Chapter 2

no strings attached

Cold grey walls. Cold grey ceiling. Cold grey floor.


Thud. Thud. Thud.


A blur of yellow stood out in the bleak room, hitting the wall, bouncing on the floor, and back to the waiting palm only to be launched again.


How many days has it been?


A week? A month? More?


It was difficult to keep track of time in that wretched place. Days blurred into each other, each a rinse and repeat that yesterday hardly felt any different from today. Or last week. Or the day after tomorrow. There was barely anything to entertain yourself with: a worn stress ball, dull self help books, jigsaw puzzles...other human beings.


Thud. Thud. Thud.


Said people indulged themselves in a game on the low table right beside her. From the look of it, they seem to be concentrated on building a house of cards. It was amusing, watching these tough looking ladies ever so carefully put a card on top of another. Delicate. Ironic.


They said that the way to survive in jail was to show everyone who’s boss. A battle of the fittest, if you will. But she’s smarter than that. It’s not like it’s her first time in prison either.


With her build, she couldn’t possibly go against other inmates in a brawl (though she did have a few tricks up her sleeve--it’s just tiresome to exert effort). Strength wasn’t the only way to dominate people.


Charm. Irresistible charm.


It’s why she’s in prison. Why she’d always survived. And why she’ll always find her way out.


For someone like her, a smile can be as deadly as a knife, the tongue a slick double-edged sword.


Thud. Thud. Thu--


The metal door swung open, creaking on its hinges, and hitting the wall with a clang. Her cellmates’ card tower fell in a heap.


“Son of a b--”


“Doll face.” The jail guard cocked his head to the side. “You’re being summoned.”


She dropped the ball. Thud.


She followed him along the winding grey corridors. It was fruitless but she kept her eyes peeled for an opening. Watching out for an unguarded hole was probably an instinct at this point and when one’s been caged one too many times, being alert came second to breathing.


She was brought to an office. The prison officer started talking about her performance but nothing he was saying sinked in. Why was she called? Her behaviour has been exemplary. Everybody loved her. So what could this conversation possibly lead to--


“Kim Minjeong, you’re getting bailed out.”


Everything else that followed after was a blur.


The next thing she knew, she was walking out of that desolate place, not in a boring orange jumpsuit anymore but in the same black Givenchy halter dress and stilettos she wore from the day she was brought in.


Not the most ideal outfit but hey, she’s a free woman now.


(Though she did make a mental note to wear sweats the next time she does something that might get her arrested.


And yes, there would definitely be a next time.


the government.


Eat the rich.)


She took a lungful of air only to wrinkle her nose and fight back a sneeze. Seems like the pollen count is high today as well. Cherry blossoms and plum trees were in full bloom--splashes of pink and red everywhere. Such an eyesore. She held out a palm, catching a petal.




She tipped her hand, watched the flower fall on the ground, and crushed it under her foot.


A pity.


She still wasn't sure what to feel about the fast escalation of events. There’s a nagging feeling at the back of her mind. The sunlight shining down on her and the pleasant spring breeze felt oddly like a calm before a storm. Her skin tingled, blood thrumming and ready to spring into action.


As though on cue, a sleek black Maserati sedan came rolling over, pulling up right across her. Extravagant. Classy. Minjeong narrowed her eyes. She’s got a bad feeling about this.


The tinted window rolled down and a second was all it took for her to recognize the driver.


Flowing dark hair. Porcelain skin. Red lips. Gorgeous. A 20 out of 10.


They’ve never met before but she could recognize the daughter of AE corporation everywhere.


Yu Jimin had been one of her targets, after all.


“Winter Kim?” The girl eyed her up and down. “Hop in.”


Minjeong raised her brows.


To others, the girl before her might seem intimidating with her sharp features and sure gaze. But what Minjeong could see was the jittery fingers tapping on the steering wheel.




“Well, this better be good.”


She climbed in.


Seems like all her questions were going to be answered earlier than she thought.





Her friends had done it.


They had successfully coerced her into doing the unthinkable: letting a criminal out of jail and inviting her into her car.


And that wasn’t even the crazy part yet.


