43 | Debts & Scars

Bride of the Virtuous
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"The scars you can't see are the hardest to heal."
— Anonymous


With eyes glazed over, Seo Ara patiently waited as the columbarium assistant carefully removed the thick glass separating her from her grandmother's urn and treasured belongings. Da Ye had upgraded the woman's resting spot to a larger niche, and though there were plenty of places to hide what they were looking for, Ara instinctively knew where the document laid in that enclosed space.


Weaving through the small trinkets, candles, and preserved flowers, she reached for the second tallest frame of the bunch. It was plain and scuffed, but the image encased inside was the one that stood out the most. It was that of her mother and grandmother snuggling close, wearing the brightest smiles, happiness painted all over their faces.


Who knew you could make such an expression? Ara wondered as she gazed at her mother's toothy grin.


Having observed the picture longer than necessary, she released a quiet breath and flipped the image over, her heart racing and wounded.


Sure enough, behind their smiles was a plain white envelop stuffed along the edges of the frame, and inside, was the final and most important document she needed to seal the truth.


Ara subconsciously tightened her grip on the items in her hand, her eyes slowly wandering upwards.


She had convinced herself that a goodnight's sleep and Baekhyun's presence would be enough to keep her emotions at bay, but the pain and envy crashed against her chest worse than she had anticipated.


There in front of her was a mocking visualization—a physical evidence—of something she never had: the lasting love and trust between a mother and a daughter.


Her consciousness soon drifted to the farthest and deepest part of her mind, almost desperately searching through the few yet fondest memories she had of her and wicked witch, hoping to find one that came close to the image of motherly love she held in her hands.


Yet unsurprisingly, she found none.


There wasn't a single memory where she didn't doubt her mother's sincerity. Where she didn't suspect if her mother's words of affection were ever true. Where she didn't question if any of her mother's actions were ever done out of love.


"Ara," Baekhyun called softly, accompanied by a gentle touch on her frozen arm—a sudden sense of warmth that hauled her back to the present before any more heartache, frustration, and disappointment—before any more angst and hatred—could resurface.  


Today wasn't about her and the witch, but rather, it was about a soon-to-be mother and her precious child. And so, she buried her emotions as she had always done and refocused on the task.


Summoning a faint smile, Ara met her husband's worried gaze, assured him she was fine, then lowered her eyes back to the piece of evidence that would finally bring closure.


"I, Lee Byung Chul, leave my entire fortune, including all properties, cash accounts, stocks, et.al, to my one and only daughter, Lee Min Jung, to do with them however she pleases," she began with a triumphant smile while skimming through the long list of assets her mother had claimed as her own.


As happy as she was to finally have proof of Min Jung's rights, it was the next set of instructions that brought Ara over the moon.


"And to my future grandchild," she continued with excitement, her eyes reading faster than . "I leave them with the entirety of my life insurance benefits and five percent of my company shares, accessible on the eve of their 21st birthday," she announced, letting her lenses drift down to the official stamp and signature of the restaurant mogul, then to the handwritten note just below.


"To my darling daughter Min Jung," Ara read, the curve of her lips softening, "if my time comes before I have the chance to apologize in person, I beg that you find it in your heart to forgive me. To forgive my cruel actions and hurtful words. I committed a sin no parent should ever make—and that was choosing a stranger over my own flesh and blood. I was blinded by lust and false happiness, but those do not excuse my thoughtless actions. I love you, Min Jung and I'm sorry for everything that I have done to hurt you. You are my treasure, my princess. And in the likely case you can't forgive me, at least take what is rightfully yours. I wish you the very best my dear. May you, Kyungsoo, and your child have all the happiness in the world…Love, Dad."


Just like the countless times she came to realize the damage her mother had inflicted on innocent families, Ara felt her heart sink. Not only did her monster of a mother kill an innocent man, she also took away his last attempt to apologize for the wrongs he had committed. She took away his last attempt to let his daughter know he had given them his blessings. Worst of all, she took away a father's last attempt to let his daughter know just how much he loved her.


But as Ara moved on to the page behind the will and testament, what greeted her was a picture and document that made her question her mother's true motive for committing such atrocities.


"Looks like Lee Byung Chul rediscovered his love for his daughter just before he passed," Baekhyun interrupted from the side, once again pulling her away from her train of thoughts.


Folding the documents and stuffing them back into the envelope, Ara shook her head lightly. "Like any parent, I don’t think he ever lost it," she replied with gentle smile.


"Then can the same be said about your own?" Baekhyun countered unintentionally—a stupid question that slipped out before he had the chance to catch his tongue.  


