Chapter 13

Of All The Odds

                                  Chapter 13 

                                Be still, my heart 


“And now, let us all welcome this years Mr. School Fest candidates!” 


I heard the scream and cheers of the crowd. I was at the backstage with the “glam team”-putting some make-up on my face. I was shocked when the College of Architecture really provided everything-from the gown up to the make-up. I made a face but upon hearing Sandara’s laughter, a smiled. 




“You really have to treat me to dinner one of these days.” I said to her while looking at her from the mirror. 


She laughed while taking her phone out. Probably recording me. “Damn. You’re so hot, Miss Kwon. So pretty girl.” she said, giggling. She’s now recording me while some of the freshmen is doing my hair- I mean, wig. 


I pouted my lips. I can’t help but laugh. Damn. If wearing wig or doing make-up would lead me to this- seeing her smile and hearing her angelic laugh- so be it. I can do this everyday. 


I cleared my throat. “Hey, that’s catcalling!” 


She laugh. “But I’m telling you  the truth! If you’re a girl, dang, you’re so fine!” 


Everyone agreed. I look at myself on the mirror. I’m wearing a blonde wig and a red lipstick. I don’t know what’s the thing they’re putting on my eyelids. My gown is long , so as my heels. I am really questioning the person who invented this killer heels. What’s wrong with that person? Does he or she want us to die? 



“Well, I’ll agree to that.” I confidently agreed. 


“Okay! Ladies…” the program said but when he heard the angry protest from us, he awkwardly corrected himself. “Errr… I mean, gentleman! The program will start. Please get ready!” 


I look at her. 



“S-Sunbae, fighting!” I heard Nana said, while smiling at me. She and her friends were the one who provided everything actually. What a nice kid. 


I smiled. “Fighting! Let’s go Archi!” I shouted. 


We all lined up. I’m besides Jinyong- from the College of Law. 


Sandara came up and held my hand. Oh, boy! Today must be my lucky day! I thought. 

“Goodluck. You can do this!” She cheered. 


I lowered my body, just right so our eyes will meet, and gently pat her head. Slowly, getting closer. I have to do this so she can hear me. Or… maybe something else? 


Dang! Okay, okay! I will admit. I’m am trying! Yes, I am trying to flirt. I know she’s immune to my charms- killer smile, sense of humour and charming face- but who knows right? 


“I’ll do my best.” I said. “And if I win, you’ll eat dinner with me. Ok?” 


Dara look at me and wiggle her eyebrows. . . You look like a cute little button. I’ve dated a lot of women but… ! 



“Sure!” She agreed. 


“Go go go! Everyone go to the stage!” The production team said. 


Everyone started screaming as the contestant got up to the stage. And what the ! I know we’ve all practiced walking wearing this heels but— come on! It’s been like 5mins but my feet ing hurts! 






“Hello everyone! My name is Kwon Ji-Na, single but not ready to mingle, and I represent the College of not just intelligent people but also gorgeous! Architecture!” I said through the mic. 


I heard the loud cheer from my College. I look at the crowd, trying to look for Sandara but dang, there’s just so many people. I didn’t see her. Sadly. 


I went back to my post- right side of the stage. I’m trying my best to look for Dara- right in front of me up to the Architecture area- but I didn’t see her. Heck. Where is she? But I still plastered a smile. I need to smile. To win. 

I ing need to win. I thought. 


When the introductory part ended the lights turned dim, meaning we need to do our dance. We started to move our hips- side to side- slowly. What the! Didn’t knew I have a talent! 


Everyone went wild. I mean, crazy wild. I thought that the whole crowd became zombies. 


I turned around and look at the crowd- seductively. Heck, this is one of a heck job! 

I heard everyone screamed; I also heard my College shouted my name. 


“Ji-Na! Ji-Na! Ji-Na!l” 



I smirked. This is a sure win! I thought. 








I was greeted by almost everyone- I’m not even exaggerating. From my seniors up to my ex girlfriends. They even joked that I look more gorgeous than them. I just laugh it all out. 

I saw my Professor from Architectural Design 6 walking towards me. 


“Congratulations Mr. Kwon!” She said while smiling. “I know you’re not just intelligent, you’re also talented!” 


I’m actually shocked right now. Prof. Kim is known for her stern look but seeing her smile like this- wow! 


“Thanks Prof!” I replied. But my mind screams- I ing need to remove these heels! I want to go backstage and throw this ! 


“Because you won, I’ll give everyone a credit points in AD6!” She said which made my classmate cheered. I almost jump, but remembered that I am wearing a 4-inches heels, so I stopped myself. I don’t want to be injured. 


“Prof. Kim! Prof. Kim! Prof. Kim!” 


“You’re the best Prof.!” 



After all the pleasantries, I went to the backstage. Still, no Sandara Park. 


“Where the heck is she?” I mumbled. 


I’m actually not alone. The freshmen were there to assist me in removing my make-up. I badly want to remove these ‘cos my face started to become itchy. 


