Manipulated [Oneshot]


Summary: he was always calling out for you no matter what you were doing, but when an accident made it that you were now caring for Moonbin, you found out why he always wanted your attention.

Pairing: Moonbin x reader

Genre: idol au / fluff

Word count: 1236




You hadn’t realised you were doing it at first. After all, you were normally the obliging type and considering it was your job to ensure your idols were healthy and happy, running around doing errands never bothered you much. Yet when you were assigned to Astro, it seemed you would always feel exhausted around them. Their energy was higher than you ever expected from hard-working idols. In between their schedules they were just like toddlers or teenagers, depending on the hour. You felt like you suffered from whiplash trying to keep up. Especially when it came to dealing with Moonbin. Out of the six members, he had taken a shining to you. Initially, you didn’t mind. His smiles could cure any wicked migraine you suffered from and you always felt better after hearing him laugh. And yet, your ability to be manipulated by his good looks was enabling him to make sure you did everything for him.

“Noona, can you get me another coffee?”

“Noona, didn’t you get my last message? I needed you immediately!”

“Noonaaaa, I was wonderingggg if you could pleaseee give me more food? I’m starvinggggg!”


“Finish that sentence and I will hurt you,” you warned, shooting Moonbin a harsh look. 

He blinked slowly, examining your mood and then scrunched up his face. “But it would be really rude of me to call you by your first name, wouldn’t it?”

“Ten minutes, Bin, I want just ten minutes without hearing you call for me.”

Moonbin sighed heavily though he nodded, heading for the door and glanced back at you sadly before departing out it. You tried not to focus on the fact that he had just looked like a wounded puppy at your request, and well, you just tried to focus instead. It had been too long of a day, and you felt like you were still swimming in work to do.

Which, you really were.

You were just about done with replying to an email when you noticed movement outside your office door that caught your attention. Watching it for a moment, you groaned when you realised Moonbin was literally waiting out there for the ten minutes to be up. Getting out from behind your desk, you strode over to the door and yanked it open.

Which made the tall man stumble in since he had chosen to lean on it and sent you both spiralling into the cabinet next to the door. You whined with the pain and Moonbin somehow rebounded onto the floor in a weird angle. “Why would you lean on the door?!”

“Noona… I think you need to call for help,” he said slowly and you stopped scowling to take a better look at his current position. Gasping, you went over to Moonbin and attempted to help him up. He only yelped out in pain.

And because of that incident, Moonbin was now your sole focus.


“I’m hungry!”

“I’m cooking your lunch now, quit whining!” you called out, fussing over the meal you were preparing for him, dishing it up and taking it out to him a moment later. He glanced up at you and smiled which relaxed you somewhat. Until he took his first mouthful.

“Ow, it’s too hot!”

“Well, I just cooked it!”

He groaned. “You should’ve told me to wait!”

“Are you five?! You’re an adult, you should know that food is hot when it’s just come off the stove,” you scolded, though you took the spoon away from him, blowing on the food gently before offering it to him again. Moonbin happily took the food and you continued in this pattern, feeding him until the meal was finished.

And then you realised what you had done again. “Why did I just feed you?”

“Because you’re kind.”

“You have working hands though,” you pointed out, looking down at his arms loosely nestled in his lap. It irked you more than it should. “It’s your leg that you pulled a ligament in and need to rest, not your hands!”

He snickered and then reached for the manga he had stuffed down the side of the sofa beside him before returning back to his perusing of it.

Huffing loudly, you stormed back to the kitchen of the dorm to rinse off the dishes you had used for making his lunch. As you did so, you thought over just how much you were doing that was unnecessary. You weren’t Moonbin’s slave. Sure, you had somewhat been a part of his accident, and your guilt from seeing him in so much pain had you raising your hand to help look after him until he was ready to return back to work. Yet, this was just too much and you were done with it.

You spent the whole afternoon brooding over it and as you cleaned the dorm mindlessly, you kept ruminating over things you could say to Moonbin about his mannerisms towards you. In fact, you were so busy building conversations between you and him in your head that when Moonbin walked passed you without his crutches to go to the bathroom, you almost didn’t spot it.


“Stop right there!” you exclaimed, and Moonbin listened, albeit with a nervous chuckle attached. He rubbed at the back of his head as you rounded him to look him in the eye. Then you examined him quietly from head to toe. “You… you’re fine?!”

“Oh!” he suddenly cried, wobbling around on one leg. “I forgot to grab my crutches. Noon-”

“You made me look after you all this time and you were fine?!”

“Now, listen. I wasn’t intentionally—OW!”

You thumped him on the chest in frustration and Moonbin’s eyes widened with your attack. “You’re always like this with me! Always making sure I’m paying attention to you and doing everything for you! I’m not your slave and yet I stupidly fall for it every time because you … you-”

“I don’t do anything but ask nicely,” he stated and you scoffed loudly, pointing at him frantically as he pouted at you.

“Stop doing that!”

“I’m not doing anything!”

“You are, you’re doing the face! You’re trying to manipulate me to calm down with your puppy eyes! Wow, you’re a pro at this!”

He watched you for a moment, and then folded his arms over his chest, cocking his head to the side. “Me? What about you?”

“What about me?!”

“You have a face you pull too,” he announced and you frowned at him. Moonbin stepped closer and let out a heavy breath which fanned over your face. You blinked a couple of times, getting lost in his warm chocolate eyes again. He then smiled lightly. “See, you’re doing it just now.”

“I’m… what?”

“At first, I was just asking for your help. I didn’t want to be a burden to you. But you would look at me like that every time. And I liked seeing you stare at me with that little lost look so I kept asking because you’d do it more often. I wasn’t trying to make you my slave, noona. I was just attempting to see more of you.”

“But,” you started, blinking away from your reverie as you soaked in his admission. “Why?”

He grinned, reaching out gently to cup your face in his hand. “Don’t you remember the number one rule to why boys annoy girls so much? It’s because I really like you.”


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2033 streak #1
LoL his last sentence cracked me up hard XD anyway, this was a cute oneshot. I would have loved to read more of that. I mean about how they are after he confessed. Nonetheless, I had fun reading it ^^
SleepySha #2
Wow this is soo good especially Because moonbin is my bias. It really made me think that it was actually happening to me. The only downside to this is that I wish it’s continuing because I want to know more!