You and I as songs

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You and I as songs is a wenrene love story, written like the songs of an album in which every chapter is a song that tells their story. 


Embracing first times. 


For me it is the hardest, actually. I am a person who usually gets comfortable in what I know, so I will keep on doing something that I know rather than pursuing something new. 




This time I wanted to try it and here I am.


So guys, this is my first time writing WENRENE and I can't help but to be a little scared and unsure about it hahaha. Can you guys trust me in this one too, maybe? I have been writing it for a few months now, trying to understand this story the fullest first, before sharing it with you. You know how I am, these stories are not something that I take lightly.


And this one is personal to me. 


For those who don't know me, I am Érika and I like to write what feels real and right. I am not an angst author, this term doesn't suit me... I just try to portrait real feelings and situations, so, because of that sometimes it gets sad? Yes, it does, but it also gets funny and fluffy and... hot. 


This is a story full of the cliche I know you love! It’s the story of best friends struggling in the adult world, but things are somehow harder for one of them who have realized that she is in love… in love with her best friend. 


So this is it, hehe. 


Come with me and meet Joohyun, a young doctor struggling with her feelings for her best friend, Seungwan. Let’s smile together, perhaps get a little sad and annoyed together too? I will try to show you how hard it’s to be in love with someone you shouldn’t be.


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ShinHye24 1340 streak #1
Chapter 10: Re reading this oneee :)
Chapter 16: great story 😭😍
Chapter 16: Great story and great writing, i'm so happy that i found this one .
Good job author-nim .
Chapter 8: Happy that seulgi knocked some sense in seungwan
Chapter 4: I don't know how i didn't read this one before it's a masterpiece so far like really good it's like i feel everything specially with the songs that comes with them . Anyway i'll keep reading and hopefully it's a happy ending after all the hurt and heavy feelings .
kkurabae #6
Chapter 16: Damn, sobrang ganda ng story. Well done author-nim. ❤️💙
WenRene_77 14 streak #7
Chapter 3: it's my first time reading this fic and it's getting more and more exciting💝💙
Can't believe I just found out about this fic today.. i'm so excited to read this already XD
Chapter 16: , its so ing good!
Chapter 16: i can’t believe i only came across this fic now! really enjoyed reading it especially seeing their relationship develop. seulgi & sooyoung are the greatest friends helping them process their feelings and being the wingwomen they needed.

as for seungwan i was annoyed like joohyun after she let out the lines “its a mistake”. god that broke me and then joohyun seeing that man in wan’s apartment after aHhh tore my heart into pieces.karma ended up biting her bc joohyun re-enacted the same line. though in a way i understand her confusion and crossing the line between friendship and love is extremely difficult. we love that character development! i was having the time of my life watching seungwan profess her love and being possessive infront of jumyeon.

ahhhhhh can’t even imagine joohyun’s onesided love for how many years! well, seungwan felt the same but her subconscious was so in denial that it was disguised as bff affection. her actions betrayed her with the countless babying, cooked meals, don’t get me started on her compliments. girlie took every opportunity to tell joohyun she’s a goddess.

i really felt joohyun’s emotion in such a deeper level. i think she’s really brave for letting herself become vulnerable and be loved by seungwan. its what she deserves. in tagalog, marupok si madam. the moment she accepted that there’s no point of holding back damn IN THE HOSPITAL TOO?!

this chapter was adorable <3 we got a glimpse of their clinginess! their uncertainty on the future is so real but for sure they’ll somehow work it out.

oops i think i spammed too much i feel like i have more to say so i blurted out what my mind can remember. thank you for this lovely story author :) KUDOS