Chapter One

Sweet Temptation
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[CONTENTID1]Cherry[/CONTENTID1] [CONTENTID2]"Cause I love you so much, I fell into pieces. My cherries and wine, rosemary and thyme. And all of my peaches (are ruined, b*tch)"[/CONTENTID2] [CONTENTID3]

Tzuyu hated to admit that Taeyong made her feel something so deep within her; that he made her burn in the most intimate way.

And now she hated the most that she would never feel that way towards anyone else. After trying so hard to do so, she had given up fighting her feelings for him.


Taeyong always told her that he loved her to pieces but the odds were not in their favor and even though he told her he wasn't going to be selfish towards her, he didn’t want her to be happy with anyone but him.

She truly was lost because even though he was a chaebol, she knew her father would never allow her to have a relationship with him. So she had one in secret, it accelerated her as much as it terrified her as well.


Taeyong always expressed how feared that she would run away from him at any given chance but she had proved thus far that she really wanted to be him although they both knew what they were risking.


Her mind now was plagued with dark though as he asked for an impromptu meeting in the middle of the night she knew was to give some sort of bad news, her gut told her so.


Tzuyu finally made it to their shared condo in a secluded area of Yongsan.


She let herself in and she spotted him on the couch, she put on the house shoes and went to sit next to him.

She noticed he looked grim, “Hey, what is going on?” she asked him warily


"I am getting married Tzuyu," he told her right off the bat without meeting her eyes.


Taeyong had confirmed her worst nightmare and she didn't know how to respond.

She was at a loss for words and she just sat there next to him, staring blankly at the carpet.


She then felt the urge to run away from him, from all of this.


Tzuyu then sighed breaking the silence that had befallen them

"We both knew this was bound to happen. I'll more than likely be married off too but then again my family's name is not a burden on my back, I'll never have to carry like you Taeyong. So this is our goodbye." she told him as she got up, he got up too and went to stop her from opening the door to the condo.


"Please don't do this. I need you, and I love you. Please stay just beside me." Tzuyu pushed his hands off.

"Thank you for everything, okay. Good-bye Taeyong," and she walked out of the condo without looking back, because she knew if she looked at her lover she would crumble and go back to him and that wouldn't be such a smart move from her.


Tzuyu found an isolated parking spot near a river and there she broke down, she mourned the loss of the love of her life.

She felt like her heart was ripped from inside her and she had a gaping wound, one that no matter how much she cried she would have to live with for the rest of her life.

She had lost him, and she was to never get him back.



Taeyong felt his days go so painstakingly slow, that he poured himself a glass of champagne trying to see if alcohol would drown his sorrows.


He was now married and it all felt unreal, he never thought he would exchange vows with a complete stranger he felt absolutely nothing for.


Taeyong stepped onto his balcony to get some fresh air after he had gotten to the home he shared with his wife.


He looked down at his left hand and twisted the wedding band on that finger and decided to take it off.

He twirled it around and threw it inside the champagne glass he had in his free hand.


Finally, after getting chilly he went to the master bedroom, his wife was awake reading a book she didn't acknowledge him which was nice, he then wal

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736 streak #1
Chapter 11: Hopefully things work out!
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Chapter 10: What a cliffhanger!
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Chapter 9: Dang it! Things got tense!
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Chapter 8: And she finally said those sweet words. ;)
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Chapter 7: Ten is the man she deserves! ^^
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Chapter 6: The poor girl needs a break! -_-
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Chapter 5: Well, things got steamy! ;)
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Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Hopefully, things turn out good!
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Chapter 3: The more I read, the more I dislike Taeyong. -_- He is a total jerk, unlike Ten who really turned out to be caring and sweet!

Ten should have kicked his !
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Chapter 2: Taeyong has gotten my nerves! It was not a cool move!