
He Came Back For Us
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I mean, at least he's happy and not sulking over Sehun, she thought.  




"Pa, I know I haven't asked this in ages, but, umm, where's mom?"

Areum asked, her hand mixing the broth in her bowl that her father gave. Chanyeol abruptly stopped at the question. It was a simple sentence, yet hard to provide answers to.

"I'm... I'm sorry Areum, I-I..."

Chanyeol was blanked. His head was empty and couldn't deliver a good excuse, nor can he think of a good answer to tell her. Just thinking back to it, it's heartbreaking. How everything went crashing down just because of a one-word response.

"I'm sorry Areum, I don't think I'm prepared for that question. Maybe next time", her father stammered.

Areum sighed, disappointment laced on her face at his answer, but Chanyeol's uncomfortable state lead her to eventually stop the conversation. He isn't ready, and forcing him to answer won't satisfy both of them.

"It's okay, pa."

And that was enough to make Chanyeol feel such a heavyweight in his heart. God, it was even heavier than before and he doubts he'd ever feel at peace like he was in his youth days. 

If there's one thing he never felt guilty and regretful in his life, it would have been Areum's presence. Keeping her happy and safe is his top priority, as her parent and the first guy she ever had clung onto (cuddling her was his best part). 

Yet, he still felt sorry for not keeping the whole family he had been wishing for since he was young. 

"Umm, so, when is this amusement park again?" Areum asked, changing the subject. 


"Eh?! Omg, why didn't you say so?" Areum rushed to leave her stool and immediately ran upstairs and opened her cabinets in a rush. She wants to be presentable, knowing her idol was the one who invited her father and her. 

But screw that when all she ever wore were the three same outfits she casually repeats. 

"Damn me."

Areum grumbled, not aware that her father was by the doorway after following his daughter upstairs, quietly chuckling at her distressed face. 

"Still a child."




"Fudge, it's this amusement park?!"

"Yep, your uncle's fave."

Areum shivered at the word.

"Please, after everything you've said, I still can't grasp the thought of him squishing my cheeks when I was little. It's like impossible."

"You're overreacting."

Areum sighed and nodded towards her father's words.

"Yeah, you're right."

"Let's go, they're over there."


Areum replied and took Chanyeol's hand, interlocking with hers as they strode towards four people who seems to be quarreling.

"I told you to bring the damn jacket!"

"Well, I'm sorry that I forgot to tick it in my notes!" Yelled Sehun to the fuming Tao.

"Frick, it's freezing out here!" Whined Jongin, shivering from the cold.

"He wouldn't be shivering if you had remembered to put it in your bag last night", mumbled a pissed-off Sehun.

"I thought you were following my instructions, didn't I tell you to do your work as my fricking assistant?"

"Screw you for making childish rules."

"And screw you for disobeying the contract!"

"Would you all just shut up!"


"Why am I included?" mumbled a sad and cold Jongin.

Baekhyun pinched the bridge of his nose. Can't they respect him at least today? For goodness sake, this was supposed to be his time with Chanyeol and Areum. But who was he kidding, he knew Tao and Jongin were eavesdropping on his conversation with Chanyeol. And he surely knew they weren't gonna stop ticking him off until he lets them join.

And Sehun? He got dragged by Tao (but Baekhyun thought it wouldn't be a bad idea to bring the boy to the rides).

"Look, they're here", Sehun pointed out to the familiar family.

"Hey, Baek", waved Chanyeol to the latter with a smile.

"And I thought I was going to wait for another two hours just to see you."

"Don't even bring that up."

Baekhyun chuckled, a memory both knew too well. And as he chuckled, he saw that once toddler he was accustomed to behind Chanyeol. That once baby who would crawl towards him to be peppered with kisses all over her face.

"Hey there, Areum."

Baekhyun softly smiled. Areum bowed stiffly, making the three boys behind Baekhyun surpass a laugh.

"Oh man, look how much she grew up", cried Baekhyun, trying not to tear up too much. Chanyeol shook his head in embarrassment over his so-called friend of his.

"Stop, you're embarrassing yourself."

"Shut up, Tao."

Baekhyun snarled at his nephew, making Jongin and Sehun leap towards Areum. A habit of theirs whenever Tao is either getting roasted or getting embarrassed.

"Screw you two."




"Look, ice cream bread."

Areum pointed out, a huge grin on her silly face. 

They had finished about five rides for two hours (Sehun thought it wasn't long enough). The teens planned to have another ride on the Viking place, but Chanyeol insisted they ride after an hour as Baekhyun was so close to meeting the grim reaper any moment of the day now. Chanyeol swears Baekhyun is much more of a kid than the four they had brought with them.

