The Interview

Wanted: Bedspacer
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“Have you seen the news?! What the hell was that? Ate Irene’s furious. Have you read the family group chat?” Krystal yelled on the other line as soon as the interview ended. Winter decided to go to her room, not really in the mood to talk to anybody and that made Karina even madder at Jeno. She knows this is affecting Winter so badly and she wants to do everything to stop this madness.

Karina felt a wave of anger wash over her. She couldn't believe that someone would do something so cruel and invasive. She felt violated and her heart sank as she thought about how Winter, who had always been private and shy, must be feeling. She knew that this would cause her a great deal of anxiety and she wanted to do everything in her power to protect her.

“I did… we did. Winter’s not taking it well. I need to do something kaagad, Ate. I’m worried about Winter.”

“Of course, but I also want to set up an interview with a national news outlet so that you can defend yourself and your relationship. What do you think?” Krystal asked. Karina knows her sister has a lot of connections in the entertainment industry so it’s gonna be easy for them.

Karina knew that this was the right move. She couldn't let the person who invaded their privacy get away with it. She needed to stand up for herself and her relationship.






As the sun started to peek through the curtains, Winter sat up in her bed and rubbed her eyes. She had been tossing and turning all night, unable to shake the feeling of unease that had been creeping up on her for the past few days.

She got out of bed and walked to the window, pulling back the curtains to let in the morning light. As she looked out over the city, she suddenly had a flashback of the day it all started.

The restaurant was bustling with activity as usual, the aroma of freshly cooked dishes wafting through the air. But today was different. Instead of the usual customers, the small establishment was swamped with reporters and camera crews, all clamoring for a comment from the owner and head chef, Winter. Winter stood frozen in the doorway, staring at the scene in front of her. This was her sanctuary, her pride, and joy, and now it was being overrun by paparazzi.

Winter’s heart raced as she tried to make sense of what was happening. She had been blindsided by the news that her relationship with Karina had been leaked to the press. She had always been private about her personal life, and now it was being splashed all over the front pages.

As she made her way through the throngs of reporters, she could feel her anxiety building. Her palms were sweaty, and her chest felt tight. She knew that she needed to get away, but she didn't know where to go.  She knew she had to keep it together, but the anxiety was making it hard to think straight.

She finally made it to the kitchen, where her staff was trying their best to keep up with the orders. Winter could see the concern in their eyes as she tried to put on a brave face. But inside, she was falling apart so she decided to stay in her office.

Once inside her small office, she sank into her chair, her mind racing. She couldn't believe that this was happening to her—to her restaurant. Her thoughts were consumed by the invasive questions and accusations, and she couldn't shake the feeling of being trapped.

Despite the turmoil, Winter knew that she needed to keep her restaurant running. It was her lifeline, the one thing that had been a constant in her life. She couldn't let the paparazzi take that away from her. 




Winter’s relationship with Karina had been strained since the news broke. They had fought over the attention, with Karina insisting that they should at least make a statement and Winter wanting nothing to do with it. She had become distant and aloof, unsure of how to handle the constant scrutiny.

“I don't understand why you can't just let this go,” Winter exclaimed, her voice rising in frustration. “Why do you feel the need to address this in public? Can't we just deal with it privately?”

“Because I'm a public figure, and the media is going to keep hounding us until we give them a statement,” Karina retorted as she paced back and forth. They are in Karina’s room since they don’t want Ning to hear them arguing. It’s been a tough week for them. 

“I want to protect you from that. I don't want them to hound you at work or at home because by staying quiet, we're letting others—him— control the narrative.”

“I don't need your protection,” Winter shot back. “I can handle myself. I just don't want to be dragged into the spotlight. I don't want my personal life to be on display for the world to see.”

“But the media doesn't care about what you want, Kal. They're going to keep coming after us until we give them something,” Karina pleaded. “I just want to control the narrative and protect you from the worst of it.”

“I don't want to be protected, I just want to be left alone,” Winter exclaimed, her voice breaking. “Can't you understand that, Karina? I don't want to be part of your public image. I just want to live my life quietly.”

Karina sighed, her frustration clear on her face. “I understand how you feel, but we have to address this in some way. The media is not going to leave us alone. We need to figure out a way to deal with this together.”

In the end, they are unable to come to a compromise, and the tension between them continues to simmer, their relationship hanging in the balance.









As Karina was introduced to the audience and seated across from the show's host, Karina’s mind raced with thoughts of what questions she would be asked and how she would respond. She knew that the host would be looking for sensational headlines, but she was determined to remain calm and collected.

The interviewer, a well-known journalist, began by asking about the invasion of privacy. “How do you feel about the fact that your relationship has been broadcasted to national television?”

Karina replied in a calm but stern voice, “I am deeply disappointed and hurt that my privacy has been invaded in such a way. My relationship is a personal matter and it is not anyone else's business. My partner and I have a right to keep our relationship private, and we did not give anyone permission to broadcast it to the public.”

The host pressed on, asking if Karina was planning to take legal action against the person or organization that had broadcasted her relationship without her consent. 

Karina replied, “I am currently considering my options and consulting with legal counsel. I will take whatever actions are necessary to protect my privacy and defend my relationship.”

The interviewer seemed taken aback by Karina’s direct and savage answers but pressed on with more questions. “Some people have said that you are using this situation to gain more publicity for yourself. How do you respond to that?”

Karina’s response was firm and clear. “I am not using this situation for publicity. Hell, I don’t even care about popularity. I just want to do my job, which is directing. I am standing up for the privacy of my relationship and for the well-being of my partner. I will not stand idly by while someone invades our privacy and causes harm to my partner's mental health.”

The host then asked about Karina’s partner and if they had been affected by the revelation. Karina responded, “My partner is a very private person and I will not discuss their feelings on this matter. But I will say that this has affected both of us deeply and we are both very upset by the inv

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hello! i did not ghost this story and rest assured that i'll be updating this once im done with the socmed au on twt. it's a jmj au hehe
you can check it here:


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revelink98 0 points #1
Wow. It’S been a year. Balik ka na po!
tao po...
Chapter 74: Kelan sila ikakasal huhu i miss this 😭😭 balik kana otor 😭😭
Happy anniversary
Hello authorr sana masarap ang ulam mo today
Neonbleuu #6
Chapter 74: otor parang awa mo na, wag mo po ito ighost 😭
venvennn #7
Chapter 56: otor hueihUie☹️💔💔😓☹️☹️😓☹️
hakinxg #8
Chapter 74: ghosted na ba?😞
hakinxg #9
Chapter 74: ghosted na ba?😞
lilili_oli #10
Chapter 74: Is this ghosted or authy is just resting? I hope it’s the latter. 😭😭😣