As expected, the curve on Ara's lips faded briefly. "You can't lose something that never existed," she answered, followed by a subtle smile and melancholy visible in her dark lenses.


|| …………… ||


Pulling into the same spot he parked in when they first arrived in Yangyang, Baekhyun exited the Maserati with a deep breath as he did on day one. There in front of him was, once again, the unobstructed view of the blue waters and empty shore—the very same image that churned his stomach, clouded his head, and constricted his heart.


But as he waited for the discomfort—for the nausea, frustration, and pain—to return, he found himself at ease. His abdomen was fine. His head was clear. And his heart was calm.


Surprised by his unexpected physical and mental reaction, Baekhyun set his fascinated gaze on the only possible cause for his composure.


It could only be you. He thought with a growing smile of amazement.


After suppressing the fluttering butterflies in his stomach and silencing the rather loud thumping his chest, Baekhyun followed Ara towards the low stone wall that separated the road and the sand.


His wife had settled herself on the rocky surface and just like then, she had her eyes on the orange sky, her pink lips curved into a faint smile, and her mind preoccupied with countless jumbled thoughts.


He had requested a quick pitstop, noting it was to prepare his body for the long drive back to Seoul, but truth be told, he had made the suggestion all for Ara's sake—for he knew she needed to compartmentalize her emotions. She needed to bury the sadness. To conceal the envy. And to suppress the longing for a mother's love. Most importantly, she needed to prepare herself—physically, emotionally, and mentally—for the final stretch of her long journey to the truth.


As quietly as he could, Baekhyun swung a leg after another and took a seat beside the silent woman. It felt very much like the time they spent at the Han River, except this time, the scenery was a vast ocean stretching well into the horizon.


"You're curious, aren't you?" Ara began, turning to face him, "About the final—more so, secret—chapter to my story."


Latching his dark lenses onto hers, Baekhyun nodded lightly. "I can't say that I'm no

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hakimmj #1
Chapter 51: Oh my god! Luckily baekhyun can save ara & junmyeon. Ara will be so sad since baekhyun will feel triggered by the incident. Hoping that there will be more moments of them and they can be together happily. Thanks for updating
AiiSoo #2
Chapter 51: Seo Da Ye has really gone crazy, isn’t she? And she is so stupid too. How did she get this far with her stupidity, seriously. Ahh.. Junmyeon is so kind. As expected from Seo Ara’s first love and ex-fiancee. Ara is really good at choosing her men. Hahaha.
I’m glad that now they have enough evidence and proof that Seo Da Ye is a scum. She can finally be charger for her wrongdoings. I hope nothing but the best for Baekhyun, Ara and Junmyeon. Not going to wish the same for Chaeyoung though. I still think that it’s not fair of her to confess her feelings about Baekhyun to Ara when she knows how hard Ara’s life has been all this while. I’m petty like that. Hehe.
Thank you for these updates..! I enjoyed reading it.
Chapter 50: It's been a while since you updated. Im just waiting for their HEA . Both Junmyeon's and Ara's . Hoping they move on and Chae as well. And I'm wondering here did Da ye really ordered for them to be harmed?? Will there be some plot twist?? Waiting patiently. Ur writing is simply just so mellow and laid back it's idk how to describe it feels comfortable
hanafirasz #4
Chapter 51: Awhh its been a while since i read the new update so i decided to reread from the beginning to get all the feels again. I really hope things will end well for everyone, and im hoping to see sehun to find his right person soon too!! And i really enjoy reading your writing, it is written beautifully!!
Jaesongjoong #5
My type of stories
MissMong24 #6
Chapter 51: I’m so glad they both are safe and nothing drastic happened to them! junmyeon, the universe really is testing you buddy. i hope you get to really truly move on soon
Chapter 51: That was too close! I was s worried for Junmyeon- if Aera hadn’t stepped in he’d have definitely been dead. And then her too! But thankfully Baekhyun listened to his instincts
1004Noona #8
Chapter 51: Finally Ara is free!
Really likes reading the chapters btw 😊
Chapter 51: Da Ye is just a monster. How could she do this all to her daughter? I'm glad baekhyun and others saved ara and jun. Both ara and baekhyun probably realized now how much they love each other. They deserve to be happy🫶🏻 Thank you for updating!
747 streak #10
Chapter 51: That was a new low, even for Da Ye. It’s good that Ara and Junmyeon are going to be okay, no thanks to that witch. Now, it’s Chaeyoung to deal with before the lovebirds can have their happy ending. Thank you for the update, I really enjoyed this chapter.