nothing else i can need


Donghae likes Pussycat Dolls. Hyukjae thinks he’s going crazy.

Or, an au where Hyukjae and Donghae are childhood friends and Pussycat Dolls is the ultimate wingman.

(crossposted on ao3)


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Achichi #1
Chapter 1: Nice story, I love it 😊
ishi0507 #2
Chapter 1: so cute made me giddy while reading! a friend recommended it to me! thank you for this.💙
1585 streak #3
Chapter 1: Awww this was so silly and cute! Hyuk gathered the nerve to confess so quickly, and when he said he had a song to sing I thought it would be something romantic and sweet like "Stickwitu"...but that was much funnier. Being able to tease Donghae is probably good, rather than just enduring his PCD obsession. ^^
14_KateBeckett #4
Chapter 1: Soo cute!!! Hae’s adorable~Thank you for writing <3