Day 5: 1984 & 1988

Kyusung week promps

Where is the best place for 1988? Right next to 1984


Kyuhyun walked through the set, seeing how everything was going. He was heading to the area he was supposed to be when he caught sight of Yesung. He was talking with someone from the staff while writing something on a cardboard, which Kyuhyun supposed was the mini homepage. Since any time was a good time to show his love to tease Yesung, he walked to him and put a hand on his shoulder, talking at the same time.

"Hyung, don't cheat. You have to fill everything in front of the camera."

"Kkuru!" Yesung got sightly startled at Kyuhyun's sudden presence, not having heard him getting closer due to how concentrated he was. Since he took a few seconds to get over his surprise, the staff member was the one who explained the situation to Kyuhyun.

"Kyuhyun-ssi, we were the ones who asked him to do it. We had problems with the schedule so I asked Yesung-ssi to start filling small details in case we don't have time when it's his turn."

"Oh, I see." Before Kyuhyun could say something more intelligent, the staff member was called to do something.

"Yesung-ssi, I'll get back in no time, but if it takes too long, just leave the cardboard over there." He pointed at the area Kyuhyun was heading to and saw Yesung nod. Having said his instructions, the staff member left the two idols alone. Taking the chance, Kyuhyun slided his hand and encircled Yesung's shoulders with his arm. Yesung's hand automatically moved to rest on Kyuhyun's waist, but his eyes told Kyuhyun to not overdo it. Kyuhyun rolled his eyes. He knew the rules and was going to follow them. Probably.

"Kyunnie, don't you have to go record the decoration of the mini homepage?" Yesung asked, because he wanted to avoid getting too touchy with Kyuhyun in front of the staff and because he was worried the maknae would get scolded for not being punctual.

"Yeah, but the staff in charge of that is over there." Kyuhyun pointed with his chin at a group of people preparing multiple things. They were actually the ones the previous staff member went to help. Kyuhyun looked at Yesung and shrugged his shoulders. "I guess I have some free time before that."

"I have to go record my part in a few minutes, though." Yesung sighed. Although he would like to spend as much time with Kyuhyun as possible, this wasn't neither the moment nor place to be lovely dovey with him.

"Then we have to take the most of this." Kyuhyun reached for Yesung's cardboard and snatched it from him. "So no more cheating!"

"I wasn't cheating! The staff has already explained that to you." Yesung gave Kyuhyun a small knock in his forehead.

"It's still cheating. You're just being backed by a corrupted insider." He shook his head and clicked his tongue disapprovingly. "At what times have we come to."

Yesung rolled his eyes at the dramatics of his lover. "This isn't a race. We're not even recording at the same time."

"I heard Shindong hyung betting with the rest about who would take longer and who the least."

"Again? I thought Leeteuk banned betting during recordings."

"The rule only applies for things related to us. I don't know how richer they got after betting about our love life." Yesung frowned at this. He didn't know how to feel about being ‘protected’ by that rule.

In a not so different note, Kyuhyun pursed his lips, remembering how much money was involved in those bets. He didn't even have the opportunity to participate, less to win. Well, he may have sent them to hell after hearing the details of some of the bets, so he may have not earned anything even if he had been invited.

But since there was no use in crying over spilled milk (nor not earned money), Kyuhyun decided to return his attention towards his beloved. He was going to hold Yesung's other shoulder with the hand not holding him, but then he remembered the cardboard in his hand.

"Oh, right. Should I put this with the rest in my way to recording?"

"Mhm, thanks. I don't think I should fill anything else before my turn, so we may as well return it now."

"Wait, I want to see the design in detail." Kyuhyun lifted the cardboard to take a better look at it. "I also want to spy how much progress you did." Yesung thought Kyuhyun's real intentions were reading what he wrote but didn't say anything about it. He just smirked at how obvious he could be.

"I only wrote the date and visitors count." Yesung said it nonchalantly, even when the numbers he used were so especial; 11-06 and 1984. As expected of Yesung, he used meaningful dates to fill that part; Super Junior anniversary and his year of birth. Kyuhyun smiled while reading it.

An idea then crossed Kyuhyun's mind.

He smirked to Yesung, who looked at him warily. Yesung didn't expect to be released by Kyuhyun, who seemed to be planning something.

"Kyuhyun?" The mentioned didn't respond. Instead, he went to tell the staff something, taking with him Yesung's mini homepage. He pointed at the right upper corner of the cardboard, asking them if he could add something. The staff looked at each other, not sure if it would be a good idea. But despite the initial doubt, Kyuhyun managed to convince them to agree in no time. They handed him a marker and returned to their activities, giving Kyuhyun space to proceed with his idea. Seeing this, Yesung went to see what he was up to.

