part two

wait, what did you do to me?

Joohyun didn’t consider herself a person who was capable of experiencing emotions that made her feel ugly inside. The sight of the healers doting and coddling Seulgi wasn’t pleasant. The Golden Deer was completely healed - brand new, ready to go, and sword itching to be held. So, why were the academy’s healers gushing over Seulgi as if she still needed care?

The blood on Seulgi’s shirt wasn’t wiped off, but everyone was smart enough to know that the healers did a magnificent job at patching up the hole above her heart.

Even though the main purpose was to check up on Seulgi’s well-being, worry didn’t triumph this time around. Green got the better of Joohyun, controlling her movements by making her storm out of the medical tent and kick the arrow that was on the ground to the side.

“Is Seulgi alright?”

Joohyun turned to see Yerim, along with the rest of the Black Eagles, standing near the medical tent that she emerged from. Since the mock competition prematurely ended with two of the house leaders leaving the battlefield, victory was naturally given to the Blue Lions house. Junmyeon was the only leader left standing on the field. It didn’t seem right for him to earn the points, but he’d take the win for his classmates anyway. Anything to get him above the charismatic Golden Deer and the perfectionist Black Eagles. 

“She’s doing just fine,” Joohyun muttered. “It was foolish of me to leave the battle. I must apologize to you all.”

“I will admit that it was foolish, Joohyun,” Mino agreed, unknowingly rubbing in the figurative wound.

Joohyun couldn’t help but roll her eyes and make her way back to Garreg Mach Monastery without an official order. She didn’t want to show her face any longer to her team in fear of the possibility of words being spat out like poison. She would deal with it later as soon as she could figure out her emotions that revolved around Seulgi.

“Wait, Joohyun,” Yerim called after her. “Professor Taeyeon wanted to speak with all of us.”

Joohyun halted in her tracks and heaved a sigh.

She could already tell that this impending conversation with their professor wasn’t going to go well.


Joohyun was right.

Professor Taeyeon was visibly upset at the fact that their winning streak was broken, and it wasn’t even because Joohyun was physically defeated in battle. She had merely left the borders of the battleground, which implied a different kind of defeat in the form of retreating.

“I will not lie, Joohyun. I am quite disappointed in the fact that our house lost the mock competition because you had retreated.” Taeyeon was frowning at all the students, but mainly at Joohyun as the acting house leader. “I thought we made it clear that when you all injure each other on the battlefield, we have experienced healers who could restore everyone as if they hadn’t initially gotten wounded.”

Joohyun couldn’t bear to look Taeyeon in the eye. She stared at the ground with a bowed head, finding focus on the pointed tips of the professor’s heels.

Why had she gone after Seulgi like that? She was being carried by her own house leader. It wasn’t like Minho wasn’t strong enough to transport Seulgi on his own. Needless to say, he didn’t have to do so in the first place since the healers could quickly teleport themselves to those within the vicinity.

Deep down, Joohyun refused to admit that she might be infatuated with Seulgi. It wasn’t impossible - the latter made it easy to be crushed on. A bit too easy. But Joohyun didn’t enroll at the Officers Academy to find love. She was here to better herself once it came time to take over the Adrestian Empire, and romance would get in the way of that endeavor. With that goal being pursued, Joohyun shut down any possibility of harboring feelings.

“Well,” Taeyeon sighed, thinking that her students had enough of her scolding. “There will be time to make up for the points that we didn’t gain from winning the mock competition. I expect you all to be diligent in your lectures and practices from now on.”

She waved away the Black Eagles house to be dismissed to the Garreg Mach Monastery. As soon as Joohyun turned around to head back as well, Taeyeon called after her, causing the former to stay rooted.

“I admire the concern you have for a fellow soldier, Joohyun,” she started.

Joohyun glanced at the professor with a raised brow. “It was foolish of me,” she kept saying. “I shouldn’t have done that.”

“While you shouldn’t have done that during a mock competition, it is not often we see soldiers of different territories caring for each other during real battles.”

“Seulgi isn’t a part of my house, let alone my empire, anyway. I have doubts that I will be fighting alongside her in the future.”