She squeezed the steering wheel to work off the nerves. She wasn’t accustomed to driving around with an ex-convict within smiting distance--as anybody should. Just the thought gave her palpitations. She stole glances at the girl. Unlike her, she seemed unbothered, calmly looking out of the window like getting into strangers’ cars was the most natural thing.


Winter Kim didn’t look as Jimin had thought she would, though she would admit that she had a rather...prejudiced presumption about the woman from the lines ‘criminal’ alone. Yizhuo had given her a brief run through of what to expect--charming and dangerous. So far, the girl hadn’t shown any signs of being a hazard nor have she made any attempts of allure, though she was undeniably attractive, effortlessly so.


Mean and sinister. That was the image she had in mind. The person sitting in her car was far from that though. If anything, she looked rather...angelic.


Yizhuo definitely didn’t warn her about that.


Which reminded her of her young friend’s twisted logic.


She trusted Yizhuo--well, when it comes to computers at least. Her friend could be pretty shady, she’s not gonna lie.


It’s going to be easy, she said. He’s going to beg to have you back by the end of it, she said.


Jimin was appalled, of course. The plan involved letting an entire criminal go, after all. But Yizhuo reassured her that her friend (she didn’t even want to know why the girl had such questionable connections) wasn’t that bad and would never go back on her word so long as she gets paid the right price (see: freedom and a few million won, both of which wouldn’t hurt for Jimin to give--Yizhuo’s words, not hers).


Why can’t she just ask other people for this? Someone she knows and can trust (and preferably with a cleaner criminal record).


You don’t have any other friends aside from us, Aeri reminded her. How she found Yizhuo’s plan brilliant was beyond Jimin.


It would be easier to do it with a stranger, Yizhuo had started to reason out. It would be all business. They could even go as far as signing contracts.


No personal feelings involved.


No strings attached.


And Winter Kim was just about the best actress she could ever hire, if the millions she managed to swindle from their company (and probably a lot more others) wasn’t evidence enough.


She’s the perfect woman for this job.


Besides, Yizhuo’s voice rang loud and clear in her mind, you want to have him back, don’t you?


“So are you just going to drive round and round all day until your fuel runs dry or are you going to start telling me why you let the lion out of its cage?”


Jimin almost slammed on the breaks.


Winter Kim’s watching her with a smile, eyes twinkling with amusement.


She’s making fun of me. Jimin tried to gather her composure. “I would rather say you’re more a puppy, than a lion.”


“Oh, thank you.” Jimin threw her a confused frown. “You were just indirectly saying that you find me cute, no?”


Her smile had become more coquettish now. Sly. Malicious. The way her smouldering eyes peered through long lashes, watching Jimin with her head propped on her knuckles screaming seduction in the faintest body language.


Charming and dangerous. Jimin was starting to see it.


Fortunately, Jimin wasn’t one to be easily intimidated. “Puppies are cuter,” she acknowledged, nodding. “But essentially a lot more harmless.”


The woman hummed. “Then between the two of us, are you the lion?”


Jimin had no idea where this conversation had gone, or where it was heading. “That would depend on your cooperation.”


Winter Kim just gave her a smile and said nothing more.


Jimin pulled over at a coffee shop, thinking it would be better for them to have a conversation outside. Where people could witness should anything happen to her.


She stole a glance at the girl seated across the table. Jimin was probably being paranoid. Winter Kim didn’t look dangerous at all, even in her dark makeup and predatory black dress. But she knew better than to trust people’s appearances.


If she were to follow through with her plan, wouldn’t it be weird to do it with someone she wasn’t comfortable with?


But do you have a better suggestion? Her conscience, which was starting to sound a lot like Yizhuo, asked.


No. She didn’t.


Jimin took a deep breath and steepled her fingers. “Look.” She started, not really knowing where to start. “I know you have questions--”


“No , sherlock.”


"--And rest assured, I will try to answer everything with my very best but--”


“Miss ma'am,” Winter interrupted, leaning on her palm and looking bored out of her wits as she stirred her fruit shake with her straw. “I just came straight out of prison and as curious as I am, I would appreciate it if you just cut straight to the point. Enough with the opening remarks, we’re not in an assembly.”


Jimin flushed. Beating around the bush was a passive talent that came with people in her stature, she admits. She crossed her arms and sat a little straighter. “I’m getting there.”


