

Hi there I see you’ve managed to stumble upon my book and chances are that you’ve found yourself in quite the sticky situation by surely being surrounded by people who all collectively share one brain cell but worry not! Follow these simple steps and I assure you you’ll get out of it in a zippy…or at least learn how to handle it enough for you not to go mad. My name is Wendy Son and if you’re familiar with the name then you’ll know just how effective this is. Now without further ado:




Buenassss hello happy new year everyone!!! Ok so I know I've been seriously MIA for waaaay too long and have one particular fic I need to update (I see you all Life as an Alpha enthusiast and I hear you) asap and I can now properly say I'm working on it. I have to do some serious adjustments to the storyline but I'm now actually doing it and revising everything SO to make it up to you all that have been incredibly patient and beyond encouraging with me all this while I decided to publish this lil One-Shot Collection that has been helping me during my writer's block to ease me back into writing and to assure you that I am, indeed, not dead hahaha. Is pure, unadultered self-fullfillment crack and humor as well as a way to toy with some ideas I've had along the years but I truly hope you enjoy it as much as I do. 


If you do please don't forget to subscribe and punch that like butto-wait wrong site. If you do like it then I'm glad! 'Cause that's the whole purpose of this tiny nonsensical thing :D I do appreciate comments A LOT though so extra kudos and love for everyone who take that extra time to leave one, you're seriously the best and I love you 3000 <3




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Chapter 1: I'm so late in reading this but still, this is awesome. Can't wait for more.
poplarbear #2
Chapter 1: Ah i missed this story so much :') r
poplarbear #3
Chapter 1: oh, that was fun to read!

my heart and hopes jumped a little when Sana flirts to Wendy, thank you for the WenSana food. I'm excited for the next chapter!
Chapter 1: Waiting for Irene and Yeri hehe
Chapter 1: oh no she really shet herself in front of the whole school? :o Honestly I would kms instantly

Also have you tried the Wenhyo? heh it think it’s cute

Welcome back author we missed u and ofc we will be waiting for ya other fic I was just re reading it the other day heh, it’s nice seeing you around here w a new story. Just from chp1 it seems like they’re gonna make wendys life’s hell/ a mess and she hasn’t met yeri yet 😭 ahh can’t wait till all the members meet:)
Now I'm waiting for Irene hahaha
Yey BlackVelvetTwice in your area!
Woah first time reading fanfic in Wizard/ Hogwarts setting, its great :D
Cant wait to know Wendy will meet the rest of the members (Irene, Rosé, Jennie, etc).
Please update again soon Author :)
1700 streak #8
Chapter 1: Whole gang is here! And Hogwarts au! Seungwan so op here
Favebolous 14 streak #9
Chapter 1: Glad you wrote back
Ah the hogwarts au that we all need T-T
Thank you for the story authornim :D and welcome back <3