Taeyeon couldn’t help but grin at the humorous gloomy aura that was surrounding Joohyun. By far, she had to be one of the most interesting house leaders she had the pleasure of instructing. Although not one with the most personality, Joohyun was unpredictable at times, catching Taeyeon and those around her off guard.

“Must I remind you that the Leicester Alliance is one of your formidable allies?” Taeyeon said. “You may come to each other’s aide when the time calls.”

Joohyun was adamant and shook her head. “I do not think so. The war has long been over.”

“Alright, then.” Taeyeon didn’t want to bother pressing the very strong possibility of the three allied nations potentially warding off a future common enemy. “Are you close with Seulgi?”

A mere mention of the Golden Deer’s name was enough to have Joohyun skid in her tracks. Taeyeon stopped ahead of her and turned to look at the house leader incredulously staring back.

“C-Close?” Joohyun stammered. With a chortle, she shook her head. “I wouldn’t say that I am. I have become acquainted with her, yes, but we’re not close.”

“Then, can I ask what made you run after her as soon as you rendered her useless?” Taeyeon asked. 

Joohyun stayed immobile, curling and uncurling the fingers into her palms. For someone who was typically enigmatic, a lot of emotions took control of her expressions.

“It cannot be the only time you have shot someone with an arrow.” Taeyeon took a step closer to Joohyun, who was biting down on her bottom lip. “And surely those times, however far and few in between, made you accustomed to the idea of possibly killing someone. Because how can an empress protect their empire if they are riddled with worry and fear? Surely you have gone through mental and physical training alike to withstand the idea of blood being on your hands.”

“I…” Joohyun turned away from Taeyeon’s intense gaze and tried to steel her face as much as possible. “I was just worried I may have shot her in the heart and killed her instantaneously.”

“Is that all?”

With crossed arms and eyes still turned away, Joohyun nodded. “Yes, that is all.”

“I see.”

Taeyeon turned back around towards the monastery, leaving Joohyun to trail behind her.

“We’ll leave it at that, then.”


Days after the mock competition, Joohyun didn’t receive the greatest treatment from her fellow officers at the academy. The majority of the students didn’t favor the fact that she had shot their beloved star student in the chest.

The Black Eagles leader continued the days with an unreadable expression. She was already unapproachable to begin with, but now that she had even more of a reason to look like she could harshly bite back, students stayed away and peered from afar. Her popularity, which once rivaled Seulgi, rapidly dropped.

The only students who could remain close to her were her own housemates. Yerim flocked about here and there and tried to stay by Joohyun’s side; however, the leader insisted that she enjoyed her time at the academy and didn’t need to accompany her everywhere.

(“But what if they throw eggs at you? Or even worse, toss you into the pond with the fishes!”

“They wouldn’t dare do that to a house leader for crying out loud,” Joohyun grumbled at Yerim.

“They might challenge you to a one versus one sparring match at the training grounds, then!”

“I can defend myself, Yerim.”)

Yerim seemed more worried about Joohyun’s safety than the girl herself. It wasn’t anything that Joohyun was necessarily concerned about anymore. The first day she was confused and unsettled at the many eyes on her and the words spoken about her. However, when she realized that it was all talk and no action, she tried to not let it bother her anymore. After all, she was only doing what she was tasked to in the mock competition, so she also understood that these students, who were fanatics of Seulgi’s, were hysterical. 

“How can she walk around the academy as if she didn’t just hurt Seulgi?” one student whispered.

“I know, right? If I were her, I wouldn’t be able to show my face at all,” the other whispered back.

“Joohyun may be pretty, but I don’t think she’s a match for Seulgi. After all, she is much more charming than Joohyun would ever be.”

Okay, now that was taking it a bit too far. Bringing in looks to this conversation? Unnecessary.

“Our poor Seulgi,” they sighed together.

Joohyun rolled her eyes and swiveled on her feet, wanting to get away from the gossipers who were staring at her from behind their hands. The courtyard was massive, but at least there were a lot of corners and buildings she could turn to hide from the onlookers. But this also meant the high possibility of bumping into other officers.