“Yeah, you’ll get there tomorrow.” Winter snorted. “Let me help you. Answer these two questions: one,” she lifted a finger, “How did you know me and two,” she raised another, “What do you need from me?”


“Ning Yizhuo told me about you.” Jimin answered. “Does the name ring a bell?”


Winter’s face betrayed no emotion, no recognition. “Ning Yizhuo, huh?”


“She said you two go way back. Is that true?”


Winter lifted a brow. “You don’t believe her?”


“I want to hear your side of the story.”



“Okay. I’ll give you that but before anything else,” Winter raised her palm as a gesture of time-out. “Can you get me a strawberry cake to go with this? I’ve been craving it for months now, like, God knows why they don’t have that in prison.”


Jimin stared at her, trying to gauge if she’s serious or not. Wasn’t she just complaining about cutting straight to the chase? She suddenly flipped from being unamused to sounding almost...cute. Just like that. The girl continued to give a strange look. Why was she peering up at her like that, lips jutted out and all?


“You’ve been in prison for less than a week. Not months.” Jimin deadpanned, willing herself not to waver.


“Ah…so that’s how long it’s been.” Winter grinned. “See, you do answer all my questions.”


Jimin had no idea what she was talking about. Taking a deep breath, she stood and went to get her that cake.


“I want one with lots of strawberry chunks on it!”


Jimin rolled her eyes. The audacity.


There was only one customer at the counter who soon left with their order so she didn’t have to wait long. She glanced back at their table and saw Winter Kim sitting comfortably, arms splayed on top of the backrest, grinning at her.


“What’s your order?”


Jimin turned to the cashier. “A slice of strawberry cake please.” she paused before adding. “No, make that two. Oh, and can I please have a part with lots of strawberry toppings?”


“Of course. That would be two thousand won.”


She waited as they prepared her order, glancing back at their table from time to time to make sure the girl was still there. And she would be, sipping on her drink all relaxed, already staring at her.


“Here’s your strawberry cake. Enjoy.”


She nodded her thanks, took the tray, and made her way back to their table. The slice had a bunch of fresh strawberries on it. Winter Kim better tell her what she needs to know--


Oh, for ’s sake.


She stopped in her tracks when she lifted her eyes.


The little thief was no longer there.


“.” she put the tray down on the nearby table and fumbled for her keys, marching out of the coffee shop.


She found it. It’s still there. But that’s not what made her stop in her tracks.


Her card holder is gone.





Now this. Minjeong thought to herself as she reclined on her seat, pushing her bowl away and patting her full tummy, This is freedom.


Ahjumma’s restaurant bustled even after lunch hours, though it was definitely less packed now. It was a quaint and humble place but Ahjumma cooked the best homemade dishes. So good that it was enough to make even the most wicked of felons feel home.


She sat at her usual table--a tiny space in a dim-lit little corner where she could blend in the shadows and watch people come and go or as Ahjumma likes to call it, her personal brooding area. Minjeong would beg to disagree though. She does not brood.


She simply enjoyed watching people, finding their expressions and mannerisms and the way they try to hide beneath masks amusing. Reading them came easily for her. Seeing through the facades they put on was just like looking through an open window.


People who pretend to be alright, people who pretend to be someone they’re not, people who pretend to be strong, people who pretend to be in love.


But what intrigued her the most were the people who didn’t have to pretend at all.


People who were...truly content.


Eudaimonia, she mused, watching someone eating alone a few tables away from her with a look of content in their eyes, a state of achieving excellence in every sense--happiness, virtue, morality.


“You alright there, dear?”


Minjeong looked up, instantly beaming at the old woman who was cleaning up the nearby table.


“Ahjumma! Your samgyetang tastes wonderful!” She gushed, “Be honest. You put some kind of magic in there, didn’t you?”


The woman laughed, pleasure crinkling her bright eyes. “Your silver tongue won’t work on me, young lady!” she then frowned, “By the way, I haven’t seen you around recently. Where have you been?”


Minjeong shrugged, still grinning. “I went out of town.” The lie smoothly flowed out of her lips, sounding so real she herself almost believed it. “I heard from Minju that you’re trying out a new dish.”


