
I Read Your Destiny
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Author’s POV:



Jessica tried her very best to have peace with her madness. She got bothered to know the same music that she created creatively on her own was the same music as what the unnie claimed she happened to hear it sometimes from her dream. She refused to trust the unnie's story like how she could easily trust the palm-reading machine was the reason how the unnie could be transported to the year 2022.


She felt infuriated, refusing the warm hand that tries to reach her a couple of times. The unnie kept on saying sorry from behind her. She had to walk faster than ever, dragging her feet as far as she can. Her madness clearly had overpowered her. She wanted to avoid being an utterly embarrassment to herself by being so grumpy. But the more she tried to avoid it, the more she felt bother by it. The irritation that crawls under her skin felt like a wildfire. She can't contain her outburst any longer. She needs to let it all out. Now or never.


"OMO! Ji-geum mwo ha-nya (지금 뭐 하냐 / What are you doing now)?" Taeyeon gasped in an utter amazement when Jessica just drops on her , before lying on her back on the thick snow after she released her backpack from her back. Her trial to reach Jessica’s hand failed for that reason, but she tried to reach her quickly again by running closer to her. "Ppal-ri il-eo-na se-yo (빨리 일어나세요 / Please get up hurriedly). Aren’t you feeling cold?"


Her panic question was answered by a piercing stare from the person below her. Her heart essentially responding to the glare that she witnesses for a few times today. It makes her nervous whenever her heart was making a chaotic beat so recklessly, she thought. But why does it seem like she had seen that kind of eyes before? Of course, she had seen it, Taeyeon argued mentally like a fool. From the young version of Jessica which she met yesterday.


"Did unnie know, I was called as ice-princess? My fans gave me that name for a reason. I'm cold as ice! This cold won't bother me as much as what unnie said about my song." Jessica snapped after she slapped the hand that tried to reach her another time. Now, she just embarrassed herself totally for feeding with her anger, she thought. Her sulkiness cannot be prevented. She wanted to act like a child. Her annoyance made her did that. She can't fathom the feeling. The unnie thought that she stole her music? "Give me the proof the music was the same. I need to see it myself. Unnie can't simply said I stole unnie's music, from unnie’s dream without concrete evidence!"


Taeyeon was dumbfounded by Jessica’s fierce replied and explosive behaviour. Her curiosity had caused Jessica to behave remarkably adorable just like the younger version of her yesterday when Jessica accused her as a ert. She’s in the mid of trying hard not to smile. Jessica's behaviour really fascinated her.


"Look, I’m truly sorry if what I’ve voiced out earlier upset you this much. I never said you stole the music. I just wondered how you knew about that music." Taeyeon tried to explain herself. She desperately wants them to be cool again. "Honestly, it amazed me to hear you can play the music really well. I was curious by that. After I knew I went missing for twenty years, I thought you had the access to enter my room and see the music sheet yourself. I never mention anything about you stealing it. That's not the reason why I asked you in the first place."


"To me, it sounded the same as if I were accused stealing unnie’s music." Jessica retorted, "How else would I know about that music if not? Unnie will not trust me if I said I wrote the music by myself. It’s true that it was inspired by unnie. I even told them in my documentary as a musician. But I never knew it was existed before I even wrote them. I swear in God’s name. I never see the music that unnie claimed, unnie had framed it somewhere in unnie’s bedroom." Jessica stressed over by whining and throwing her fit on the thick snow. She made a mess with her fist and legs which shocked Taeyeon for her another outburst.


Jessica cried out her next lines upsettingly, again. It really, really doesn’t make sense to her the music existed before she wrote them. "For God's sake, I’ve never been into unnie’s bedroom! I’ve never been into unnie’s bedroom!!" Jessica repeated the same line because saying it one time doesn't seem enough to highlight the issue.


Taeyeon squats near to Jessica after witnessing Jessica's throwing a tantrum like a little kid. She can't help feeling worried if someone might see on them, especially Jessica. She knew Jessica is a famous musician. It's never her intention to accuse Jessica stealing the music that she had known since she was a kid. She just wanted a clarification how Jessica knew about the music. Of course, it gives her goosebumps to discover it right now. Jessica had created the music by herself. On top of that, it was inspired by her? It’s another mind-boggling thing to know.


"Why can’t I trust you?" Taeyeon asked calmly while gazing softly at the person that she thought was sulking like a baby. She waits patiently till Jessica lifted her gaze to see her again. Jessica's stare was different this time. It's not intimidating like earlier.


Jessica kept quiet. Her ego prevented her to make a sound or being responsive. The unnie’s question made Jessica blinks her tired eyes from all the glare she had given to the latter. She tried to stop being overdramatic by scanning the unnie’s face thoroughly. She wished that she could read the unnie's mind. How on earth the unnie could make her easily get annoyed over this issue or make her unlock this other side of her that she never shares to anyone? Not even to Krystal she will behave this extreme. She felt bother if it's because she knew the unnie was supposed to be twenty years older than her? It didn't take too long for her to agree with the idea. Evidently, she felt comfortable to share this side of her because of that.


"You trust me when I said the palm-reading machine was the reason how I happened to be in here. You didn’t doubt me when you got the chance to do so after you read the thermal paper. You know I could fake that. You could make the same argument as Krystal. I was mental, an addict, an imposter, or something... But you chose to trust me instead of having a doubt about my story. Sincerely, I felt bad. You didn’t doubt me like how I doubt you by saying you as a psychic, a stalker, and Annie Wilkes."


Taeyeon gave her honest two cents before asking Jessica to forgive her again in a begging tone. She was defeated to play soft. Jessica has a faith in her before made her think about her differently right now. She knew Jessica was being generous enough to her.


"I trust you if you said you never stole the music and you never been into my room. It’s just a coincidence. To you, you discovered the music in a form of an idea, while in my case, I heard it from my dream. That can happen. Maybe this is what the machine meant as destiny. I mean about the music. Let both of us agree to this. Can’t you forgive me now? I'm truly sorry to upset you. I didn't mean all of this."


Jessica shut her eyes before she opens it quickly. She knew she shouldn’t miss this cue anymore when the unnie begs forgiveness from her another time.


"Help me to get up. I couldn't feel my hand now. It's all unnie's fault." Jessica complaints cutely while

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