Trick or Treat Smell my Feet

EXO Tales of Halloween Scares and Frights
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**This short story is a tie in with the first story about Jongdae and his Princess.  Again I have taking many liberties with real life people and maybe I should be ashamed but ngl I'm most likely not. 😈

Warning:  Foul language, using a knife and a mallet as a weapon. violence



Jongin was looking forward to watching his niece and nephew this Halloween, so much so that he had shown up to their home almost an hour earlier than expected. Oh sure, people say it's a kid's holiday now but Jongin got just as big a kick out of it as Rahee and Raeon.  He probably just fed off their excitement but most likely it was because he was a big kid himself. He had brought some of their favorite snacks along and even went to the trouble of buying honest to goodness copies of their favorite Halloween movies and cartoons even though they could have streamed them. He had been googling Halloween games to play with children for days to find just the perfect things to do to occupy their time. He felt bad that he would not be able to take them out Trick or Treating but being a well known celebrity had certain draw backs like being easily recognized. Maybe in a couple of years he could tag along when the family goes out and he could find a costume that would hide his world famous face. Ever since photos of Chanyeol wearing his first Deadpool costume walking the city streets on Halloween years ago were plastered all over the internet, fans were constantly looking for idols roaming the streets. He would need to be careful for the kids as well. Their safety came before his as far as he was concerned. Staying in was a much better idea for now. 

Since he had arrived earlier than expected his sister was able to move forward with her plans faster so she bid them all a fun evening and left right away. Jongin asked what the kids wanted to do first. He had brought the movies and cartoons, the games, the snacks, his excitement was starting to bubble up. Then it came down a bit when Raeon said he was going to his room to play with a new toy he had received. Rahee wanted to watch a cute video on YouTube so she walked toward the living room. This left a dejected Uncle holding a large bag full of what he had hoped would be a night of memories. Why do they have to grow up so fast?

"Rahee, do you remember that cute cartoon with Donald Duck and his nephews we watched before on Halloween? Would you watch it with me again?" he called out to his niece trying to tempt her back to his plans. 

"Uncle......I wanna watch my video." she whined. 

"Rahee......I wanna watch cartoons and scary movies with you and Raeon. It's Halloween. I brought all sorts of snacks too."

"How scary are the movies? Mama won't let me watch a lot of things. She still thinks I'm a baby. You know better than that, right Uncle?"

Oh dear, Jongin thought. He was so close to bringing her in but then he might heads with his sister later and she was scarier than any movie. Jongin swallowed hard then made up his mind.

"How about pg-13. A lot of those are scary now days. Do we have a deal?" He offered his hand to the girl.

"I get first choice of snacks." They nodded and shook hands.

"Can you get your brother to come out? He can bring his toy. Do you think he will be scared of any movie? Let's start with a couple cartoons then go to a movie."

Rahee went to get her brother which was no easy feat since the young boy did not want to be disturbed. He fussed quite a bit and yelled loudly when his sister grabbed his toy and ran to the living room. At least the objective of getting him to his uncle was met. Now it was a matter of bribing him to hang out.

Jongin decided to play it straight forward. "Raeon, what do I have to do to get you to hang out with me and your sister watching movies and eating snacks tonight?"

His nephew thought a moment, he even rubbed his forefinger and thumb along his chin and hummed to make a show of it. Then with a flourish he snapped his fingers and said with an exclamation that there was a game that he had wanted but did not have enough saved for it yet. Jongin agreed to help supplement the cost as long as the game was approved by his sister. Terms had been met so the night could begin.

Jongin started out by popping popcorn bags in the microwave, he had actually wanted the kind that popped on the stove top but when he was reminded by several friends and his sister of his cooking "skills", he decided to take a safer route. Once everyone had a nice sized bowl of the the fluffy treat he headed  to the family room where the kids were waiting. Rahee was playing a game on her phone while Raeon was watching a video on YT but at least they were there. Jongin decided to pop in that Donald Duck Halloween cartoon to start with so he could talk to his niece and nephew and remind them of when they were younger with him. He was feeling quite nostalgic especially his thirtieth birthday was just a handful of months away. 

He practically had to force the kids to sit with him on the sofa but the bag of snacks and cans of cola piqued their interest just enough that they agreed. They got through one of the cartoons and the doorbell rung. They momentarilly forgot that there would be trick or treaters tonight. Scrambling to the door the trio made it before anyone left and they were greeted with a gaggle of children dressed as all sorts of creatures, a robot, a ninja and even a princess. That triggered Jongin into remembering that Jongdae and his little girl would be visiting sometime soon.

