Chapter 14

๐— ๐—ถ๐˜€๐˜€ ๐—ก๐—ผ๐˜ ๐˜€๐—ผ ๐—ง๐˜†๐—ฝ๐—ถ๐—ฐ๐—ฎ๐—น: แด„แดษด๊œฑษชแด…แด‡ส€ แดแด‡ สœแดœแดแดส€แด‡แด… (๐‡๐ข๐ ๐ก๐ฅ๐ฒ ๐„๐๐ข๐ญ๐ž๐ ๐•๐ž๐ซ๐ฌ๐ข๐จ๐ง)
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Winter has been playing a game of hide-and-seek with her siblings. The moment she spots any potential-looking blonde heads nearby, she will immediately scatter away like a scared puppy being hunted by wolves. The tension was so thick she could cut it with Yizhuoโ€™s perfectly manicured claws.


Speaking of the devil. She managed to locate Yizhuoโ€™s whereaboutsโ€”handling fliers near the entrance to boost their booth. The colour on her face nearly drained when Winter approached her and saidย โ€œCode Red. Twins are here.โ€


She asked Yizhuo to babysit Prof. Beak, muttering prayers that sheโ€™d keep the devils away. For the time being, Winter told the latter not to approach the twins or sheโ€™ll be into their vortex of drama faster than a selfie gets likes on Insta.


Out of the corner of her eye, she spots not one but two blonde heads, hair swaying in the breeze like golden retrievers on a convertible car, as they attract a lot of peopleโ€™s attention.ย 


Oh, son of a biscuit,ย she curses.


They were swaying in the breeze like they just stepped out of a stereotypical rom-com, or better yet, a convertible car commercial from the early 2000s. It was like witnessing the ultimate teen dream unfoldโ€”thinkย โ€œSheโ€™s All Thatโ€ย meetsย โ€œClueless,โ€ย but with extra glitter and cargo pants.ย 


Winter just wanted to get out of this place, as stealthily as possible. She knows well that her siblingsโ€”especially her sister Jisooโ€”will interrogate her to death about Karina, and sheโ€™s not going to let that happen.


Her sister Jisoo has a sort of unhinge, kind of obsession when it comes to people who want to court her. Winter sees it as a sign of affection because she wants to protect her. Although that's mostly the case, itโ€™s still weird.


Why weird, you asked? Well, it was back in high school, the time after she got released from her cell from being grounded. Winter garnered a bunch of supporters and admirers after she stood up for her friend by waterbombing her bullies. Since she became a local celebrity for quite a while, it has become too much that bouquets are being sent to her house and school as a form of admiration and some were asking permission to court her. As chivalric as it sounds, Winter never paid attention to those requests. She only tolerated it because it was pissing her haters more.


But her sister Jisoo was not having any of that. Jisoo responds to all the letters that Winterโ€™s already taken and has a fiance with bitterness. And to add more salt to the wound, Jisoo agreed to become the โ€˜fakeโ€™ fiance. She religiously played the part of driving and picking up Winter from school and acts lovey-dovey with her when people are watching. For her sister Jisoo it was all fun and laugh, but for Winter she got labeled as a dyke that snatched a hot sugar mommy on Tinder. But of course, the insult didnโ€™t last long because payback is a biatch.


As Winter manoeuvred through the crowd, she couldn't help but feel like a spy on a top-secret mission. She ducked behind a group of nerds, using them as shields to protect herself from her siblings, all while mentally rehearsing her escape plan. But just as she was about to make her getaway, she heard a familiar voice call out from behind.


โ€œWinter! There you are!โ€ Jisoo's voice cut through the chatter of the area like a laser beam. Winter winced, knowing there was no escaping her sister's relentless pursuit, but she was not throwing her white flag just yet without a fight. Winter knew she was completely hidden. How did she even find her?


โ€œNo, you got the wrong person!โ€ Winter ducks as she tries to cover her face with her hands. She swarmed in a crowd full of people watching the St. Ives talent show.


โ€œWinter! I know itโ€™s you.โ€ Jisoo continues to pursue, her voice sounding near.


โ€œIโ€™m sorry, miss. But Iโ€™m not Winter. You got the wrong person.โ€ Winter tries hard to deny it. She even wore the ugly frog mask she bought a while ago to conceal her face from her sister.


โ€œIโ€™m just a harmless frog passing by.โ€


โ€œWinter, stop covering your face with that hideous mask, I know itโ€™s you!โ€


Winter was so focused on distancing herself from her sister that she accidentally bumped into something hard, and that something hard was her brotherโ€™s big sturdy chest.


โ€œHi, Bambi. Miss me?โ€ Jin smirks as he grasps her shoulders with his big hands to stop her from escaping. She yelped in surprise and tried to wiggle out but struggled hard because her brother was just colossal and strong.


โ€œWinter.โ€ Winter flinched hearing how near Jisoo's voice was.


Jin turned her around and removed the frog mask hastily. Winter forces a smile as she faces an angry Jisoo. She was flanked between her siblings making an escape seem impossible. They were like a tag team of relentless interrogators trying to silence a whistleblower in a high-stakes spy movie, except the whistleblower was just Winter trying to navigate teenage life without being mortified.


โ€œUhhโ€ฆ Hey guys? Howโ€™s it going?โ€ She awkwardly greets them, feeling embarrassed because theyโ€™re capturing a lot of peopleโ€™s attention.


โ€œWinter, how could you not tell us, especially me?โ€ Jisoo looks so upset. It looks like sheโ€™s about to cry.


โ€œAbout what?โ€

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154 streak #1
Chapter 19: Damn right at the cliffhanger
156 streak #2
Oh. Sad the chapters are getting deleted soon โ˜น๏ธ Gotta make the most out of it, I guess ๐Ÿ˜ฎ‍๐Ÿ’จ
Coleeee #3
Chapter 18: Uh oh, jealous Karina alert. And I was really looking forward for Jisoo and Jin to meet Karina but I guess that will stress the hell out of Winter.
Jamess #4
alright thanks for the update ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
Chapter 17: We love this story so much! Please, please don't leave us craving for too long. I really like the plot that you called bland– in a way, but it's different to us, it's a really fun read. This story may not excite you anymore as much as it excite us still (that's valid, a writer can feel that way towards their piece), but I hope you someday you will feel that spark again. I just adored the characters here so much, especially Karina's, she makes me twirl my hair, bites my finger, and giggle. The woman is too hard to resist, so consider us charmed. ๐Ÿ™ˆ

Bonus: While reading, I can hear their voices with an accent HAHAHAHA! (It's the Manchester Accent that I'm hearing, I don't know why) ใ…‹ใ…‹ใ…‹ใ…‹ใ…‹!
fhaust #6
Chapter 17: YOU'RE BACK ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰
Also Karina fell for the trick?! And Jisoo is coming?! The drama ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ
reinsaujiro #7
Chapter 17: finally an updateee
reveluv316 805 streak #8
congrats author
Chapter 16: Chapter 16: How do i get to the next chapter? ๐Ÿ˜ญ I’m so much into this, I can’t possibly wait too much longer. I’m in love with charming karina , call me charmed ๐Ÿค
congrats!! authornim well deserved