Obliterate Me the Moon

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“You can not escape what you know for you are sensible. You dream and you know it because you are wide awake. Anything you can imagine with all your heart is real. That’s about as real as real gets. A thing could exist in every boxed-in normal sense right in front of you, and still, never be as real.”


  • Fandom: Original Work
  • Pairing: (none)
  • Chapters: 4/4
  • Status: Complete 
  • Warnings: Subtexts of Suicide Ideation
  • Tags: 1st Person POV, Ideologically Sensitive, Tragedy (or whatever is the opposite of it), Character Death, Sublimation, Cathartic Piece, Surrealism, Escapism, Melancholy
  • (Subliminally) Inspired by: (My desire to go back to my home planet, lol.) Le Petit Prince (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry) & The Alchemist (Paulo Coelho)
  • Original Posting Date: 2018/10/24


I wrote this as a sort of love letter (or suicide note) to myself (when I was very depressed), but it can be interpreted as something else entirely so…. (If you're sensitive about such things, best not to proceed.) This can be a spin-off fanfiction or an original piece of work; everything is ambiguous, surreal, and somewhat symbolic. Take it however way you feel it works for you. This is almost raw, posted as it was written, with almost no edits, so it's… crude.

Original post:


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