Chapter 3: Incidental misunderstanding

Accidental attraction

Kyuhyun's life is filled with weird occurrences thanks to his powers. However, he is lucky in some ways, as he never fails to predict the weather correctly. Or at least better than most weather forecasts. It may be because the meteorological devices used take their measurements for a more general area, while Kyuhyun's predictions are for more specific places. But anyways, the point is that Kyuhyun knows there's going to be heavy raining when they return home. He also knows the stupid Kanghoon is going to realize he doesn't have his umbrella, run to his destination to avoid getting too wet, trip because of the slippery wet road and fall in a sewer.

In. A. ing. Sewer.

Kyuhyun sighs, he doesn't even wonder anymore why such calamities happen to the guy. All he can do is try to avoid the most dangerous ones.

Kanghoon was already in the shop when he had his vision, so Kyuhyun doesn't know whether the umbrella is already lost or if it's going to disappear here. His premonition didn't show those details. There's only a drizzle out there right now, so it's also possible he may have not brought one purposely. After all, the forecast said there were going to be light showers, not a ing pouring. But that's what Kanghoon is going to face. Why is he so unlucky? It's only been four days since he got drenched in soda...

Oblivious to his destiny, Kanghoon goes from one section of the store to another, comparing products and doing... Whatever he does when he's in the store. Kyuhyun has enough in his plate to add paying attention to every move the other does. Taking care nothing bad happens to him is tiring enough.

His eyes discreetly follow the man while thinking what to do. They could share an umbrella until the bus stop, but that would leave the trail from the stop Kanghoon gets down the bus to his home without protection (Kyuhyun isn't going to him all the way to his door, he isn't a chaperone). Giving up his umbrella is a no as well, Kyuhyun doesn't want to get drenched, thank you very much. He has the vague idea he left a raincoat somewhere in the storage room, so he'll have to take a look and see if it's still there.

Why don't use one of the umbrellas in stock if they're in a convenience store? Well, there's none, someone has just bought the last one. It's not like he could have refused to do his job, who knows what would have happened if this leaving customer didn't buy the umbrella. What if the stranger has the same luck as Kanghoon? That would be a disaster.

And talking about the guy, what the heck is he doing? He's been in the store for more than thirty minutes now. Kyuhyun hasn't been able to follow his every move given there has been more clients than usual at this time. Some teacher must have assigned their class a project.

Anyways, Kyuhyun needs to think fast. His shift is about to end, which means the pouring is getting closer and closer. It would have been easier if Kanghoon had gone home from the beginning. Why is he still here?

Still absorbed in his thoughts, Kyuhyun fails to notice the rain is getting worse until he sees someone running to seek refuge in the store. He was going to ignore them until he notices the someone is a certain short individual he knows. He didn't recognized him at first as said person was busy looking for something in his backpack (which is covered with a hoodie), but when he looks up, his unmistakable face comes to light.

"Oh, Ryeonggoo?" The alluded turns in Kyuhyun's direction to then smile at him.

"Kyunnie! I didn't even see this was the store you work at." Ryeowook calmly walks to the counter as if he hasn't been running a minute ago.

Before Ryeowook says anything, Kyuhyun interrupts him. "We're out of umbrellas."

"Really? Not even one?" Ryeowook grimaces as Kyuhyun shakes his head from side to side. However, he doesn't lose hope and looks at Kyuhyun with puppy eyes.


"Please?" Ryeowook betters his act of helpless puppy, but since it only makes Kyuhyun cringe, he changes his demeanor completely. "I'll bring you a homemade lunch the rest of the week."

"It's not worth going home drenched." The smile that forms in Ryeowook's face tells Kyuhyun he's not going to hear something funny.

"You don't have to walk home, you know? There's a very interested sunbae who would come right away if you call him." Ryeowook laughs at the face Kyuhyun makes.

"I'm not calling Siwon! Who knows what kind of flirting bull he would came up with."

"Why don't you accept his offers to give you a ride? He's too gentlemanly to try doing something bad."

"I don't have any plans to go out with him. Accepting his advances will only raise his hopes." The guy isn't bad, but Kyuhyun isn't gay. He doesn't see himself dating Siwon.

"I guess that's true." Ryeowook nods before looking back at Kyuhyun with hopeful eyes. "So... Are you going to lend me your umbrella?"