"Kyun-ah. What are you doing?"

"Look." With a smug smile, Kyuhyun showed him the result of his mischief, pointing at the 1988 written right next to the 1984 Yesung wrote. Yesung's first instinct was to smile fondly at the detail, but then his rationality came back to tell him that little action could be dangerous.

"It is sweet, but... Wouldn't it make this—" he pointed at Kyuhyun and then at himself cyclically, trying to explain the issue without saying too much, "— obvious?"

Although a big part of SJ label staff was aware of their relationship and had signed a non divulgation agreement, there were times people from outside the company were hired to help in the making of MVs and other promotional videos. Being cautious wouldn't hurt.

"Nobody will notitce. ELF are getting older, most of them must have sight problems already. And the few ones who get to notice it may just think of it as the maknae's little prank."

Yesung didn't agree with Kyuhyun's statement about ELF being old, but after thinking about it, he concluded that 1988 wasn't that big of an issue. Although meaningful for both of them, it was just a number. Some of their fans may think too much into it, but it was very unlikely for the group to get any backlash for this little detail.

"I guess it won't hurt." After getting a positive response from Yesung, Kyuhyun went back to admire his work, holding back a tender smile. Yesung back hugged Kyuhyun, using the pretence of taking a peek at the cardboard in Kyuhyun's hands. The younger looked at him with sightly larger eyes, not having expected such proximity.

"What about the rules?"

"We're still in safe territory. Or do you think this is too much?" Yesung sounded sightly worried at the end. He was about to pull apart when Kyuhyun took one of the small hands in his.

"I'm not complaining." Kyuhyun looked at Yesung with those love filled eyes, a tender feeling that was mirrored in Yesung's, unable to be hidden with the circle lenses he wore.

As if having noticed the change in the mood, both Yesung and Kyuhyun were called to go to their posts. They pulled apart dejectedly and headed to their respective areas for filming. However, they didn't lose the chance to interchange a last look, filled with hundred of words and emotions, those that they could only share in the comfort of privacy.

Kyuhyun took the cardboard with him and handed it to the staff once he reached his post. He then started filling his mini homepage, being more giddy than usual while doing it. It must have been Yesung's effect. Not even Leeteuk's accusatory look after checking Yesung's mini homepage affected him, although the resignation in his eyes told Kyuhyun it wasn't a big issue.

But it was because of that same accusatory look that Kyuhyun didn't expect to be allowed to write a message for Yesung.

When he took the cardboard handed by the staff, he expected anyone's but Yesung's. He looked up, a mix of confusion and glee filling his eyes, searching for Leeteuk's approval. The leader just smiled and nodded. He may have a headache later, but spoiling the members once in a while wasn't bad.

With Leeteuk's approval, Kyuhyun took the cardboard and showed it to the camera, a fond smile in his face while saying whose was it. Seeing that, Leeteuk thought it was a good idea, after all. However, he changed his mind when he heard Kyuhyun saying ‘I like Yesung’... At least he said like and not love, that would have been something too out of character to explain.

Even if those two had said those words to each other in public, Leeteuk didn't want that to become the norm. He was a little paranoid about his dongsaengs relationship being revealed, those two weren't that good in hiding their feelings. The less proclamations of liking and loving between Yesung and Kyuhyun, the happier (and less stressed) Leeteuk would be.

It wouldn't have been a big issue to cut that affirmation off, but the thing was that the staff was quite fond of Yesung and Kyuhyun's relationship. They were very happy to include ‘KyuSung moments’, as named by the fans, in as many projects they could. Of course, they would cut out the most compromising ones, but those small subtleties always made their way until the final product. He could have pressured to eliminate it, but he thought it wasn't that big of an issue.

However, Leeteuk still decided it was best to watch Yesung as well when it was his turn and, as expected, his headache grew a few degrees. Yesung's comment about mango and alcohol wasn't that compromising, but it could be interpreted in different ways than originally planned. Though Leeteuk himself didn't know what was the original intention with that message.

He sighed. What's done is done, it wasn't nothing too revealing, so he should let it pass.

The shippers may get a little party, but there wouldn't be any actual damage.





Just in case, though, he may need to do some touches to the rules.

Just in case.











Kyuhyun stared at Yesung with no emotions whatsoever showing on his face. This was making Yesung uneasy, as he was usually at the receiving end of Kyuhyun's heart eyes. He didn't say anything for some while, thinking Kyuhyun would eventually bore out of this weird behavior, but he was proven wrong when this unusual stare continued for half the day. Giving up on deciphering what was on his lover's mind, Yesung finally asked the big question. Well, not that big question (he was reserving that one for another time), but the one taking most of Yesung's curiosity at the moment:

"What's up?" He was looking at the maknae, sitting besides him on the couch on the practice room. They were on their lunch break, but they were the first to return the room.