“Sunbae! Congratulations!” Everyone said. “You look so cool!” 


I laughed. “Thanks! But it’s all because of your hardwork. Thank you everyone!” 


I undressed and put a normal clothes on, while the others remove my make-up and wig. I’m still wondering where the heck Sandara went. 


Almost everyone congratulated me- except her. 


“Uh, did you see Sandara?” I inquired. 


“U-Uhm, she’s actually outside. W-waiting.” Nana said. 


I smile. Nod. I held my lips- trying to suppress my smile. “Oh… thanks.” 


I grab my phone and started to send a text. 




To: m y Sandara 


Where are you? :) 





Yes, that’s how I named her in my phone. I remembered when she saw that she snorted and quickly said: Are you trying to kill me huh?




I don’t know what’s wrong with her. There’s nothing wrong with that, right? 




From: m y Sandara 


Outside. I’ll just wait for you outside Miss Kwon XD 




I placed my phone back to the table and smirked. Damn it! God, I can’t take this anymore! 


I look at the freshmen and luckily they’re done removing the make-up. So as the wig. 


“Thank you everyone. I’ll treat you some other time. Bye!” I hurriedly said. I didn’t even bother to hear their reply. 


I was wondering if should I change her name on my phone. I smiled at the thought. There’s a new idea- a bright idea actually.


I went outside- she’s not here. I was about to text her when I felt a small arm tried to enveloped me. I smelled the familiar scent. It’s her. 



“Hi! Congratulations!” She said, while jumping around. 


How I wish she’s hugging from the front and not a back hug. I don’t know but I heard my heart beat so fast- so fast that I almost felt like it’s about to break. 


“Thanks.” I said. Oh, dammit! I’ll just do it. I mumbled. 


I put the paper bag that I was holding on the floor and slowly faced her- so I can hug her. And dang, she’s so small. Like a potato. 


Sandaras’ actually jumping so I jump along with her. You can hear from her laugh that she’s really happy for me. 


“Congrats! You’re so good!” She praised. We were now standing. 


I got my things, so as her things. We started to move forward. 


“Thanks. I didn’t see you there.” I commented. Actually, sulking. “I actually brought my car.” 


She just laugh and lightly elbowed me. “I was there. Busy taking picture of you.” 


“Hmmmm…” I said. 


I looked at her. I don’t understand her facial expression. Maybe because it’s a bit dark. 


“I really, really, like really didn’t expect that you’ll be that good!”


“You don’t trust me?” I jokingly asked. 


We’re now at the car park and opened the backseat. I put our bags there. 


“Of course I trust you! And your dance! Your hips don’t lie, Miss Kwon.” She said, while shaking her legs- trying to imitate the dance earlier. I laughed while I open the door for her. “You killed those heels! Dude!” She said while slightly shaking me. She looks so hyped! 


I laughed. “Those heels really killed me. I’ve got blisters. Damn!”


“Really? Lemme see.” She said, worriedly. 


Sandara got up and told me to sit down first.  I removed my shoes and let her see the blister on my Achilles tendon. Actually my toes were also full of blisters. 


“That hurts!” She said. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier! I should have given you bandages!” 


She open the backseat and started rummaging her bag. After a few seconds, she got some bandages- pink bandages. 


I chuckled. She look at me. 




I smiled. “Hmmm.” Cute. I thought. 



She’s now putting the bandage on. 


ing . In books it should be the guy who will give bandages to the girl. In reality? It’s the opposite. And now I know why every girl starts to have feelings when a guy do this because honestly- my heart is about to explode. This is ing surreal. 


I was trying my best not to smile. But I can’t help it. She’s even blowing my blistered foot! I closed my eyes. 



I know, the chase will be hard but yeah, this is worth it. 



Be still, my heart. 

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Chapter 35: SC jebal
14 streak #2
Chapter 35: Dropped by to upvote the story only
JiSandara #3
Chapter 35: Destiny...against all odds.
Congratulations authornim!👏
Looking forward to more exciting & melodramtic stories🥰
14 streak #4
Chapter 35: I liked the story, and enjoyed every chapter ❤️
njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #5
Chapter 35: Heavens!!! I finally finished reading this chapter 🥺, I definitely enjoyed this story a lot, it reminded me of the phrase that says "If you love someone, set them free, if they come back to you they are yours! If not they never were. Beautiful story, thanks for sharing
bernie20 #6
Chapter 35: Thank u so much. I enjoyed reading this story ❤️❤️❤️
Looking forward for new daragon stories to come...
Chapter 35: special chapter please
14 streak #8
Chapter 1: Sounds interesting,
I will start reading it <3
Chapter 34: Authornim I read whole fiction in one go and now I want to see their happily married life and kids too ❤️🥰
njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #10
Chapter 34: So far it is the perfect relationship ❤️, everything is so nice, they have everything to be happy, nice story