"I'll tell Siwon sunbae your number." Is Ryeowook really threatening him?

"I thought he was your worst enemy."

Ryeowook shrugs. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend and you'll become my nemesis if you don't either let me borrow your umbrella or take me home."

"The rain isn't that bad, why do you worry so much?" Unlike Kyuhyun, Ryeowook would get only his shoulders wet if he were to walk home under this rain. It's not as bad as it is in his premonition yet.

"I worry because I'm bringing precious cargo with me, Kyuhyun." His voice becomes overly serious as he pinches his nose bridge. "My backpack has the stupid project my teacher gave us. If it gets wet with a single drop of rain, I won't be allowed to take the midterm exam." Ryeowook almost screams as he points at his backpack, it must be one tedious project. "Not to mention I can't even call a taxi as I spent all my money in this stupid project." Ryeowook takes Kyuhyun's shoulders and shakes him back and forth.

"Okay, okay! Just calm down! I'll think of something." At his words, Ryeowook releases Kyuhyun. The younger arranges his clothes after glaring at the older.

Kyuhyun scratches his head as he thinks. He sighs before telling Ryeowook to wait there and look after the store. The smile the shorter man wears only makes Kyuhyun grumble, so he just goes to the staffroom. When he goes out, he hands Ryeowook a plastic bag.

"What's this?" Ryeowook arches an eyebrow as he wonders why there's that piece of plastic instead of an umbrella in his hands.

"That, my friend, is a plastic bag, a big one may I say." He puts another one in the counter as he keeps talking. "It should keep you and your project dry."

"I guess worse is nothing..." Ryeowook takes one of the bags with a frown and then kneels to put all the contents in his backpack inside the plastic object. He makes a tie in the now full bag and then puts it in his backpack. As he gets up, he sees the object Kyuhyun is handing him.

"Here. You have to buy me lunch and dinner for a week after you get your allowance." Kyuhyun says grumbling.

"Thanks! I knew you weren't that heartless." Ryeowook beams as he hugs Kyuhyun. The latter just pats his back unamused.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." Now he has to see if there are more plastic bags in the storage. Also, he has to rethink his plans to not let Kanghoon fall in the sewer while avoiding drenching himself.

"Do you want me to wait for you? You would have to take a detour, but you would get home with an umbrella."

"No need. I'll figure something."

"Are you sure? You could stay in my apartment if the rains gets worse."

"Nah, don't worry." Although the offer sounds good, he can't leave Kanghoon like that. And talking about the devil, said hyung is currently walking to the counter. "Ryeowook, let me go already."

Ryeowook only looks at Kyuhyun with a pout in his face before turning to the direction Kyuhyun is looking at. "Oh, a customer." As he sees Kanghoon approaching, he breaks the hug and stands next to his backpack. "I'll wait for you, alright? You'll get yourself sick if you walk home without umbrella."

"And who's fault would it be? Just go on your own." Kyuhyun squints at Ryeowook, who looks at him quizzically, but gets surprised when he hears Kanghoon talking. When did he get there?

"Kyuhyun-ah, um..." He starts talking to then shut up at the next minute, wearing a frown in his face.

"Hyung?" Kyuhyun calls Kanghoon worriedly, ignoring Ryeowook's shocked expression after hearing him calling someone other than Heechul ‘hyung’.

"I need to talk with you about something..." He scratches his head before reminding something. He turns to look at Ryeowook with a shy smile. "Sorry, I'm Kim Kanghoon. Uhm, do you think you can lend me Kyuhyun-ah for a bit before you two go home?"

Ryeowook looks from Kyuhyun to Kanghoon until a smile creeps in his face. "Oh, no, no, it's alright. Actually, I remembered I have something to do. It seems Kyuhyun was planning to go home with you, so can you lend him an umbrella?" Kyuhyun glares at Ryeowook and his big mouth. Does he really have to say unnecessary things? And to his dismay, that's not everything. "You should have told me if you already had plans, Kyuhyunnie! Now I see why you didn't want to go with me. Good luck Kyu, bye Kanghoon-ssi!" And as abruptly as he came, Ryeowook leaves.

Kyuhyun feels his face red as he avoids looking at Kanghoon. Ryeowook's words can be interpreted in a weird way, specially without context. When he finally manages to look at the man, he sees a small blush in his face. Damn, why does Kyuhyun think he looks cute like that!?

