Chapter 1

Slip of Faith
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‘Jesus, Tae. Your parents are right over there. Take it easy, man.’ Kai nudged his best-friend who’d snuck in a flask at his grandfather’s birthday party.

He meant no disrespect by all means, but these gatherings had the tendency to bore him out of his mind.

Especially since his parents only ever invited their friends from the church community – not that they had any other friends to choose from.

Taemin heard his friend sigh next to him as he scanned the people who were currently crowding his massive back garden.

He was most likely trying to find some nice girl he could kill his time with which certainly wasn’t going to be easy.

All of these girls were s who had taken the vow of abstinence – the result of the massive true love waits campaign that a group of church members – including his parents – had launched last year.

Taemin wasn’t really against it per se, he still considered himself a Christian who believed in god.

But it did make him wonder what they would say if they knew that he’d lost his v-card when he was sixteen.

They’d probably kill him, and then hose him down with holy water.

Anyway, now that he was living at the dorms in the heart of Seoul so that he could attend college, he was glad to have more breathing space.

Taking another quick sip of vodka, he slipped the flask back into the front pocket of his hoodie and followed Kai who had gone over to the buffet to fill up a plate.

There was never anything wrong with stuffing their faces after all and these family parties always had damn good food – he’d at least give them that.

Choosing a helping of potato salad, two steak skewers and a burger, he was about to grab the last piece of chicken when a small pale hand lifted it off the platter and placed it neatly on her own plate, using the provided tongues.

Turning to see who it was to fix the person with a withering look, he noticed that it was no other than the community’s golden child  - Son Naeun.

Taemin had nothing against her.

Well, at least not at first.

With her long, back shiny hair, porcelain skin and excellent manners and credentials – who would ever have anything against this girl, right?

Taemin had even found her charming at one time – until she’d caught him going at it behind the bleachers at their high school that faithful day three years ago.

Since then, Naeun had a permanent glare fixed on her features whenever she looked at him.

Oh man, Taemin knew what this look meant.

That rosary ring on her index finger said it all – I’m saving myself for my husband and Jesus and you, Taemin are a hypocrite and a disappointment to your parents.

He’d half expected her to run within the community, tell everybody that the Lee son was not what they thought he was.

But oddly enough she hadn’t.

Naeun had only really avoided him, which he appreciated.

What he didn’t appreciate however were those judgmental glances she’d shoot at him.

Yes, those looks were starting to really piss him off.

‘Really, Naeun.’ He pointed at her plate and put the hand that wasn’t holding his plate to his hip, looking annoyed.

Naeun fixed him – unsurprisingly – with a glare to then tilt her head sideways that made her glossy hair fall over her shoulder in that way that made Taemin get even more annoyed with her.

‘It’s a buffet, Taemin. First come, first serve.’ She spoke in that soft voice of hers.

There she went again, smart-mouthing him in that way that had his gut feeling all twisted.

‘No ?’ he swore, knowing exactly that she hated it when people used any profanities at all.

Yeah, Naeun hated every kind of swearword, even something as little as ‘’.

‘And here I thought that it was my parents who have invited everyone for my grandfather’s birthday.’

Naeun rolled her eyes at him and put her plate down, crossing her arms.

The motion pushed her medium-sized bosom up, and even though she was only wearing a simple blue sundress with a modest neckline, he could see a hint of a cleavage, making him bite down on his bottom lip to hold himself from pointing it out.

It was funny really.

Now that he was at college he wasn’t a stranger to having fun with girls and seeing his fill, but for some reason that girl seemed to still get a rise out of him.

Was it because she irritated him? That he knew she was off limits?

‘I’m not here to argue with you.’ She grumbled, grabbing his plate off his hand to place it down so that she was able to transfer the piece of poultry from her plate to his.

‘But before you start crying, big baby…’ she gave him the plate back.

But Taemin wasn’t having it.

Did she actually just call him a big baby? Seriously?

Before he knew it, he’d started argue with her which only caused her to talk back, causing the whole thing to turn into a full-blown bickering match.


Unbeknownst to them, Kai and Sehun were only sitting a few feet away, watching the two as an argument over food turned sour.

‘Do you think they’re actually fighting or is this their way of flirting?' Kai wondered out loud as he stabbed a piece of potato and shoved it in his mouth.

Sehun let out an amused chuckle and shook his head.

‘No, I think they don’t know how they are for each other, yet.’

‘So what, are we supposed to wait and see when they’ll finally figure it out for themselves then?’

His eyes never leaving the scene in front of him, Sehun shrugged as a smirk slowly appeared on his lips.

‘Or we can give these two a nudge and at the same time make this party a little more interesting.’ He finally turned to look at Kai, flashing him his brilliant whites.

‘Interesting how?’

Kai didn’t think that the grin on Sehun’s face couldn’t get any larger when he leaned in and started to whisper his plan into his left ear.


Something was tickling Taemin's nose.

He scrunched it up and blew out of his mouth to try and dislodge whatever the irritation was.

It drifted away before settling again across his mouth this time.

With an annoyed murmur he tried to reach up to drag it away, only to find both his hands were already occupied, palming the curves of his current bed-mate.

He glanced down in surprise to find one handful of a nice and one of a round .

A girl was sprawled on top of him and was gently nuzzling into his chest.

He frowned down at the top of her hair, which was black and shiny.

Odd…he didn't remember a damn thing.

How did he meet this one?

His eyebrows shot up as he tried and failed to remember who she was and how they’d ended up in his bed.

He must have gotten drunk he realized, as his last memory was of him taking a seat between Sehun and Kai at his grandfather’s birthday.

His grandfather’s birthday…

Oh god! This wasn’t his room at the dorms. This was his room at his parents’ house!

At this alarming feeling, he quickly released her perky with faint reluctance and reached up to brush her long hair from his face.

He needed to get up and dressed and get this girl the hell out of his house before his parents caught him!

He cleared his throat as an attempt to wake the girl but he only got her to give a muffled groan which made his perk up with interest.

‘Hmm…’ she whimpered and lifted her face to gaze at him through blurry brown eyes.

Taemin froze.

He knew those eyes, t

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Wonderful_ #1
loved this so much!
6v6_francella #2
Chapter 7: This is the best epilogue I have read here! Loved the story.
AiiSoo #3
Chapter 7: Awww. This story is just full of sweetness. Thank you for this beautiful writing..!
wizonce_sone #4
njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #5
Chapter 7: Second round of reading, I loved this Taemin at first, I thought he was going to be an idiot with Naeum, but I liked the maturity he showed by giving Nauem and himself time to accept the situation and fall in love along the way, forming his charming family, thanks take care.
Chapter 7: First if all, how crazy an author to make a really intense playing- description in a long way chapter LOL you go girl! No, I SUPER LOVE IT! you described scene with a romantic way and not always about skinship. You explore the emotions lingering between them too. Looking forward to your another taeun stories ^^
Endzii22 #7
Chapter 7: This was so gooooooood ! I love the plot and the way your describing things.
Chapter 7: I love how you make taemin called naeun "dimples" and the baby "dumplings" It is so cute ^^
Thank you so so so much for the whole story! I love the plot, love the ending and everything! I hope my message can encourage you a little author-nim~ please keep writing about taeun hihi
Chapter 7: What a lovely ending!