Ahjumma perked up. “Oh, right! You stay there. I’ll give you a serving and you tell me what you think about it, yeah? Minju! Do we still have kimchi crab meat soup left? I’m going to give Minjeong some!”


Minjeong watched fondly as she disappeared inside the kitchen. She closed her eyes, trying to capture the warmth that the elderly woman had kindled in her heart and keep it burning there. Ironically, the flames slipped out of her fingers like trickling water, leaving the stone-cold shell hollow and vacant.


“I knew I’d find you here.”


Minjeong sighed, keeping her eyes closed.


“Oh, my. I got caught. Am I going back to jail now?”


Chair being dragged back. A presence settling across her.




Minjeong opened her eyes, “Good. Because I wouldn’t hesitate to drag you with me, Ning Yizhuo. In fact, you’re more than qualified. You should be on death row.”


Yizhuo sneered. “I’m the reason why your dumb is out of there, you little .”


“Yeah,” Minjeong drawled. “I figured out that much. Can’t fathom why though.”


Yizhuo pointed a finger at her. “I may not like you, but I trust you, Kim Minjeong.”


Minjeong raised a brow, pushing the oncoming laughter down . Well, this conversation was starting to get amusing.


“That’s not a word you usually associate with a conwoman.”


“No.” Yizhuo agreed. “But with the right price and the right conwoman, it is.”


A smile slowly spread on Minjeong’s lips. “Ah,” she drawled and leaned forward, rubbing her palms together. “Now we’re talking.”


But Yizhuo lifted a hand, wagging a finger. “Nuh-uh. We are not.” she said. “But you and Jimin-unnie will be. It’s better if you hear everything from her.”


Minjeong leaned back on her seat, smile shifting to something else. Jimin-unnie, huh? She thought back to the girl from earlier who easily fell for her pleading eyes and snorted. The girl was more gullible than Minjeong thought. But that’s okay. Murder is fine, and people can be stupid.


Yizhuo narrowed her eyes. “Lay a finger on so much as her hair and I swear I’ll make sure you won’t be able to freely walk down the streets of Seoul ever again.”


Minjeong couldn’t help it. She laughed, heaving chortles out of her chest. “What? I’m not even saying anything.”


“I know you, Kim Minjeong.”


Her smile faded.


“Yeah, I bet you do.” She muttered, smiling wryly. “Well, if you’re so protective of her, why let her meet me in the first place?”


Yizhuo laced her fingers together. “As I’ve said, I don’t like you, but I trust you. And you’re the only person I know who can pull this off.”


What ‘this’ could possibly be, Minjeong had no idea. But she’ll know, sooner or later. She always does. “Come on, dear godsister. Just admit you did this just to have an excuse to get me out of jail.” she leaned forward, smiling and batting her eyes.


“Wha--That’s bull!” Yizhuo blustered, eyes darting everywhere except Minjeong. “Why would I do that?”


Ha. When will people become better at lying?


Minjeong tilted her head to the side, “Do you really want me to spell it out for you? Hmm, let’s see… because you feel bad? You feel guilty? Because you feel indebted to me for all the things your family–”


“I hate you so much.” Yizhuo glared at her.


Minjeong grinned. “Yeah. I thought so.”


Ahjumma chose that moment to approach their table with a steaming pot of her new recipe. “Minjeong, here’s--oh, you didn’t tell me you have a friend with you.” She smiled warmly at Yizhuo who faltered to be at the receiving end of such affection, though a less experienced eye wouldn’t notice the way her face softened. “Hang on, dear. I’ll get you a bowl too.”


They watched as the woman returned to the kitchen. Yizhuo stood as soon as she disappeared from their sight.


“I better go.” She smoothened down her clothes, looking down so all Minjeong could see was the crown of her head. “3pm tomorrow. Same coffee shop. Don’t be late.” she snatched the card holder near Minjeong’s bowl. “And I believe this isn’t yours, so I’ll be taking this with me.”


Minjeong barked out a laugh.




Metamorphosis. A complete change of form, structure, or substance.


Jimin stared at her coffee as she pondered about the turn of events these past few days that was akin to being cocooned, enveloped in darkness as everything went upside down. Never, in her entire life, did she imagine she would be pushing her weight around to bail out a swindler who stole millions from their company. The reason why was even crazier and the more she thought about it, the more she’s convinced that Yizhuo had hypnotised her into agreeing with this entire ordeal.