"Then I'll wait until your shift ends, Kyuhyun-ah."

Kyuhyun is surprised by Kanghoon's words, but he reacts before the man returns to his wandering through the store. "Wait, hyung. Do you have an umbrella?"

Kanghoon stops in his tracks. He stands absentmindedly for a couple of seconds until he frowns. "."

And as Kyuhyun feared, Kanghoon lost his umbrella.











They walk under the heavy rain with plastic bags working as rain boots and under one single umbrella. After looking through the storage room, Kyuhyun found out the raincoat was lost, but they came across a very handy umbrella. They're silent for a while until Kanghoon finds a conversation topic.

"I didn't know Kyuhyun-ah is so popular." His voice is flat and his face is expressionless, probably due to the fact the umbrella is not big enough to protect them completely.

"Me? Popular?"

"A lot of clients today seemed to be interested in you..."

"Uh? Well, there were a few people talking to me today, but they were mainly classmates. I'm not popular."

"There's been other times people are eager to talk with you." Is it Kyuhyun's imagination or does Kanghoon sound bitter? It definitely must be his imagination.

"Most people want to talk to me because of Heechul hyung..." Kyuhyun says without much thought until something comes to his mind. "Wait, are you jealous?"

"What? No, of course not. Why would I be?"

A smug smile forms in Kyuhyun's face. So Kanghoon isn't popular and that's why he's so bitter... It's actually quite a shock, specially when the man has such fine looks, but no one aside someone with very few friends would think Kyuhyun is popular. Well, there was one time Kanghoon said he's an introvert, so that could explain it. "Don't worry Honey, you're still the number one for me."

Kyuhyun smiles as Kanghoon's cheeks tint with a cute pink hue. He avoids the hand trying to give him an ‘affectionate pat’ in his arm as he chuckles. "Don't call me honey, now Heechul hyung uses it to make fun of me!"

"I don't think Heenim hyung would stop just because I do. You'll have to deal with it, Honey~" Kyuhyun shrugs when Kanghoon looks at him with a pout, sending the thought of how cute he looks when doing that to the back of his mind. However, a small frown appears in Kyuhyun's face after a few seconds. "But I would prefer if I'm the only one who calls you that." He came up with it himself, he should have privilege in using it, right? Kyuhyun pouts unconsciously at the fact the nickname he gave Kanghoon has been stolen.

Kanghoon clears his throat nervously. He avoids looking at Kyuhyun as he thinks how to change the topic.

"Uhm... Heechul hyung... Oh, right! Chullie hyung said you two go to the same university."

Kyuhyun wants to laugh at Kanghoon's sudden nervousness, but manages to contain his smile. He limits to answer the question. "Yeah, but we're in different faculties. I'm studying maths."

"So you like numbers?"

"You could say so. Though more than the numbers themselves, I like the ways they can be used to explain almost everything. In a sense, maths are the second most basic way to understand world."

Kanghoon looks at him, interested in his words. "What do you think is the first one?"

"Language. That's why I have it when people think humanities are good for nothing."

"It's unexpected to hear something like that from a science guy."

"I already finished that phase of thinking exact sciences are superior."

"As someone who studied humanities, I really appreciate that."

"So you already graduated?"

"Yep. Music with specialization in singing and guitar. I've always loved music, so I knew that I would work in the field."

"So you followed your dream."

Kanghoon chuckles as he answers. "I'm still far from achieving it, but I'm on my way. I'm currently working giving classes in a music academy. It's not full time, but I like it. And I wouldn't have time for that yet, I'm also helping in my family cafe. I help a friend in his band from time to time as well. Oh, and I recently got a pass for one of my compositions in a discography. They're going to use it for a new album, but I'm not sure if I can say whom. You know, ‘no spoilers’. Since the company accepted one, I've been sending some of my past pieces, but I'm working on more."

Kyuhyun is surprised by how many things the older does. However, there's a bigger thing he's focusing on; how does Kanghoon have time to go to the shop so many times? Does he get inspiration in the even exposition of chips and sodas? Kyuhyun can't figure out the reason behind so many visits to the store.

As if reading his mind, the question is answered by Kanghoon himself.