Chanyeol told them to find a food stall that was good enough for all of them as well, and Areum chose something that won't make their tummies full. The father was disappointed it wasn't a hotdog stand. 

"What does it taste like?" Asked Jongin as the four strode to the stand. Sehun kept a straight face, momentarily thinking if Jongin's joking or not as they walked, making Jongin receive that creepy aura.

"You've never tasted one?" Areum returned the question, quite surprised at Jongin's innocent reaction.

"Well, never."

"And to think I was the only one who never get to taste that ice cream."

"Really? Where y'all been?"


Tao snickered at his joke.

And with the silent reaction they have, Tao began to deflate in his humiliation.

But he could have sworn Areum smiled!

"It's honestly all right if you ask me", said Sehun, seeing to it as any food he'd casually stare at and gobble on (even though his favorite ice cream is an expensive one).

"It's the best for me!" Areum grinned, already expectant over a mere dessert. "It's no different from a cookie ice cream, only that you'll get to eat it with bread rather than a cookie. A sandwich ice cream is preferably said, in my opinion."

"I want with the cookies 'n cream if you're gonna order", said Tao to no one in particular (or perhaps for Areum to hear, just in case, cuz she's kind).

"I'll have the one with that bubble tea flavor."

"There's something like that?" A weirded yet curious Jongin asked Sehun who nodded rather confidently with his eyes closed.

"Unfortunately, yes, there's this bubble tea flavored ice cream here. Tasted it myself, but I still like the strawberry cheesecake more", Areum replied. Jongin nodded at this new information. What these people are eating is damn cooler than those rich- meals served when he was with his mom. 

"Anyways, what's your pick, Jongin?"

"Ermm, what's your best pick?"



"Ew, Jongin, don't take the pistachio", Tao shuddered. Sehun glared at Tao for such a comment, cuz who doesn't like pistachio?

"You just never liked pistachio, in particular, Tao", snickered Jongin, followed by the other two teens who liked the nut. Tao scoffed, and his day is followed by humiliation after humiliation. The insolence is overbearing!

Taking another glance at the possible flavors, which Jongin bets all taste good, he finally decides on the ice cream he thinks is cool (for a cool guy like him). He pointed it out and decided;

 "I'll take the strawberry cheesecake too."

Areum pulled strange looks on her face and puckered her lips (in an annoying way). She nodded at Jongin's choice, and a flood of "let's annoy Jongin" came rushing into her head as she thinks about this. Sehun gave her the stink eye, Tao following closely behind him. Areum just looks creepy for their liking. 

"So, two strawberry cheesecake, a cookies 'n cream, and a bubble tea flavored ice cream sandwiches, please", Areum said to the vendor who nodded in acknowledgment.

"Pa! Would you want some?" the girl called out to her father who was sitting on a bench close by. 

"Mango and chocolate please", replied Chanyeol.

"Oki! One mango and chocolate flavor, too, please."

The four teenagers watched the vendor do his work, which the man didn't mind in the slightest. They were like children who found everything in the world fascinating and intriguing. Scratch that, they are children who find the world captivating (yet here, they find the vendor doing their sandwiches cool).

After a few minutes, the vendor was accomplished. 

"Thank you for the dessert", Areum said and the

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NatsuHandsome #1
Chapter 14: Hello I'm a new reader and I'm waiting for updates. Want to know the history between Chanyeol and Kris
Nikita_trivedi #2
Chapter 15: You updateeeedddddd???!!!!!!
Nikita_trivedi #3
Chapter 14: Do I expect krisyeol romance in upcoming chapters?
Beau1996 1378 streak #4
Chapter 10: Baek as a clingy friend - yes please!! But what is the mystery about protecting someone??
Nikita_trivedi #5
Chapter 11: Can't believe YOU updated!
Chapter 9: OMG.. I'm right. They are past lovers, am I right??? OMG OMG. Can't wait for the next chapter
Beau1996 1378 streak #7
Chapter 9: Finally - the boys meet!!
Beau1996 1378 streak #8
Chapter 8: So I guessed wrong about the plan but it was nice and embarrassing!! When will Baek and Chan meet??
Beau1996 1378 streak #9
Chapter 7: I can't imagine how f'ed up Tao's plan will be!! I wonder if having Areum meeting her idol is part of it??
Beau1996 1378 streak #10
Chapter 6: I'm ready for Chan and Baek to meet...🤔