Despite the noisy chatter from around the corner, Joohyun wasn’t able to be quick on her feet to dodge the incoming group of people in front of her. She gasped and recoiled in her steps at the impact. An immediate apology was on her tongue, but it got caught in at the sight of Seungwan and Sooyoung holding onto Seulgi’s elbows to steady the Golden Deer.

“Well, well, well, look who it is,” Sooyoung started with a slight smirk on her lips.

“Please, don’t even start,” Joohyun muttered. She turned to Seulgi, who was staring at her with one of the most round, pure eyes she had ever seen. “My apologies for bumping into you, Seulgi.”

Joohyun took a step away from the three girls to walk past them until Seulgi held onto her shoulder, effectively halting her in her tracks.

“W-Wait, Joohyun. Can we…can we talk?” Seulgi asked with a hushed tone.

With a raised brow, Joohyun responded, “Are you sure you want to be seen with the likes of me? I don’t think your fans would like that very much.”

Seulgi let out a breath of air as some form of broken laughter. “I am certain it is fine. After all, you were only following the rules of the competition.”

“Okay, fine. What should we talk about?”


Seulgi decided that they should head to where they first met to talk - the greenhouse. Although she usually had some students following her, they quickly scrambled at the sight of Joohyun who was next to Seulgi (they stood from afar to watch the two just in case the Black Eagles leader would do anything to harm their favorite deer). Additionally, at least Seungwan and Sooyoung were courteous enough to push away those who didn’t respect boundaries so that Seulgi and Joohyun could talk privately.

“I must apologize,” Seulgi started.

They stood in front of one of the garden boxes situated outside the greenhouse. Whoever planted the seeds in the box focused on vegetables, a tall vine of tomatoes steadily growing next to cucumbers and lettuce. Seulgi reached out to the furry texture of the tomato leaf, surely as a form of distraction to keep her hands busy while speaking with another person, especially with someone like Joohyun.

“For what?”

“For how you have been treated thus far at the academy,” Seulgi replied. “I’m sure it wasn’t…a pleasant time.”

Joohyun crossed her arms and agreed in her head. “The stares are not comfortable, but I know they are not going to hurt me. Those who dare would have tried already.”

Seulgi couldn’t help but smile and giggle a little bit. “I admire that about you.”

Joohyun turned to look at her with a raised brow.

“You have this dignified aura,” Seulgi explained. “Confidence. Righteous. It’s quite admirable. I wish I had more of those qualities.”

“Well, I am certain you have some of that in you. It is also a good thing that you have Minho as your house leader to help you with that. He seems to be a charming lad.”

“He is, but he is quite intense,” Seulgi said, and Joohyun couldn’t help but chortle in agreement. “I would…I would like it if I had learned from you.”

“From me?” Yet again, another raised of a perfect eyebrow. Seulgi’s eyes flitted down from the brow to Joohyun’s wide, questioning gaze. “What could I possibly teach you, Seulgi?”

There were a lot of things Joohyun still had to learn. Everything Taeyeon has taught so far was brand new information and she sat there in the classroom, drinking in the scribbles on the chalkboard and marinating in the voices of the lecture. Surely, Professor Yunho was doing the same for the Golden Deers. Joohyun was another student just like Seulgi was, so the former was confused about what could she teach another student.

“There are quite a few things actually, Joohyun,” Seulgi said with a smile. “It might be hard to ask of you at this moment, but I suppose asking to be your friend is a good start.”

“Friend, huh?”

Seulgi immediately blinked out of her warm gaze and placed a hand on her own chest. “If-If that is okay with you, of-of course. I wouldn’t want to impose a friendship if it was unwanted.”

Joohyun couldn’t help the smile that was creeping up on her lips.

“You would want to be friends with me, someone who nearly killed you?”

Seulgi looked up and pointed a finger as if she had a revelation. “Ah, what was that saying? Keep your friends close and your enemies closer?”

Joohyun scoffed and bumped into Seulgi’s shoulder, staggering the Golden Deer in her steps a bit. Seulgi giggled at the sight of the amused smile on the leader’s lips and knew it meant no harm. After they recovered from a playful bit, Joohyun took a step closer to Seulgi and tilted her head, staring into the brown warmth that many students seemed to have fallen for.