"Since I don't know how to cook, I either eat at my family's cafe or I buy something at the store. It's convenient since it's on my way to the academy."

"You're working very hard." There's pure admiration in Kyuhyun's words. The helpless image he had about Kanghoon changed. The man now seems like a very trustworthy young adult with bad luck in the oddest things. "You're very cool." The words just leave his mouth, taking even Kyuhyun off ward. A blush appears in his face, he didn't plan to say that! He avoids looking at Kanghoon, even when he hears him start talking.

"...Kyuhyun-ah, you know, I actually wanted to talk with you about something."

Kyuhyun clears his throat before answering. "Yeah, you said that at the store. What is it?"

"Well, I was thinking..." Kyuhyun is distracted by the not so far sound of an engine. However, it doesn't come from the street, but instead from a vision suddenly intruding in his mind. "It's the first time I'm being liked by a guy and I don't want to raise your hopes, but..." Kanghoon's voice fades as Kyuhyun is submerged in the premonition.






A car, which lights are going to be turned off, is going to approach them at a dangerous speed. Ignoring the clear sing in the traffic light that it shouldn't, the car will accelerate in their direction. Kanghoon will already be in the middle of the street, frozen by the belated realization of the incoming danger. The driver will not care in the least there's a person in the way and will accelerate even more and th n— the  co  lli  sio  n-               hit     i    n h         wo un d    th a t         wh en
       i mp ct         wi l   .          m  ke























Kyuhyun forces the vision out of his mind, he doesn't want to see what's next. Unfortunately, his action leaves some aftereffects, like dizziness. He hears someone talking, but he can't pay attention. He just walks without being fully aware of his surroundings, until he hears the same engine as in his vision. Fear starts creeping up, as this time it's real. He turns to the direction it comes from and pales as he recognizes the car. It's only then that he stops walking.

"I concluded it's not right to turn you down just because of your gender, but I still need time to sort out... Kyuhyun-ah? You're getting soaked! What are you..." Not having mind to process anything of what Kanghoon says, Kyuhyun's eyes grow bigger as he turns to look at him. The older man is frozen, already in the middle of the street and looking at the direction Kyuhyun was previously looking at.

The car is getting closer and closer and Kyuhyun barely has time to react.

With a sudden movement, Kyuhyun takes Kanghoon's wrist and pulls him towards him, making them stumble towards the safety of the sidewalk. The action makes Kanghoon move as planned, but how they end in a semi-hug takes both of them in surprise. The umbrella got lost in the process, so they're being hit by the rain without compassion, but that doesn't seem to matter, as they're gapping by the unplanned position they're in. Kyuhyun is sure Kanghoon can hear the accelerated rhythm of his heart and, for a second, he thinks there's something aside from the life threatening situation they're in that's making it beat so fast.

He, however, becomes very certain that's only because of the danger when the car passes besides them. They barely avoid being hit,  but they still receive some damage; a miniature wave surfaces in the currents created at the sides of the street, big enough to reach head level. At least Kyuhyun reacted in time to lower his head and protect Kanghoon's with his hand.

Some seconds pass before the hug is broken. They pull apart slowly, still shocked by the vehicle almost hitting them. Kanghoon lowers his hands until they reach his legs, but he lifts them to his head at the next second. He turns to the direction the negligent driver took to yell at him in rage.

"ing psycho! Are you blind or what!? !" He scratches his head in frustration, knowing he's being ignored by the aggravator, as he continues his ranting. ", , ... We could've died and that of a lunatic wouldn't stop even to curse! ing bastard, piece of— Uh? Kyuhyun-ah, are you okay?" Kanghoon's voice suffers a complete change the moment he turns and notices Kyuhyun's state.

He's trembling and breathing heavily, still in the same position Kanghoon left him in. His eyes are unfocused and he doesn't seem to be listening. Kanghoon grabs the forgotten umbrella lying in the sidewalk and covers Kyuhyun with it. He gently shakes his shoulder, trying to get his attention. The younger lifts his gaze and, through the glasses filled with raindrops, it's possible to recognize fear in his eyes.

"Are you alright?"

Kyuhyun nods slowly. However, he's anything but fine. The interrupted vision is attacking his mind, trying to show everything that could have happened had he not reacted, as if mocking him for almost failing. The car, Kanghoon's motionless body, the blood— everything is just too real for him.