But after all this mess, maybe she’ll walk out of it as a butterfly, too.


She chuckled at the silly thought. No. If anything, it’s a moth she’ll transform into instead.


A glint caught her eye--a coin being slid near her mug. Jimin looked up.


“A penny for your thoughts?” Winter Kim asked in that lazy, drawling tone of hers, lips languidly stretched to a smirk.


Jimin frowned. “You’re late.”


Winter shrugged, sliding into the seat across Jimin’s. She looked impeccable, as usual, with a blue leather jacket and thigh-high boots, dark eyeliner and glittery eyelids, not a speck out of place.


“You know what they say,” she was saying, “Better to arrive late than to arrive ugly.”


Jimin stared at her and scoffed. “You would’ve looked the same either way.”


Winter gasped, a dramatic hand flying to her chest. “Did you just call me ugly?”


Jimin rolled her eyes. “I meant that you would probably look pretty whether you make an effort or not.” she explained as-a-matter-of-factly, “So don’t be late next time.”


Winter narrowed her eyes at her for a good three seconds before she’s smiling, corners of her red lips slowly curving upward as she propped her cheek on her palm.


“I don’t know if you’re just saying that so I won’t have an excuse next time but I like your answer, I’ll give you that.” a few bills joined the coin beside her mug. “Now would you be a darling and get me a slice of strawberry cake? I didn’t get to eat it last time.”


Ha. The audacity. “Excuse me?”


Winter batted her eyes. “Pretty please?”


Jimin stared at her upturned brows and pouting lips in disbelief before huffing and snatching the money. “You better not move a single inch from this seat.” she threatened, standing.


Winter leaned back and raised her hands, an infuriatingly smug look on her pretty face. “I’m all yours today, unnie.” she winked.


“And give me back my car keys. I know you have it.”


Winter looked like a deer caught in headlights before she’s laughing, placing the said keys on her waiting palm. “Gee, you’re sharp.”


Jimin didn’t waste any time after that. As soon as she placed the plate on their table, she immediately started. “So to continue our conversation yesterday that was unceremoniously cut off because of a certain someone,” she gave her a pointed look. “The reason why I bailed you out is because of Yizhuo. Can you confirm your ties with her?”


Winter hummed, nibbling on the tip of her fork. Her right cheek was puffed up, filled with cake. “Ties?” she said, obediently regarding Jimin’s question now that she got her cake. “There aren’t any. I’m afraid those got cut off long ago.” she gave a saccharine smile. “But yes, we do know each other.”


“May I ask how and why?”


Piercing brown eyes studied her and it felt like she could see through her soul. “Aren’t I the one supposed to be asking questions here?” she asked, “That was our dynamic, last time I checked.”


“I can send you back to prison right here, right now.”


Winter’s shoulders shook. And then she’s laughing, full force chortles spilling from her lips. “Oh, but honey,” she breathed out, “I’m not afraid of prison.”


Jimin frowned at that. But the woman spoke before she could.


“But.” Winter raised a finger, “I do appreciate you getting me out of there.” she winked. “Now, tell me. What do you want in return?”




The word slipped from before she could realise that Winter had completely evaded the topic of Yizhuo and turned the conversation around.


Winter didn’t speak for a moment, critical brown eyes studying her as if she’s trying to pick apart that three lettered word to uncover what’s hidden in between. Jimin forced herself not to squirm.


“My, my. You’re aiming for the stars.” Minjeong dryly said, raising a brow. “Care to explain?”


Jimin leaned back, taking a deep, slow breath as she tried to think of a way to tell her without making it as crazy as it sounded.


Winter’s patiently sipped her drink but her stare was unnerving, pressuring her to blurt out--


“Fake date me.”


Winter didn’t choke as she had expected her to, did not ask her if she was serious, did not burst into laughter at her incredulous demand. Instead, she calmly finished her drink and smacked her lips.


“What’s in it for me?”


Jimin narrowed her eyes. “You’re taking this well.” it was a statement, yet the confusion in her tone was apparent.


