Why can't we


After Super Junior, Kyuhyun and Jongwoon live together, testing every possible limit to their relationship and watching as everything crumbles to pieces.


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Chapter 4: I don't want Yesung hurt again. Kyuhyun leave him twice. Yesung need someone who will stay beside him forever. Surely not Kyuhyun.
Liza_Blessedx2 #2
Chapter 4: ???? Why would Yesung drop like a ripe plum into Kyuhyun's arms after being dumped twice by him????? Not understanding this at all!!!! I do believe though that it was Kyu who arranged the SJ reunion...but some explanation is needed to to bring closure to this story!!!!! (Please authornim...for my peace of mind LOL)
Chapter 4: Omg! I cried and giggles and then cries again. This story are so good! It's kinda end abruptly but i can guess why. It's suit it. And the way all the emotions struck me like a lightning was so overwhelming. I love every word you out in here and how clear of every emotions given by them. I understand why Kyu did what he did. And i too understand Yesung's need of companies since he had told before of how he hates to be alone. Word of denial can be seen around and yet we all know he's what he's deny to be. It's awesome! I love it!!!!!
398 streak #4
Chapter 4: I.... don't know, still so confused XD;; was that real? I mean, Jongwoon's life was real? Coz hell, if I was Jongwoon, I'll probably kick Kyuhyun and slap him, and do nasty thing to him. He left me god damn it! um, he left Jongwoon I mean XD he left not once, but TWICE~ He probably gonna do it again...

I don't know, I don't even understand the story .___. #slapped
398 streak #5
Chapter 1: Chapter 1, I feel so so so soooooo confused reading this, will read the others, hope that my stupid brain will understand a thing XD;;