Chapter 14

Of All The Odds

                                       Chapter 14 

                                  Today is something 




After the Festival, everything went back to normal. When I say normal, I mean classes starts and we become busy. Sandara quitted the Student Council and started to focus on her studies- which is her original plan. Plus, we’re about to start our internships and thesis. I know for sure if it’s weren’t for the extra credits, she won’t join the SC. 


And me? Oh, I’m still handsome and perfect. I’m also doing fine except for the fact that I am also busy with my term paper and preparing for the internship in a few weeks. Oh, and the sad part? I didn’t got the chance to have dinner with her after the Festival. We got busy. 


It seems like she forgot everything. Everything I said. 


I sighed. I was walking towards the school gate to get to my car when I received a text from her. 




From: Babe 


Where are you? 




. I thought. I smiled. My heart skipped a bit. Damn. Just seeing my new name for her makes me happy. Crazy. 




To: Babe

Parking lot. Why?




I open the door and went inside. Then I felt my phone vibrated. Again. 




From: Babe

U going home already? I’m in the library.




I bit my lower lip. I know that I really like Sandara and I kept on telling her that. But she keeps on telling me that what I feel is not true and maybe, because I am not dating someone, else, I felt weird. 


I sighed. I calmed myself before replying: Ok. I’m going there. 



I walk towards the library with a heavy heart. I feel like . It’s been weeks since I told her that I like her. And it’s been weeks since she keeps on telling me that I am just imagining things. That I don’t really like her. That what I felt is not real. 


And it’s making me feel because it makes me feel like my feelings for her is not valid. 



Before heading to the library, I went to the Cafeteria and bought Iced Coffee. And cookies. Because I know she’s hungry. And I like feeding and taking care of her. 


I greeted a few hoobaes that I saw. Talked a little. After the Festival, it seems like I became more popular. Which is good considering I like meeting new people. 


I got to the library and went to her favourite place. Inner right wing- near the window. And right there, I saw Sandara- with her eyebrows furrowed. It seems like she’s doing some research. 


“Hi, babe.” I greeted her while sitting next to her. I placed my bag on the table. 


She looked up, giving me with confused look. “Babe?” 


I chuckled. “From now on, you’ll be my ‘babe’.” 


She looked at me and then turned around- as if looking for someone else. “M-Me?” She asked, while pointing a finger to herself. 


I nod and slightly pinched her nose. “Yes, babe.” 


She look confused. Now her eyebrows were raised. “And why are you calling me that?” I don’t know if it’s just my imagination of what but I saw her lips twitched a little…?


“Why not?” I replied. “Well, as I’ve told you, I like you.” 


“Doesn’t give you the license to call me ‘babe’.” 


I shook my head. “Here’s your coffee and your cookies.” I said, trying to divert the conversation. “So, why are you here? Didn’t you finish the term paper last week?” 


She smiled. And smelled her coffee. See? “I’m done. But I need to prepare things for the thesis.” 


“But it’s not an individual activity.” I commented, while sipping. 


“I’m just doing my research. It’s nothing serious.” 


I just nod. She’s still doing her ‘research’ and I’m just silently sitting next to hear. The silence between us is really something. 


I had previous relationships and we never got the chance to have a peaceful and quiet time. Usually, well, usually we just do ‘things’ that what couples do. And remembering it now makes me feel so guilty. I don’t know. 


But when I’m with Sandara- even with silence, I don’t feel bored. The silence we share is calming… like home. It’s comforting. 


She sighed. I look at her. She closed her eyes and removed her reading glasses. Gently massaging the bridge of her nose. It’s cute. 



“Why am I doing these…” she mumbled. 


I chuckled. “Yeah, right. Why are you doing these things.” 


She open her eyes and looked at me. She smiled. My heart become frantic. 


“Aren’t you going home?” She asked.


“Yeah. But you texted.” 


She nod. Diverting her eyes. One thing about Sandara is she’s never good at telling lies. You can clearly see and clearly read it from her eyes. 


And what she did just right now is… something. 


“Hmmm?” I said, moving a bit closer to her. 


She looked at me. “Hmmm?” 


“Is there something wrong?” 