Winter shrugged. “It’s an unusual request, yes. But to be honest, I expected something...more than pretending to be lovey dovey with you.”


“It’s not a request. It’s a command.” Jimin clarified. “You’re already getting what’s in it for you: freedom and the money you stole from our company.”


“You mean the money you confiscated?”


“I know you stole much more than that.”


For a split second, something shifted in Winter’s eyes. Something dangerous. And then it’s gone, replaced by the usual lazy smile.


And quality time with a beautiful lady. Of course.” Winter belatedly added with a playful wink. “That’s cheery and all but I’m gonna need...something more.”


The audacity. Jimin jutted out her chin. “Name your price.”


Winter tapped her cheek thoughtfully. “Well...I don’t exactly have a place to stay right now. And, well, you don’t want your...ah, girlfriend to be homeless now, do you?”


Fake girlfriend.” Jimin had the urge to correct. “Besides, you literally have millions hidden somewhere.”


A dazzling smile. “And you have more.”


Jimin found herself giving away her extra penthouse suite and shouldering the girl’s living expenses.


She didn’t even know how all that happened.


But she did realise one thing:


This fake dating gig is definitely going to screw her up at some point, if it haven’t already.


“Now, tell me,” Winter said, “Why do you need a fake girlfriend?”


“My boyfriend broke up with me. And I want him back.”


Winter blinked. “Huh. But does he want you?”


Jimin nodded at her, “That’s where you come in.” she said. “Once we make him jealous enough, he’ll want me too.”


Winter’s giving her that piercing look again. Like she’s trying to read her soul. “Why did you break up?”


“He said he was tired and that he couldn’t keep on doing this with me anymore.”


“Can you tell me what he’s like?”


“His name’s Lee Jeno. He’s the only son of Lee Pharmaceuticals. He’s…he’s nice.”


Winter’s staring at her, too long and hard that Jimin fought the urge to squirm. It gave her chills.


“I see how it is,” she muttered. “Yu Jimin, do you know what happens to lions in the city?”


Jimin shifted uneasily, “What?”


Winter leaned forward, “They’re locked up in a cage.” She whispered, before reclining on her seat again with a chuckle. “I’d much rather be a rabid dog on the streets.”


Jimin frowned, “What are you trying to say?”


Winter gave her a tight-lipped smile, “Nothing, nothing. Just thinking out loud. Please, carry on.”


Jimin’s still frowning at her as she pulled out a brown envelope. “These are the terms I prepared. Please read them over so we can discuss changes you wish to have, if there are any.”


“A contract.” Winter’s brows rose as she opened the envelope. “How characteristic of you.”


She waited as Winter went through the papers, already having memorised every condition.


The time frame of their special arrangement would be flexible, but will last 3 months at most, depending on their progress.


Skinship and other intimacies are only allowed in public.


Upon Yizhuo’s insistence, Jimin agreed to add that the second party is not allowed to cause any (physical, mental, financial) harm to the first party, and vice-versa.


Both parties must answer each other’s phone calls and messages at all times and must be aware of each other’s whereabouts but remain respectful of each other’s boundaries.


Falling in love (with each other or with other people) is strictly prohibited.


Anytime the goal is achieved, the contract will be terminated and all ties between them will be severed.


Both parties are sworn to secrecy, during and after the contract is in effect.


Violation of any of these rules will terminate their agreement and all the benefits granted to the second party will be withdrawn.


“No falling in love?” Winter snorted, “What are we, teenagers?”


“It’s better to be safe than sorry.”


“I’m a professional, sweetheart,” Winter drawled. “You have nothing to worry about.”


Jimin watched her leaf through the papers. Winter’s brows raised. “Intimacy? Define intimacy.”


“Touching. Hand holding. Hugs. Those kinds of stuff.”


Winter tapped her lip. “What about kissing?”


Jimin paused and thought about it before eventually shrugging. “Only when necessary.”


Winter’s brows shot up to her hairline, “Ooh.” she smirked, “Exciting.”


Jimin rolled her eyes.


“These are all good but let me add something,” Winter said, reaching out to pluck the pen from Jimin’s collar. “Both parties must always make time for each other. At least three dates a week. What do you say?”


