her toughness that she would be the one to get Rosé to submit but I guess I was wrong.. and I see the next chapter is rated again I hope it’s Yeri and Lisa! Please. I’ll be fine whoever it is but you know my weak spot for YerixLisa lol
Fire_trek 348 streak #7
Chapter 8: No! I can’t believe it but I don’t want Jisoo and Seulgi to reunite! I like Jisoo and Taeyeon together! And she saw everything too, so now the relationship is most likely over. I also can’t believe that Tiffany hit her, she must be going through some rough time right now and her plan was genius to bring Seulgi to see what Taeyeon was doing. She found the love of her life.. but wait, what about Irene? Oh wow this is becoming very interesting
Fire_trek 348 streak #8
Chapter 7: How did Irene and Seulgi get so good at fighting? That was so cool and action packed that I had to read it over two more times! I love that all of SNSD is here and I didn’t know that Tiffany and Taeyeon were married I feel bad for Jisoo :(
Fire_trek 348 streak #9
Chapter 6: I like seulrene together, they can stay together while my number one ship of YerixLisa sets sail and Jisoo and Taeyeon are right behind them. I can’t wait to see what happens in the exposition chapter I want to see the new characters and all
Fire_trek 348 streak #10
Chapter 5: Can I just say that I love Dalgom! He’s the best pet ever.. onto the story, I want Jisoo and Taeyeon’s relationship to be found out, what’s the worst that could happen on BlackPink’s side? They stay mad for a couple of days? But on SNSD’s side I know world war three will start. I love YerixLisa so much seeing their relationship grow even in little increments is so fun.