“I don’t think you’re ready for this enemy to be close to you.”


The dreadful and antagonizing glares seemed to have died down after everyone noticed the blooming friendship between Seulgi and Joohyun. 

Seulgi, still with a group trailing behind her, would wave with a bright grin at the sight of Joohyun, who would be treading across the courtyard, and Joohyun, not wanting to get close to a group of fanatics would continue on her way after sporting a smile of her own.

Joohyun, with the intent of wanting to spend time with Seulgi, would catch the latter during moments when she would finally be alone, and Seulgi, noticing that students wouldn’t get close by the sight of the two together, was grateful to finally have some breathing room.

Joohyun was busy as house leader and wanting to make up for losing the mock competition (that she felt she and the Black Eagles could have easily won) and Seulgi was busy with being a heartthrob among her other duties, so the times they were able to spend alone together were rare. 

Nonetheless, they were pleasant times and Joohyun was looking forward to them whenever there was a chance.

“It’s nice to be planting seeds again,” Seulgi said, patting the soil in front of her with a hand shovel.

“Well, it’s nice to have you here back at the greenhouse,” Joohyun replied. “The fact that you were able to walk all the way here without anyone wanting to talk to you is impressive.”

“Believe it or not, Yerim is pretty good at warding them away.” Seulgi smoothed out the soil into a round mound and stood up from her kneeling position. “She is intense for me as well, but it’s bearable. The others can’t seem to handle it, though, and immediately didn’t want to bother dealing with her.”

Joohyun laughed. “That’s Yerim for you.”

“Joohyun, um, if you don’t mind…do you think you can help me out with some studies?”

Joohyun didn’t look up from her own pile of soil when Seulgi asked the question. While placing the seeds into the hole, she pondered, “I don’t think we have the same lectures, though, Seulgi.”

“It’s for the history of Fodlan. I asked Professor Yunho and he said that all classes are being taught this same lecture.”

“Oh. Your friend, Jisoo, isn’t available?”

Seulgi appeared alarmed at the mention of Jisoo, one of her Golden Deer classmates. Jisoo was one of the few good friends she made from the Leicester Alliance and the fact that they were in the same class year provided a comforting source of familiarity. However, during the past few weeks, Jisoo started to drift away when she engaged with others during dinner time. There were three other girls, two from Joohyun’s own house and one from Junmyeon’s, whom Jisoo were fond of. Seulgi would love to ask Jisoo to be a study buddy, especially for this course, but she rarely saw the latter. Only during lessons.

So, Seulgi was frankly surprised that frequently occupied Joohyun knew who Jisoo was.

“I would ask her, but she seems a lot busier than usual,” she ended up saying.

Seulgi fidgeted with her fingers while she stayed standing next to Joohyun, watching the latter cover the seeds with the uprooted soil. She was worried the leader would reject the offer. The history of Fodlan wasn’t extremely difficult to grasp; however, Seulgi was better with her hands-on learning than she was with lectures. It translated to the battle lessons where she would always come out on top. Having someone to put her up to speed with lectures or even keep her accountable would be beneficial, and she didn’t know anyone better to ask than Joohyun. A house leader, smart, kind, and didn’t seem to be taking advantage of Seulgi in any way. It had to be perfect!

“I don’t know…”

Seulgi’s soul was immediately crushed. She hadn’t realized how crestfallen her face was until Joohyun stood up from her position and cooed at the sight.

“Aw, Seulgi. Please don’t be sad,” Joohyun said. “It is just, I am not sure if I have a lot of time on my hands. After lessons, I usually coordinate house activities and my rest days are, well, rest days.”

Seulgi nodded while lowering her head. “No, I understand. It is a bit foolish of me to ask another house leader for help.”

She turned away from Joohyun to put the gardening materials away, signaling the end of her leisure time. Joohyun sighed at the sight. She didn’t think rejecting a simple study offer would greatly affect Seulgi. Dusting her hands to get rid of the soil, Joohyun followed Seulgi to put away her shovel. They met at the side of the greenhouse that was extremely secluded from the academy.