Jimin frowned, baffled. “That’s unnecessary. We’re only pretending.”


Winter rolled her eyes, “Ever heard of method acting, rookie? You should read up on that sometime. Might help you on this first ever scam project of yours.”


“I--This isn’t a scam.”


“You’re fooling your ex-boyfriend and pretty much everyone around you that you’re dating me to make him jealous and take you back.” Winter pointed out. “Sounds like a scam to me.”




Winter silenced her by tapping her head with the papers. “Listen to the professional, rookie.” she said. “A good lie is the kind that fools even the liar.”


Jimin blinked, too stupefied to talk. “Stop calling me rookie.” she managed.


“Next,” Winter moved on, “I want to keep your apartment after all this is over. A little...incentive, if you may.”


“Consider it done.” She doesn’t use that place much anyway.


“And most importantly,” Winter paused, looking grim. It’s the most serious she’s ever looked since Jimin met her. “I demand to be fed a slice of strawberry cake every day.”


Jimin considered this earnestly. “That can’t be good for your health. Make it two times a week.”


“Five times.”






Jimin stared her down. Winter returned her glare with one of her own. Except she looked ridiculous with her puffed cheeks filled with cake. Like a hamster.


“Ugh. Fine. Three.” Jimin relented, looking away.


Winter grinned victoriously, scribbling it down. She put the papers back into the envelope and leaned back.


“Now,” Winter said, “Tell me about your relationship.”


Normally, Jimin would have reservations in discussing private matters such as this. But Winter’s gaze was hard and cold. Like she was only asking because it’s her job and wouldn’t even bother otherwise.


Strangely, that brought comfort and security. She wasn’t going to get unwanted sympathy. Not from this girl.


Strictly business. She can work with that.


“We met several times from way back in high school until college during the business dinners between his family and mine. We would excuse ourselves and take a walk when the conversations get too boring.” Jimin recited, leaving out the part that she only ever agreed because her parents had expressed that it would be nice if she could be friendly with the Lee’s son. “We entered the same university. He asked me out after midterms of our freshman year and I said yes. Since then, we’ve been going on dates together. I watch his basketball practices and he drives me home. He texts me good morning and I reply in kind. You know, the usual.”


“That’s it?”


Jimin frowned thoughtfully. “Should there be more?”


“What about skinship? How far have you gone?”


She thought about it. “Making out?”


“In two years?” Winter asked, whistling. “Man’s got self-control, I’ll give him that.”


He doesn’t, Jimin recalled how he had obviously wanted to go further. “It’s not him. It’s me.”


“What do you mean?”


“I always stopped him when things start to escalate.” She shifted on her seat. “Should I...have not?”


Winter’s still looking at her with that hard, no-nonsense gaze. But her voice came out soft and reassuring. “You’re not entitled to fulfil his desires just because you’re his girlfriend.” her eyes gleamed. “But now I see how we can go with this.”




Winter’s grin is slow and lazy. “For starters, there’s gotta be lots of kissing involved.”


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Thank you!
no strings attached is back!
i cant make any promises tho updates might still be irregular bc im still trying to get back into my rhythm w writing but i'll do my best to at least finish this one. thank you very much for the support! it's been very helpful while i was struggling to write :)


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Chapter 9: i was so invested in this i didn't even notice it isn't finished 😭😭😭😭😭 what im supposed to do with my life now?!?! please update 😭😭😭 not ending this could be my thirteen reason
Minseok25 #2
We’re still waiting for you 😭 hope you’re doing great
i'm a big fan of your works, thank you for sharing it to us~ hope u're doing well!
Chapter 9: Please update. I’m already invested on this story. 😭
Chapter 1: im so hooked on this rn omg
monsalaimx #7
Chapter 9: author-nim please save us (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
Chapter 9: I suddenly missed this and reread the last chapter. AAAAAAAAAAAAA~ 🥰 such a talented writer

kwonjess13 #10
Chapter 9: can't believe it took me more tha a year to read the latest update. i loved this story so much and i still love it!!!! will probably reread this a couple more times especially now that it's obvious that they're both catching feelings but are too stubborn to admit it. not quite sure if i commented this before but this has the right amount of slowburn and tension, fluff and angst. seriously, this story gives me butterflies the best kind!