カタオモイ ~ One-sided Love


“I’m hurt – so much so that my tears dry; in agony – so much so that my heart is numb.

All I have is a rotten and tainted life, yet this one-sided love stands to be the purest thing I ever have.


It feels very terrifying as I could die anytime.

For you whom I dare to offer this unworthy life.”


this is an AU fanfic of Jong Woon x Hee Chul. idk where this otp comes HAHAHA

tbh, my otp is yewook but i cant imagine Ryeo Wook in this kind of situation (wtf is this?) so i choose Hee Chul instead.

anw, Ryeo Wook still becomes one of the character though.


this one is from a prompt "It all started with a murder" but im sorry if it is a bit trashy :")

i use japan as the setting bc i cant imagine mafia world in korea. yeah it is about mafia but trash :))


 so, im making a few note here :

Woonie-chan : is a weird term i make from mixing Woon-ie + chan. i know it is so lame im sorry

Nii-chan : the short term of onii-chan, it means big brother

Nee-san : the short term of onee-san, it means big sister

yukata : a light cotton kimono


andddd english is not my native language.


please enjoy this fanfic!


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398 streak #1
Chapter 1: T_____________T

It's really beautiful tho it's not a happy ending, poor Sungie T^T
azhik_94 #2
Chapter 1: It was beautiful!!