His senses are overwhelmed by the passages of his premonition, which bring back memories of that time. He remembers all the feelings of hopelessness and guilt from when he was unable to do anything despite knowing, making him confused on where he is and what is happening. All sort of feelings are muddling his mind and making him dizzy, something Kanghoon seems to notice. He gently takes his hand and guides Kyuhyun under a store's awning that's in the vicinity. There's a bench in there, so after taking the backpack from his shoulders, Kanghoon makes Kyuhyun sit in it. He puts the backpack next to him and kneels to check how the younger man is.

"How are you?" Kanghoon looks at Kyuhyun with a worried and sightly frightened expression, not knowing how to comfort him.

"I- we were- You! The car was- and- and then- we! It- hit us—! but-" Kyuhyun starts saying incomplete sentences that are incomprehensible. He's trying to make sense of the mess his head is in.

"It's- it's alright, nothing happened. We're unscratched thanks to you, Kyuhyun-ah." Kanghoon smiles, though he is internally freaking out. It's the first time he sees Kyuhyun so vulnerable and scared, so he's even more surprised. However, it's in fact an usual reaction before such proximity to death, so Kanghoon tries to act as the older one an reassure him despite the mental shock he's received. He grabs the younger's shoulders, softly rubbing them in a comforting way.

Kyuhyun can't see him as now his glasses are foggy, but he feels the warmth from Kanghoon's hands. Not thinking rationality, he takes the older man in a hug, clinging to him and the sense of reality his presence brings. It helps him to tell apart the lingering feelings and images his vision left from real life. Kanghoon tenses at first, but he returns the hug after some hesitation, mutually giving a reassurance neither of them knew they needed.


His vision didn't become true, the images repeating in his head aren't real. The proof is the breathing, living man in his arms. That knowledge finally allows Kyuhyun to calm down.


After some minutes, Kyuhyun lowers his arms, freeing Kanghoon, who pulls apart from him. He stands up, still looking at Kyuhyun.

"Are you feeling better?" Kanghoon's voice sounds overly comforting, but Kyuhyun thinks it's because of what just happened.

"Yeah, I'm... I'm better. Thanks." He takes his glasses to clean them, as if doing so his heartbeat would calm down. He looks at Kanghoon after he's done. "How- how are you?"

Kanghoon combs his hair with his hand as he answers. "The sense of fright isn't completely over yet, but I suppose I'm fine."

"Great..." Kyuhyun sighs, but then he suddenly hides his face in his hands, which are resting in his knees. "...Holy ! We almost died! Why are dangerous things always happening around you!?"

"Uh!?" Kyuhyun's yell startles Kanghoon, he didn't see it coming.

"Sorry, it's just... Oh, my god..." Kyuhyun lifts his head and leans against the back of the bench. "I don't know what I would have done if something happened to you..." Kyuhyun is sure the guilt would eat him alive. He would blame himself of doing nothing, specially when he knew it was going to happen. "Why do I have to worry about you so much?" Those words unconsciously leave his mouth, so they're barely a whisper. However, Kanghoon is able hear them.


Kanghoon's tone of voice takes Kyuhyun attention, so he moves his head to look at the man. He is surprised by the intensity of his eyes, which look at him with a myriad of untold feelings, and stops thinking. He gets lost in that darkness, barely noticing Kanghoon is in a similar state as him. They just stay like that, staring at each other and sharing a silent feeling, even when they're not aware of what is it. The only sound filling their silence is the rain now softly hitting the awning.

Out of nowhere, a specially cold raft of wind passes. Kyuhyun feels a shiver run through his back, causing him to feel the need to sneeze. He closes his eyes by reflex, trying to fight back the sneeze. His mouth opens just a little bit and a small frown forms in his face for the very same reason. It's until now that he notices his hands are trembling because of the temperature dropping, which is the same thing that provoked a small blush to appear in his cheeks. He's usually not sensitive to cold, but since his clothes are wet, he's currently more vulnerable to its effects.

Kanghoon, however, knows nothing of this. He can only see Kyuhyun closing his eyes with pink cheeks. He gets the wrong idea.

