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The story is based on Level up project season 2 where wendy end up join Irene sleeping at tent.

Anyone up for redvelvet AU???

And i hope the subscriber would bear with my messy English. I am still learning. So, would you like to join the ride?


Being too thoughtful and selfless can be your charm or ugliness.
Everyone around wendy's agree her thoughtfulness and selfless attitude are charming. But for Wendy, Jennie and maybe Yerim those attitude make wendy looks like coward.
Since trainee Wendy have convince herself that she love Irene just as a friend, that is the same way she love all her member until Level Up project season one make them as roommate. Wendy finally admitted to herself that she is in love with her leader.
The disaster is coming when she's a little bit tipsy and the confession blurt out from before she can stopped and gladly Jennie is the only one who's sober and listen to that, while Joy, Rose and Lisa is Pass out.
Wendy can't imagine if Joy know about her true feeling toward their leader. But, later she know that Jennie is no better, Jennie has been successfully get closer to Irene in short time and keeping Wendy update with questions that there is no way wendy can asking personally to Irene.
But everyone have their limit, unfortunately Jennie starting to get impatient by Wendy attitude and have been threaten to tell Irene about wendy true feeling countless times until things happen at Namhee and Jennie, Joy, Seulgi, Yerim and Rose deciding to do something for wendy. Did wendy going to agree and listen to them? Or she will able to convincing these people that if wendy tell Irene the truth there will be things at risk.


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