"When are we having that mango drink?"

"Uh?" Yesung was taken aback by Kyuhyun's immediate reply and sightly cold voice, so he didn't understand what Kyuhyun meant until hearing his next words.

"You said to cheer happily with me combining mango and alcohol, but it's been two months and we haven't done it yet." Kyuhyun crossed his arms and turned his face, avoiding Yesung's eyes. He was visibly sulking.

"Well, you've been busy and—" Yesung tried to give his explanation as to why they haven't done that, but Kyuhyun purposely interrupted.

"You said it just because of the camera, right? You weren't planning to do it. You don't want to spend your time with me." Kyuhyun was pouting by now, talking in a reproachful tone and doing his whole act of ‘hyung lied’.

"Come on, Kyu." Yesung tried to appease the younger by side-hugging him. He knew it was effective when he felt Kyuhyun relaxing and even leaning to the touch. "You know that's not it."

"Then come tonight." Kyuhyun said suddenly, voice demanding and face serious.


"You heard me, come tonight to the dorm. We'll have that drink."

"I heard you clearly, but... Don't you have an schedule in the early morning tomorrow?" Yesung didn't think it would be convenient to drink before a recording.

"... Yeah, you're right..." Kyuhyun cursed internally. There went his attempt at spontaneity. Knowing they had things scheduled since weeks or even months prior they couldn't suddenly cancel, Kyuhyun reasoned it would be easier to ask directly about the older's plans. "You have something to do the day after tomorrow and the next, right?" He hadn't memorized all of Yesung's schedule, but remembered a few things.


"I see. Are you free this weekend?"

Yesung checked his phone before answering. "I don't have nothing planned for Sunday and I have the night free on Saturday."

"Perfect. Come to the dorms on Saturday night."

"O- Okay? Do I bring mangoes with me?"

"Yeah. I'll search how to do a cocktail or some side dish." Kyuhyun started to think about a menu for dinner. It would be better if they accompany the drink with some food, right? He had to think about what to cook throughly, to make sure Yesung could eat at ease but also making sure it all combined well with their drink. "Mango is sweet, so something to balance it would be better..."

"Oh, are you going to feed me?" Yesung talked in a huskier voice, leaning closer to his lover.

Kyuhyun was so engrossed on his plans for the menu he didn't catch Yesung's movements. "Mhmm, I'll give you yummy things. Is there anything in particular you would like to eat?"

"I have something in mind." He his lips in a sultry way. "It'll sure be tasty."

"What is it?" Kyuhyun turned to look at him, awaiting for the answer.

"Something soft." Yesung caressed Kyuhyun's lips with the tip of his fingers, making a soft gasp escape from them. "Something hot." He then lowered his hand, going from Kyuhyun's chin to his clothed torso, trailing his fingers until getting too close to a dangerous area. Kyuhyun's wide open eyes followed the every move of his hand, not knowing he was holding his breath until Yesung finally took his hand away.

Letting a sigh go, Kyuhyun turned to see Yesung, who was closer than Kyuhyun expected. They were face to face, breath mixing and noses almost brushing. He saw something flickering in those eyes, which seemed to be darker than usual. Now fully aware of the implications in Yesung's early words, Kyuhyun bit his lip, crimson coloring his cheeks. In most occasions, Kyuhyun was the one igniting these type of talks, so having Yesung taking the initiative took Kyuhyun off ward. It was a surprise, but not an unwelcome one.

They held each other's sight, leaning millimeters closer until they lips were only millimeters apart. Kyuhyun moved his hand to rest on Yesung's tight as Yesung's moved to touch Kyuhyun's arms and torso. Yesung kissed the corner of Kyuhyun's mouth and then left a trailing of kisses until reaching his ear.

"So?, will I get it?" Yesung then decided it was a good time to talk with his sensual low voice, sending Kyuhyun to the edge.

"That and more." Kyuhyun barely managed to suppress a moan and used a breathy voice to talk, as his brain was busy imagining everything they would do that Saturday. He would have to wait for that, though.

His subconscious, however, highly disagreed with that. waiting. These words were being repeated in his mind, making the temptation harder to ignore. His will to hold back was weakening and he ended with no choice but to accept. But before he could do his move, the door was open.

"What the heck are you doing!?"

"Oh, come on! Not here too!"

Leeteuk's hysterical scream and Eunhyuk's whine ruined the mood completely.