She bit her lower lip. “I need to graduate fast.” 


I laugh. “Of course we all want to graduate fast.” 


She looked away. “I mean, I want to graduate fast and be an independent woman.” 


“You can do this. We’ve got half a year to finish internship and thesis. And then review for the licensing exam.” I said. “Besides, it’s you. I know you can do this.” 


I don’t know what wrong with me but I gently held her hand and pressed it. Like giving her assurance. “I know you can ace this.” 


She smiled at me. There’s something to her eyes today. 


“Thanks, Jiji.” 









Few days later, we got more busy. Sandara and I were on the same Architectural Firm. Because I made sure that we apply to the same firm. 


We were now having lunch along with our leader, Mr. Park. 


“If you don’t mind, are you two dating?” He simply asked. 


I smiled. “We’re a cute couple, right?” I joked. 


And surprisingly, Sandara didn’t complain. Which surprised me. My heart skipped a bit- not, not just a bit. Tons. 


Mr. Park laughed. “And you’re both the best in your class. What a power couple huh.” 


“T-thanks.” . Why am I stuttering? 


I look at Sandara and she looked away. Blushing. Don’t tell me…



I suppressed myself from smiling but heck, I got butterflies on my stomach. Be still, my heart. Don’t… just don’t! Not now. 


The day end quickly and we greeted them goodbye. My heart is beating so damn fast as we head out. 


My mind is still not functioning well. I’ve got so many things to say but I don’t know if… damn. 


I gently held her hand. “Hey…”


She stopped walking. She look at me and nervously said, “W-What?” 


I can see her breathing so hard. I gasp. I am holding her hand and she’s not even trying to let go of it. 


“I-I used my car today. W-Wanna go with me?” 


She silently nod. We started walking- and I’m still holding her hand. I am frankly going crazy inside. My heart is about to explode. What the heck is going on? 


I opened the car door for her. Put our stuffs at the backseat. When I got inside, I can smell her scent all over my car. 


“So…” I said, trying to start a conversation. For the first time, I got tongue-tied. I don’t know what to say. 


“When are we gonna start doing our thesis?” She said. 


Right. Maybe the Gods is with me but hell yeah, she’s my thesis partner. And my internship partner. 


“How about we go to my unit and do our research. Are you… okay with that?” I inquired. 


“S-Sure.” She said. 


The usual 45 minutes drive became 20 minutes. Today must be my lucky day since it’s not traffic. 


I entered my unit. “You can place your things on the couch. I’ll just change to something comfortable.” 


“Uh, Jiji.” 


“Hmm?” I said. 


“Can I… borrow a shirt or something? So I can be comfortable.” 


My eyes widened. Just the thought of seeing her using one of my shirts… damn. 


I coughed. “Y-Yeah. I’ll just grab something. W-Wait.” 





Like seriously what’s wrong with Sandara today? First, she didn’t deny the misunderstanding. Second, she let me held her hand. Third, she’s borrowing my shirt? 


I laughed. And started laughing inside my room. 

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0 points #1
Chapter 35: SC jebal
14 streak #2
Chapter 35: Dropped by to upvote the story only
JiSandara #3
Chapter 35: Destiny...against all odds.
Congratulations authornim!👏
Looking forward to more exciting & melodramtic stories🥰
14 streak #4
Chapter 35: I liked the story, and enjoyed every chapter ❤️
njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #5
Chapter 35: Heavens!!! I finally finished reading this chapter 🥺, I definitely enjoyed this story a lot, it reminded me of the phrase that says "If you love someone, set them free, if they come back to you they are yours! If not they never were. Beautiful story, thanks for sharing
bernie20 #6
Chapter 35: Thank u so much. I enjoyed reading this story ❤️❤️❤️
Looking forward for new daragon stories to come...
Chapter 35: special chapter please
14 streak #8
Chapter 1: Sounds interesting,
I will start reading it <3
Chapter 34: Authornim I read whole fiction in one go and now I want to see their happily married life and kids too ❤️🥰
njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #10
Chapter 34: So far it is the perfect relationship ❤️, everything is so nice, they have everything to be happy, nice story