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Donghae likes one of his employees. And he likes a certain beauty blogger. Who only shows half his face. Donghae thinks it's the same person: Hyukjae.



His posts don't contain much. They're pictures. Short clips. He does lip products. Applies them. Gives the name of the brand in the caption. The shade.

With the amount of followers he has... he could make enough money. From advertising.

So why's he working as a waiter? And a sales assistant in a clothing shop? Why does he live in a cheap apartment? In a sketchy area?

He has a wealthy boyfriend. Or a friend. Or something else. Someone who could afford every building in that area. Who could provide Hyukjae with whatever money. Pay for every single expense.

Donghae's so curious. So desperate. To know. To get close enough to him to know.






This is an ongoing fic. I'm sorry if I don't always update regularly.

Here are some completed fics (shortest to longest):
Just for You

 Stupid Love
Take it Slow
Red Sunrise
My Hot Babe
Livin' In

Fairy Dust





Reminder: chapter names are just lipstick shades.

If you spot any mistakes, please let me know. I took the most time away from this fic. I could've forgotten some things.

Thank you.


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Hyukkiehyukkie #2
Chapter 14: Im really waiting for this update🥺 the story line isn’t boring and unpredictable, if you have time and inspired please kindly update this one🙏 Hwaitinggg
Chapter 14: Finally I got even with this story as well!
Hyukjae’s background is so intriguing! I wonder how did he hurt Jaeho’s family? And will Donghae still feel this way towards him once he will know?
I’m very curious about how their relationship will evolve too without having Donghae looking like a stalker😂 he gets so sentire about his safety, it’s so tender!
Anyway, I’ll stop blabbering, will be patiently waiting! Good job 👏🏻
1455 streak #4
Chapter 14: hyuk’s past is so mysterious. been rereading this and somehow I can see the connection. hmm. would it be possible that Hyuk was left to Mr. Kim’s care by Mr. Kwan who is rumored to be his dad? cos heechul and jaeho’s fam had been friends from the beginning and heechul even mentioned that hyuk was watching them playing then and that Mr. Kwan always brought him over trips. With regards to Jaeho’s mom mental illness and his dad’s passing. Could it be that it was Mrs. Kwan who’s guilty because of her illness, or that certain incident drove her to have that mental illness.
was rereading and then saw the clues. haha not really sure if these are true but well, just a guess :))
1455 streak #5
Chapter 14: Gonna reread this. Just to freshen up my memory 😅 ehehe
1645 streak #6
Chapter 14: I need to say I kinda like Hae's stepdad, even Donghae might have his reasons not to trust him or searching for any flaws. But he seems clam and might be the only real support Hyukkie has. But I also want to know, like Hae, what his connection is to Hyukjae. So I'm waiting for him to have a proper talk.

Donghae is so desperate and worried, I wish Hyukkie knows there's someone out there who cares for him that much. I don't know if Hyuk had pushed Siwon aside completely or are they still connected, but Hyuk's trust in his lover can't be this big. Sure he is a guy who don't wants to bother others with his problems, but when he let Hae's stepdad accompany him, then there must be a difference between Siwon and him, at least for Hyukjae.

The update on his YouTube channel is scary. I know he wants to let his followers know he's fine, (or maybe a certain of his followers?) but this is that kind of messages you see on social media and know that this person needs help. Professional help. Poor Hyukkie, I hope he's really ok, especially after losing his mom. Thanks for coming back to this ❤️
Chapter 14: That was a yikes there Donghae. He made a big and scandalous assumption about his step father and Hyukjae’s relationship and it would’ve wedged his own relationship with him and the rest of his family. Mr Kim was so patient to carefully explain what had actually happened. I am relief to hear that he was there to comfort Hyukjae, at least Hyukjae got someone he can trust.

Whilst Donghae is immensely worried for Hyukjae, I’m conflicted as he doesn’t have the right to barge into Hyukjae’s life. He was only Hyukjae’s boss and a fan of his insta, which Hyukjae doesn’t know, so Donghae has no meaningful connection to Hyukjae. His behaviour could be akin to being a stalker and although it is not Donghae’s intention, however as of now it would definitely send the wrong message to Hyukjae. I hope he is okay but he’s most likely not...

Thanks for the update!
1585 streak #8
Chapter 14: Donghae's really in too deep, basically to the point of an unhealthy obsession with Hyukjae. Even if it started off as mostly kind concern for someone he was admittedly attracted to. His family must be so alarmed seeing him like this. He should probably alarm himself, taking a step back to view things objectively now. bitter as the circumstances are, Hyukjae is finally free and untethered, will he leave the country now? As terrible the things he wants to run from are, at least here he seems to have some supportive people. (It's a relief that Donghae's stepfather was actually helping him.) What would he do, alone, elsewhere? Have a better shot at a peaceful and happy life? Rather, a first chance at one? Either way, stay or leave, Hyukjae deserves that, so hopefully he will take the chance for himself. However it looks, and whoever is involved.

Thanks for the update, this story is so dark and sad, but it feels close to a turning point where things could get better. ♡
LeeLenaMx #9
Chapter 13: Each chapter makes this story more interesting! Thanks for this update!
1585 streak #10
Chapter 13: What indeed. Probably nothing good. 🤔 Seems like everyone wants something from Hyukjae, if I were him I'd probably hide, avoid, and run away from everyone too. Is there anyone he actually thinks he can trust or rely on now? Donghae has those good intentions but he's still a (kinda pushy and intrusive) stranger at this point. How they'll close this divide, is hard to imagine. Unless whatever is going on with the stepfather will be the connecting factor between them.