The trio watched a couple more cartoons on and off between handing out candy when Jongin received a text that his hyung was on the way. This was one of the surprises for the kids that Jongin had, for both of them loved the little girl and liked to play with her. Since he had confirmation that Jongdae was on his way, Jongin decided it was a good time to reveal the secret.  He had told his friend that the kids were looking forward to the special visitor but in truth he had been gleefully waiting to see the surprise on their faces Halloween night when that secret was confessed.

Jongin had just told Rahee and Raeon about their special visitors stopping by a few moments before they were on the front step ringing the bell.  Everyone ran to the door and threw it open to the surprise of their guests. EXO's little princess could barely get out any words before other little hands were grabbing her to pull her into the home, that left the men on the front stoop laughing while trying to greet each other.

The kids played in the living room while Jongin and Jongdae spoke. The conversation was mainly about the kids and the wanting of one by a certain uncle, his upcoming enlistment and the rest of group. All the cozy talk made Jongin want to hug the kids but it would be pushing it to get his own kin to do so, his only hope was for the EXO princess to agree. He was ecstatic when she hugged her Uncle Nini with glee. The child's embrace was very therapeutic for him, his energy was recharged! 

The Kim families visited for several minutes until Jongdae received a messaged that his wife was heading for home. Jongin, Rahee and Raeon begrudgingly let their friends go on their way with a promise to see each other soon. 

Several more trick or treaters showed up at the home within the next half hour, some of the parents recognizing the famous man greeting their child at the door to pass out candy. A few were brave enough to ask for a photo and Jongin was happy to oblige knowing that his success was owed in part to his fans. He did make them promise not to divulge his location for the night to anyone else and especially not online. He wanted to protect the privacy of his family.  He was contemplating letting just the kids greeting children at the door when he received his first message from an unknown person of the night.

Unknown:  no mask? Why would u do that famous boy? Now I know where u r. Lol

Jongin was irritated immediately. Was one of the people from earlier a ssaesang or did someone already tell? Was his privacy and time spent with family so invaluable to others?  He would not respond to the message but would keep it in case problems arose. An ominous feeling started to creep within his heart.

"Hey Uncle, the time for trick or treating will be ending soon. Are we going to watch a movie then? I want something scary?" Raeon said while his older sister shook her head.

"No. I'm the eldest. I should get to choose first. I want to watch Hocus Pocus."

"Ugh!! We watch that every year though!"

"It's a Halloween classic, we have to watch it!" The kids fought around and round over who would choose the next movie to watch when Jongin received another ping on his phone.

Unknown:  don't ignore me especially when I know where u r. I could b outside right now.

That really set Jongin on edge. Could someone be outside watching them? What if someone was in the backyard? Did they lock the doors? What about the windows? While he started to fret over every scenario the doorbell rang loud and clear making him jump. The kids laughed as they walked toward the entrance.

"Haha. What's up Uncle? We haven't even started a movie yet and you are already scared?"

"Wait!! Don't open the door! Check first. See if it is a kid or not." Jongin demanded. Rahee almost questioned her Uncle but then quickly nodded her head in agreement. Looking around to the side window, they could see two small witches and a little bit bigger Harry Potter. 

"It's okay Uncle!" They both yelled as they opened the door. Before they handed out candy to the first three another set of children came up to the door. As Jongin watched with a small smile on his face he heard another ping.

Unknown:  u look so handsome when u smile

Jongin's blood rang cold within his veins. As soon as the kids on the porch turned away with their goodies, Jongin grabbed Rahee and Raeon by their shoulders and turned them toward the interior of the house. He then slammed the door shut and locked it, even going as far as turning off the lights. All of his actions were seen by the kids and they wondered what was going on so they asked. Not wanting to upset or worry them he didn't want to divulge the truth about the upsetting texts but he was not thinking fast enough to come up with a believable excuse.

"Uh. Well, well. Hahaha. Umm." He looked around the room begging for an epiphany. Then his eyes landed on the candy bowl. 

"Candy! Candy! We are running low on candy. Wouldn't it better to call it a night instead of shorting someone on candy? I think so. Good idea! Good idea."

Before he could congratulate himself further on his 'quick' thinking, his niece left the room and headed toward the kitchen.  He did not have a chance to ask Raeon what was going on before Rahee returned....with a big bag of unopened candy. She walked over to the bowl by the door to add the new supply but Jongin grabbed it first.

"Oh! These are my favorite! Can I keep these? I will pay you double, no triple what your mom paid for it so I can keep this bag."

The siblings looked at each other and knew that something was wrong, something had their uncle upset. Rahee hugged Jongin the best she could to offer whatever comfort a child could to an adult.

"Sure Uncle Jongin, if those are your favorite, can just have them. You don't have to pay for them. Okay? You can have them."

He knew his actions were upsetting the kids, he better get a grip before things go bad. He did not want any harm to come to them. He had to think, think properly.