“How about this,” Joohyun started, “we meet at nighttime in the library.”

Seulgi averted her eyes from the shovel she just put away to Joohyun, who was smiling to ease the younger woman.

“Eight o’clock, after your history of Fodlan lecture, I can help you at the library. Most students like to study together in the common rooms or even in the dormitories, but I believe studying in an environment, such as the library, proves to be much more effective,” Joohyun offered. “So, there also won’t be as many people to distract us.”

“You’d really do that for me?” Seulgi had her jaw slightly agape. “Would you not be tired after a day of lessons and house activities?”

Joohyun shrugged. “I can make the time for this. It’ll be good for me as well.”

Seulgi’s mouth opened and closed a few times before the Golden Deer decided to crush Joohyun into a warm and tight embrace. The Black Eagles house leader rapidly blinked several times at the sudden intimacy. Despite how quickly her heart was beating, she couldn’t find it in herself to push away Seulgi, considering how the latter was extremely ecstatic while verbalizing her gratitude. She managed to force a chuckle; however, and pat Seulgi on the back a few times before she pulled away.

“Thank you,” Seulgi said. “It means a lot that you’d make time for me.”

“Of-of course,” Joohyun stammered and cleared . She looked away from Seulgi and slowly walked. “I’ll-I’ll let you know more later.…”


“So…I see you’ve been quite chummy with my star student.”

Joohyun was enjoying tonight’s dinner by herself at the corner of one of the communal tables. She was late to dinner today and the rest of her house had already eaten and gone off to socialize some more or to rest up for the night. So, imagine her surprise to see a strong, intense man plopping down next to her on the bench, legs on either side of the wood, one arm propped up on the table.

After recovering from the temporary shock, Joohyun brushed away the yellow cape that was nearly touching her food.

“What do you mean?” she decided to humor, placing a spoonful of rice into .

Minho clicked his tongue. “Don’t play dumb with me, Joohyun. I know you and Seulgi have been getting really close.”

“And is that an issue?”

“It is if you keep distracting her from lectures.”

“I don’t understand how I am doing that if I am not present in your classes.”

“She spaces out in class and I know it is about you because at one point your name slipped from when Professor Yunho shouted for her attention.” Minho rolled his eyes and rested his head on the propped hand.

Joohyun could feel the warmth creeping up her neck. Seulgi was thinking about her during classes? And here she was, believing she was on the way to grouping herself to becoming one of Seulgi’s fans (which definitely shouldn’t happen, of course).

“You are joking,” she decided to say.

“Oh, I wish I was. Whatever that is going on between you two needs to stop.”

Joohyun’s grip on her spoon became lax. With a pointed glare, she turned to Minho, whose eyes were widening by the second due to the darkening aura between the two. It sure wasn’t coming from him.

“Even though she is under your care, you do not get to go around and command who I can be friends with,” she stated through gritted teeth. She jabbed a finger against the hard muscles of Minho’s chest. “It is not my problem that Seulgi cannot focus in class. You, as her house leader, should be scolding her. Not me.”

Minho raised his hands as if he was surrendering. 

“And besides, nothing is going on between us. We’re just friends,” Joohyun finished, eating one last spoonful of rice. She cocked her head at Minho while raising a brow. Standing up with her tray in hand, she muttered, “Try to be less intense sometimes, Minho.”

“You’re serious, aren’t you?”

Joohyun stopped walking and threw a look over her shoulder. “When am I not?”

“I meant about Seulgi.”

“Did I not just tell you that we’re only friends?”

Minho rubbed the back of his neck. “I apologize for my forthcoming, but it is hard to believe. People are talking, Joohyun. I know you mean to not be bothered by romance, but you should be a little more careful if you truly are not.”

He stood up from the communal table and bowed his head at Joohyun before walking past her to head to his dorm. Joohyun stayed rooted in the middle of the mess hall, unaware of what other conversations were happening. All she had been hearing were talks of her friendship with Seulgi and nothing else. Nothing assuming, to be exact.

Rolling her shoulders back, Joohyun continued her path to place her tray on top of the garbage bin. 

Nothing was going to happen between her and Seulgi anyway.


