Black Rose


I quickened my pace as the clouds began to gather in the sky. Large pillows of grey clouds formed and blocked the sun. The blue sky streaked with pink and gold faded into an eerie black. I should have listened when I was told to bring an umbrella out. An onslaught of raindrops fell on my body mercilessly.

As the rainfall started becoming more intense, I broke into a run, heading straight to the house. The crashing thunder roared furiously; electrifying ropes of lightning flashed across the dark sky. I stopped in my tracks as a white car zoomed past me, honking furiously. I stood by the pavement across my house, in a daze.

Before I realized the rain gathering around my feet, the tears that I struggled to keep from falling, fell. I slowly reached out and watched as the rain gathered in the palm of my hand. Energy seeped out of me, and I fell into a heap onto the floor. The rain froze around me in crystals as my body turned ice cold. I closed my eyes as my back made contact with the concrete floor.

Something landed gently on my outstretched palm. I tried with all my might to open my eyes, but I couldn’t. I felt the familiar pull of a petal and I clutched it close to my chest. I brought the petal to my lips with shaking hands and breathed on it. A man materialized in front of me kneeling, facing the cold, wet floor.  Colour left my body and ice crept from the pavement and encased my body slowly. With my pale lips trembling from the chilling cold, I spluttered out my final words.

"Save me.”


I lived a normal life.

I thought so. 

Is it normal for men to come out of petals? 


Hi everyone! It’s been a really long while since I’ve updated but I hope that you give the story one more chance and read it from the top as I will start updating again :) Thank you <3


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747 streak #1
Chapter 10: Hello, I just started reading this story last night and absolutely love it so far. I think adding the etched flower petals to the plot was so creative, and can’t wait to see how she happens to find the next one. Going back to while Jae-young was still at home, I can’t wait to read the backstory on the secretive communication between her family. Also, was the last Jeon to have a water element S-rank protector her brother? Awesome update, I really enjoyed this chapter. Keep up the great work.
freeExoL_nari #2
Chapter 8: Yay!!!! Most of us were right!! Even if you don’t think this chapter was very good I loved it. I would like to go into detail about why but I don’t want to spoil anything else. Thank you for this update.
Venandi #3
Love this story so far :))
freeExoL_nari #4
Chapter 7: Yay two more members have been added!!! I love your story and am excited to see what will happen next! I am also wondering if most people’s guesses of who the next member is correct or not, I hope not too many of us are wrong!
dvnachn #5
Chapter 7: Bird maybe phoenix? Then chanyeol? And i’m part of the 10+!! Love ur story<3
Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Love it! I can't wait for the next chapter to be up!
freeExoL_nari #7
Chapter 6: This seems to be very interesting so far. It has a more rare story line. I can’t wait to see where this story goes in the future and what you plan to do with it.
Chapter 3: Unique and interesting. Pacing is good. Looking forward.
Chapter 3: No , dont get me wrong . Dont feel pressurized about the mistakes . Focus on what you think is more important , mistakes like these can be easily overlooked when the story itself is good . So dont feel stressed . You do you at your own pace , you are the author after all .
Btw great new chap , suho is already coming across as adorable .
And Jaeyounds hilarious 'out of my ' had me giggling .
And i also got exams coming up so i feel ya bro .