Both Yesung and Kyuhyun jumped in there seats before sitting properly, avoiding the reproachful look their leader was giving them. They were bet red, but unlike before, it was because of the embarrassment of having been caught.

"Oh, you ruined it. I could have finally know who tops" Everyone got surprised to hear Heechul, as nobody knew he was in the room. Kyuhyun was sure he didn't hear the door, but he didn't hear when Leeteuk and Eunhyuk entered either. He got even redder thinking Yesung and him were being watched.

"What are you doing here?" Leeteuk asked to Heechul, voicing everyone's question.

"I came to say hi as I was in the building, but there was only the couple here. They didn't even realize when I entered the room."

"Why didn't you stop them!?" Leeteuk asked with annoyance.

Heechul shrugged. "Why would I?"

Leeteuk felt his blood pressure building up. He tried to calm himself as he heard Heechul talking with a recently arrived Shingdong. He heard something about a bet, but Leeteuk ignored them for the time being. He would talk with Heechul and Shingdong about betting later. The leader then directed his eyes to the two singers uncomfortably sitting with evident shame on their faces.

"Here? In the practice room? Anyone could have entered from that door just like us and you wouldn't even react." Leeteuk was using his most accusingly voice to scold them for this. He kept going on and on about the importance of following the rules and all the risks of acting so thoughtlessly. This lasted until the rest of the members arrived, but instead of starting their practice again they started gossiping about the previous events and some other occasions where they found the couple on compromising situations. Thus, they didn't resume practice until an hour later.

Everyone stopped talking about their mini scandal after a few hours, but Yesung and Kyuhyun knew this peace wouldn't last long.



When the promised Saturday came, they finally had their mango drink, ate dinner and something more.











[Originally posted: November 15th 2022.

Last edited: January 5th 2022.

Spelling and gramatical errors were fixed and some details were added. The extra was added as well.]

Author's notes: I feel like I'm in a marathon, given how much I'm rushing to do these. Again, there may be lots of errors. [Edit: which I hope are already fixed.]

Sadly, my plans for tomorrow we're changed by external factors I can't really control, so I don't know if I'll be able to publish something for day six nor seven •́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀

I'll try to make a proper continuation of Spirit and Human story, but that will be in an unknown future. However, if anyone feels inspired enough, I encourage you to write it yourself (I am not, by no means, trying to ditch work and leave it to someone else. Absolutely no, really. Trust me, I swear)


On another note, the extra was very unplanned so it turned out different to how I thought it would be. It was going to be about a fluffy date where they finally had that mango drink, but somehow ended up being a failed attempt at something spicy... And it wasn't even about the date itself. Things that happen, I guess 乁⁠|⁠ ⁠・⁠ ⁠〰⁠ ⁠・⁠ ⁠|⁠ㄏ


Well, then, I now seriously hope I can squish some time in tomorrow's itinerary to write at least a little. [Edit: spoiler, I didn't. But days 6 and 7 are already done.]

See you soon!

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Okay, I think all changes have been made properly. And day six has been finally updated! So sorry for the early inconveniences (TT ^ TT)


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398 streak #1
Chapter 13: So? Who tops? XD~
_MyName_ #2
Chapter 13: Haha, that extra was so much fun, with a little naughty ;) love the reactions, especially Heechul xD
398 streak #3
Chapter 8: Oh! I thought about an update, false alarm xD
Liza-Nan #4
Chapter 8: This broke my heart. what a beautiful piece of writing. thank you author-nim.
Chapter 8: It would have been ironic to pair Yesung with alcohol, since he doesn't drink, but I'm sure you would have made it work. Don't be too hard on yourself, these were some of the most creative stories I've read in a while.
Chapter 6: I love how realistic your writing is, you really know how to show their personalities. I particularly liked the joke about ELFs getting old, especially considering most of us probably have better eyesight than he does without prescription lenses. They actually did say "I love you" to each other a few times in the past, it's not necessarily romantic in korean but Kyuhyun is a bit shy and not openly affectionate which is one of the reasons seeing him so close to Yesung feels significant.

Are you from a spanish speaking country? I keep noticing some untranslated words, I don't actually speak the language but I thought it sounded spanish.
Chapter 1: I really like this concept, and how you're making it an ongong theme. It's also strangely quite close to my personal beliefs and it's the first time I see it. If you're not sure how to add links you could just write down your twitter username.
398 streak #8
Chapter 8: I'm not crying, I'm not crying, I'm not crying T_______T
_MyName_ #9
Chapter 8: That was very unexpected, cried my eyes out to be honest :'( but it was beautiful and I can relate to several thoughts and feelings having lost my mom this summer to cancer. And now I think I need to read something lighthearted to balance this out :D