It was half past eight and Joohyun was wondering if Seulgi might have forgotten about them meeting up to study tonight. She sat alone at a table in the library, surrounded by tall bookshelves. There were a few other students in the library as well, but they seemed to be here for a long time already and might be packing up soon. Joohyun wasn’t too worried about the fact that she would remain alone, considering how the library was always open day and night.

With a sigh, Joohyun stared down at the history textbook before her. Everything was already laid out and open, so she might as well refresh what she learned earlier this week since Professor Taeyeon held the seminar first before the other professors did.

As soon as she read the first sentence about the Imperial Year of 1180, pattering footsteps loudly sounded throughout the library. Joohyun heard a harsh shush and a meek apology before the footsteps began again, albeit quieter this time. A figure rounded the corner and Joohyun locked eyes with Seulgi, who was bearing one of the most apologetic looks on her disheveled appearance.

“Hi, Joohyun.” Seulgi sat her bag down on a vacant chair and was trying to catch her breath. “I deeply apologize. I had not realized that my sparring match with Minho went longer than usual.”

She began by combing out any loose hair strands with her fingers, untangling her bangs, and straightening out her sparring uniform that she didn’t have time to change out of.

“I hope I didn’t keep you waiting for too long,” Seulgi whispered with a frown.

Joohyun noticed a hair strand sticking out from behind Seulgi’s ear that she failed to keep down. She subconsciously reached out and tucked the hair strands behind Seulgi’s reddening ear, hearing the sharp intake of breath the Golden Deer just took. Upon realization, Joohyun quickly recoiled into her seat and cleared . She placed a hand on a warm cheek and looked down at the textbook.

“It’s fine. Let’s review?” Joohyun offered.

“Y-Yes. Right. Yes, let’s review.”

“What section do you need help on?”

Finding out which section of the history of Fodlan gave Seulgi and Joohyun ample enough time to maintain their composure. When Seulgi finally found what she was struggling to understand, which was about the Adrestrian Empire and a morally gray individual named Edelgard, Joohyun perked up in interest. She mentioned how this was one of the most fascinating parts of history, in her opinion, considering how Edelgard, who ascended to the throne of the Adrestrian Empire at the time, was a student at the Officers Academy just like Joohyun and Seulgi; however, she was able to maintain her secret identity while around her fellow classmates and professors at the academy before declaring war on the monastery.

“Why do you find Edelgard interesting?” Seulgi couldn’t help but ask.

“I don’t think it’s just Edelgard I find interesting,” Joohyun replied. “It’s more about how this entire war unfolded. Lady Rhea seemed to be a morally gray person during the time as well, but because she was an archbishop, people naturally followed her lead and believed that she was only doing good. I think maybe Edelgard thought otherwise and only wanted what was best for her empire as the flame emperor. I would like to read more about this than what is currently offered.”

“The fact that Edelgard launched an attack on herself while she was with her companions was highly risky,” Seulgi marveled over the textbook.

“It is needed to sell the idea that Edelgard wasn’t an adversary and only a mere student,” Joohyun stated. “I am certain that she had extensive training up until her ascension. She could handle herself.”

“You seem to think highly of her despite how on the surface level she is the common enemy.” 

Seulgi raised an eyebrow as she flipped pages. Having a conversation about this with Joohyun was helping her understand the material. She was initially confused if Edelgard was the same person as the flame emperor who declared war on the Church of Seiros and planned to overtake Garreg Mach Monastery. 

“I cannot deny that her leadership skills are to be respected,” Joohyun responded, “but I am in no way approving of what she did. After all, she was one of the previous emperors of my own empire, so she is someone I must learn about.”

Seulgi glanced from her own textbook to Joohyun, who was scanning the text while twirling a pen in between her deft fingers. There was something about Joohyun that instantly entranced Seulgi. First, she wasn’t one of the many officers here at the academy who fawned over her looks and voice. Second, she knew how to hold her ground and had the ability to fight for what she desired. Third, her poised and elegant demeanor was something to learn from. The teachings over at the Adrestrian Empire must differ greatly from how it was at Leicester Alliance and Joohyun was a byproduct of that.

