babodne's canon compliant eunhae drabbles


Canon compliant drabbles originally posted on twitter.

Snippets of Donghae and Hyukjae's life and essays on moments they have together, because I overanalyze things to the point of pain.


all new updates will probably be posted on twitter first and batch-crossposted here when I have free time (and motivation lol)!

welcome to my tooth and brain-rotting canon compliant eunhae daydreams ☆=(ゝω・)

these will usually just have little snippets of their life and/or essays aka me overanalyzing every eunhae moment because I just Cannot with these boys sometimes

run away if you don't want to fall into a delusional pit hole orz

[there probably won't be but for anyone asking this collection will be reversible]


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1585 streak #1
Chapter 4: Love these drabbles, very grounded in reality. Also love the full circle of beginning with Hyuk's birthday and then a year later to his next birthday. Even apart their affection is just as palpable. ♡ Cheers to more time together, whatever form it takes, (more irl-based drabbles) and more love~