The older panicks, not knowing what to do. However, as he sees Kyuhyun's frown deepening, he takes a quick glance to check there's no one else in the street. Then, he slowly leans in Kyuhyun's direction. He puts his hand in the wall behind the bench and uses it as support as he moves. His heartbeat is erratic, he's utterly nervous and unsure, so he purses his lips as he feels his face getting warmer. He hesitates when he's centimeters away from Kyuhyun, but when he sees him waiting with a blushed expression, he makes up his mind. He finally decides to close the gap between them and... Kyuhyun jerks his head down. Kanghoon barely has time to avoid the imminent headbutt.

The older is flabbergasted until his brain processes the sneezing sounds Kyuhyun makes. He moves away as fast as he can, back to the position he was originally in.

Kyuhyun sniffles as he searches something in his backpack (which continents didn't get wet thanks to a plastic bag). He takes out a tissue and blows his nose. He feels another shiver so he rubs his hands in his arms. "It sure got cold out of nowhere, but I guess it makes sense after such heavy rain... Honey? Kanghoon hyung? Are you alright?"


"Your face is all red."

Kanghoon opens and closes his mouth like a fish, not saying anything at all. This confuses Kyuhyun, but he can't help but think it's an endearing sight. After some time, the older man finally finds his voice. "Ahh, yeah- uhm- it's nothing..." Kanghoon looks nervously at everything but Kyuhyun, until he focuses his attention in the street. "L-look! It stopped raining." He suddenly turns around, still flustered. "L-lets go!"

Kyuhyun sees Kanghoon leaving figure as he thinks there's something definitely off with what just happened. For a moment, he thought Kanghoon was going to kiss him... He felt someone getting close to him, but he thinks it was just his imagination. There's no way Kanghoon would do something like that... Right? Kyuhyun blushes at the idea of kissing the older man and shakes his head to get rid of that useless thought. He gets up with an accelerated heartbeat, a minor headache and the feeling he's going to get sick.




He sneezes again.









Author's notes: I'm very sorry! I'm not going to leave this unfinished! And I won't ever stop liking our Yesung and our Kyuhyun's relationship!


I actually was going to publish this right after my silly "prank", but a last minute revision turned into a whole rewriting of the chapter... I'm sorry.

This means this chapter was quite unplanned. But since I had fun writing it and it still works in the plot, I guess it's fine.

I'm a little worried, though. I feel like I kind of changed Kyuhyun's personality too much... Do you think he's too oblivious or is it still at a believable level? I don't know...


Anyways, I hope you and your loved ones are healthy or get better if they're unwell. Once again, I'm sorry for scaring you with that fake announcement.

Stay safe, see you! 💙


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Sorry for the inconveniences, I'm not going to abandone this.
Real update is here.


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398 streak #1
Chapter 5: Oh gosh! This chapter just sooooo entertaining and interesting! (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) LOVE IT TO THE MOON AND BACK!
Rinirin07 #2
Chapter 5: So fluffy 🥰🥰🥰
Kyu denial really amusing yet annoying to read 🤭
But glad they reach an understanding 🥰🥰🥰
I love the progress
HelenDamnation #3
Chapter 5: I'm laughing pretty hard at Kanghoon finding out he has only seen the mild, unconscious version so far...
idiyanalexx #4
Chapter 5: I usually hate in denial characters, but I like Kyu here! He's confused, but he wholeheartedly acknowledge his feelings
_MyName_ #5
Chapter 4: Yay, a kiss!
Lucky Ryeowook having front row seats to the Kyusung romcom, he really seems to enjoy it :D
Liza-Nan #6
Chapter 4: The first sweet.... :) <3
HelenDamnation #7
Chapter 4: OMG, I love this. I just bingeread the first four chapters.
398 streak #8
Chapter 4: Wuaaaah, Wookie said what he said about giraffe, awesome ♪⁠~⁠(⁠´⁠ε⁠`⁠ ⁠)

And finally! First kisu ever (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥

Eniwei, I don't understand about topo.. topo what? I'm too dumb. When I was in school, what I did just make friends and find a cute boy. It's really a miracle that I survived until now LOL but well, thank you for the graphic demonstration!
idiyanalexx #9
Chapter 4: I love this update! Kyu's so oblivious about his feelings
398 streak #10
Chapter 3: Yeay an update!

I'm really enjoying this story! Don't you dare leave us hanging, this is a warning! XD