It was then he got a small inkling in the back of his mind that this could very well be a nasty prank being pulled on him by his pals. The more he thought about it the more he thought about it, the more he realized this type of torment was something that Chanyeol and especially Sehun would try to do. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and stepped away from the kids to make a call. It took three rings before his hyung picked up.

'Hey Chanyeol hyung! It's Jongin.' 'Dude, I got called I.D. I know it's our Nini. How you doin? How's the kids? Getting lots of kids out there at your sister's place?' 'Umm there are lots of trick or treaters here. My kids, kids. Look that's why I'm calling. Are you guys playing a joke with me? Sending creepy texts. If you are, it's over because it's not cool, it's upsetting the kids and me. Why don't you guys just come out of wherever you are hiding and join us for snacks and stuff. Knock off the texts.'

Jongin was trying to keep his voice low enough so little ears would not overhear his conversation but hoped that he spoke with enough strength to get his wish conveyed.

'What's going on Nini? Are you saying that you are getting prank texts? Are they threatening or anything? Are you guys safe? Listen, Hun and I are at a party right now but I could go round him up and head out your way if you send me the address.'

Jongin took a moment to listen carefully to the noise in the background on the other end of the line and it did sound like Chanyeol was someplace where there was a lot of people. Something still picked at him however since Yeol said that Sehun was not around him, something he better check. 

'I'm not sure hyung. What if it is a dumb joke and you come out here for nothing. I would feel bad if you left a party to come check on me and the kids.'

He could hear music in the background now, as if Chanyeol had moved closer to it's source. Coming up with a quick plan, Jongin put his phone on mute and then asked Rahee if he could borrow hers for just a minute. Even though she started to question why, the almost desperate look in her uncle's eyes quelled her curiosity and she handed him the devise. Jongin quickly dialed the phone number for Sehun. The call went to voicemail. Jongin felt a small sliver of relief creeping into his body for the first time since this nightmare began. 

'Yo Jongin! Still there man? I'm trying to find Sehun. As soon as I do we will head over to you. Send me the address.' 'Where's the
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Halloween 2021 snuck up on me and I might have had too much fun fiddling with the posters but I'm going to try and get most of the stories done. Thanks to whomever reads 😉 Happy Halloween


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736 streak #1
Chapter 2: 🎃👻🎃👻🎃

Okay, let's face it, we are all BIG kids when it comes to holidays, especially holidays like Halloween. Who doesn't like candy, movies, and costumes? Right? 😉👌😅😍 I love his excitement in this part and I actually found it to be very adorable. Preparing the games, movies, snacks, etc. The kids are also adorable! *chuckles* Especially the little girl when she said 'Mom thinks I am still a baby' XD lol All parents think the same, no matter how old their child is! *chuckles*

Ah! I love the sibling fights and the little fit her brother up after she stole the toy and ran into the living room! 😂😆 All brothers and sisters are the same, aren't they? 😂😉 Getting kids to sit down and calm down is usually the impossible part of taking care of them. Bribing them with snacks always works! *chuckles* Reminds me of the time when I babysat my cousin. It made me realize that it's exhausting, so hat down for those who can do it. 😂 Don't get me wrong, I love kids, but they can be little devils at times. 😂

OMO! Something fun soon turned into something scary when he started receiving messages from an unknown ID. Of course, his blood was going to run cold! It's Halloween, people are masked and some are crazy and masked. *blinks* His reaction to pushing the kids inside is understandable! Safety first, for the kids and him! 👀😰😥😱 Of course, thinking that someone he knows is playing pranks is the first thing that comes to mind and I think we would all react the same! But, heck! The texts continued and it's scary as hell! -_- That person is watching their every movement! CREEPY! -_-

OMG! I think I would kill my friends if they did that! Like I am all for scary things and horror, but this time it was a bit too much! But all in all, it was a good one and he took the bite for it! It was also a good laugh, so I can't say that I didn't enjoy it!

I loved the topic and I loved how you described it all!

Thank you! 💗🌹

P.S - Once again, I apologize for the delay in reading. 😥

736 streak #2
Chapter 2: OMO! How did I manage to miss this update? *blinks*

I will be getting to it very soon! Can't wait!
736 streak #3
Chapter 1: Another Halloween story! ✔✨🌹👌

As always when it comes to the characters... is there ever a wrong choice? NO! Hehe 🥰😍😘


This story was so sweet and cute! At times my heart literally melted at times. The whole concept of a family makes a person think about what is really important in life and the meaning of it all. All of the boys were very sweet and it was so hard to pick out the parts I liked the most. I liked it all, especially the last part when Jongdae found out he will be a father again! 😍🥰🌹✨💗


Thank you once again for writing such a nice and great piece of work! ✨💗✨
I am looking forward to an update! 💗🌹