(Fourth, Joohyun’s beauty was ungodly. Intimidating, but still one of the most ethereal beings Seulgi had the pleasure of laying her eyes on.)

“You wouldn’t do what she did, right?” Seulgi teased with a small smile.

The small smile slowly dropped at the sight of Joohyun broodily peering up from her textbook. The latter stopped spinning her pen and held a dark and stern gaze over Seulgi, effectively encapsulating her within the small space between them.

“What do you think?”

“I, uh.” Seulgi opened and closed repeatedly, at a loss for words. “I-I, I think —“

Joohyun giggled softly behind a hand. “Relax. I wouldn’t do that.”

“Oh. You were joking.”

“Of course I was.” Joohyun flipped a page, reading about Fodlan sans Adrestian Empire taking back Garreg Mach Monastery. “Who do you take me for?”

“I’m not sure. You’re quite a mystery, Joohyun,” said Seulgi.

The eyes that were tracing every feature of Joohyun were heavy and filled with purpose. Joohyun couldn’t shake it off, so she looked up from the book and returned the gaze. What was once commonly warm and soothing turned intrusive and curious. Seulgi was eager for knowledge tonight, both about Fodlan and Joohyun.

Swallowing a dry lump, Joohyun blinked a few times and shifted about in her seat.

“Well, I can assure you that I won’t do what Edelgard did as future emperor,” Joohyun said. “Now, quit staring at me like that and tell me what else you need help on.”

From the corner of her eyes, she saw how flustered Seulgi was, probably just slightly embarrassed at the fact that she was caught staring so intensely and was called out for it. Joohyun curled her lips into , trying to stifle laughter.

“S-Sorry, um, maybe about what the strategy was to take back the monastery?”

Joohyun nodded and started to explain the destruction caused by the war and the many officers lost during the whole ordeal. Garreg Mach Monastery was temporarily overtaken by the flame emperor, and to lead the efforts to reclaim it was a new recruit of the Officers Academy named Professor Byleth, who proved their worth in a short amount of time.

During the explanation, Joohyun focused her sights on her hefty textbook, but she also couldn’t help but notice how instead of following along on her own textbook or jotting down notes, Seulgi was often distracted by staring at her. She couldn’t scold her, though. It didn’t seem like Seulgi was having trouble with retaining information. In fact, her asking questions and talking about the history was doing wonders.

If the remainder of their future study reviews were going to be like this, then Joohyun had to mentally prepare herself even more.

Seulgi just might be an obstacle to her one and only rule here.

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Chapter 2: Joohyun being in denial about her attraction towards Seulgi 🤭 And both of them are not being so subtle either with their flirting and staring 🤭
Chapter 1: Super interesting story 😁 I know nothing about the game but I’m okay not knowing anything about the storyline 😁
eunxiaoxlove #3
Chapter 2: Ohhhhhhh haha
Chapter 2: ohh myyyyy i absolutely adore their characters here 🥹 from irene being the intimidating mysterious leader who is so smitten with seulgi that she gave up the competition (+ that imagery of jealous irene kicking the arrow on the ground was so endearing omg) to seulgi being so cute and wanting to be friends with irene even after that 😭❤️ idek who i would fall harder for?! they're both so charming in their own ways..
also (as always) love the way you write their interactions - the banter, subtle flirting, the staring, and the flustered moments are all so well depicted i can envision it so clearly! i also really liked the minho and irene conversation because it seemed like a good wake up call for irene re her intentions with seulgi and making her think about how serious her own feelings were... but i fear she will pull back from seulgi to stick to her plans and not be distracted esp after she alr 'messed up' once bc of those feelings :(
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #5
Chapter 2: Welcome back author nim 😭🩷🩷🩷 awwww they're so cute ,I love the way Irene make time for seulgi 🫶🏼🩷🩷
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #6
please update author nim😭
Chapter 1: omg i'm obsessed
egglaundry #8
Shamelessly trying my luck here by asking if u would ever upload ur Ohsugarhoneyicetea fics again... My life was never the same after discovering ur works
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #9
update please 😭
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #10
where are u now author nim? 🥺