Fifth Meeting

The One Who Drank From The Fountain of Youth





Since immortals couldn’t die, it also meant they didn’t need to eat like normal human beings.


Still, it didn’t mean they couldn’t enjoy it, and Kyuhyun enjoyed it very much.


Food was a really important part of human culture. It could say so many things about where they lived, what kind of food was available to them, and how they decided to cook it. How did they come to the conclusion of this ingredient with this ingredient? Was it by a lack of choice? Was it after many trials and errors? All of this was fascinating to him. 


What kind of food a person likes could also say a lot about an individual, and Kyuhyun wanted to know what kind of food Yesung enjoyed. 


He also really wanted to spend even more time with him, as humans did, but that was irrelevant.


When Kyuhyun found him again, just a few months after their last meeting, Yesung was in a forest, alone as always, looking at the river stream with those dull eyes that characterized so well when he was alone. 


He approached him slowly, and once he was near enough, he finally said:


“Good Evening, Yesung.”


For once, Yesung didn’t stiffen at all at the sound of his voice, as if he was anticipating him; instead, he turned his head; Kyuhyun couldn’t help the proud smile appearing on his face at the sight of the ladybug and smiled.


“Good Evening, Kyuhyun.” He answered, and after a pause, he said, “I hope you didn’t get sick from the rain.”


Kyuhyun chuckled.


 “Fortunately, no.” He sat down next to him. “Each time I find you, you’re just staring into nothingness. Do you have nothing else to do?” Yesung tsked at that.


“After a few centuries, no, I don’t have much to do anymore.” He said, annoyed. “Humanity is moving these days slowly, nothing much to see-sight, so I just enjoy nature.”’ He then looked up at the sky, “I should have known you would find me today; we can clearly see your father up there.” 


“Come on; it doesn’t mean anything; I still search for you when the weather is bad; I never stop.” He responded back cheekily. Yesung rolled his eyes at that, but you could still see a hint of pinkness on his cheeks. Kyuhyun wondered how long it would take before he got used to it. He hoped it wasn’t soon; pink looked great on him. 


“But I didn’t come here just to look at your beauty today,” He continued, his eyes brightening with the pink on Yesung’s cheeks turning a bit redder, “do you know we’re near a human town?” Yesung frowned.


“Yeah, I came through it while coming here; why?”  


“Well…” He hesitated, “I thought that, if you wanted, we could, maybe, go there together…?”


Yesung looked slightly surprised at his words and sheepish expression; each time he met Kyuhyun until now, he had looked just confident.


“Go there? For what? Do you want to visit this side of the world? Trust me; there are better places to see than this small town.”


“Well, it’s not my fault you decided to do your….’ stare into the void’ thing here and not near those other towns” He pouted, “No, I didn’t want to see-sight, it’s just I saw this restaurant, in this town, and I thought, well I was curious, you see. About the kind of food, they eat here.” He paused and then, gathering all the courage he had, stared straight into Yesung’s surprised eyes. “I wanted to know if you wanted to go eat there with me.” 


Yesung stiffened. And Kyuhyun panicked.


“You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” He said in a rush after seeing Yesung’s expression, “It was just a suggestion. I don’t want to make you feel forced; I just want to spend more time with you. But don’t feel obligated by anything! Wait, is me saying that making you feel obligated? I really do-”


“Kyuhyun.” Yesung interrupted, and Kyuhyun shut up.


“It’s not that I don’t want to spend time with you; I don’t mind. Or-” he blushed again, “or I would have made sure not to be found for a few centuries. It’s just that I….” He hesitated, “I haven't eaten food for a very long time.” He smiled softly, “so don’t take it personally, okay?”


After the panic that went through him, Kyuhyun calmed a bit at those words. 


“Can I ask why? You can’t eat?” He asked, curious.


Yesung stiffened again but talked nonetheless.


“I can eat. I can even enjoy it; it’s just…. After a few decades, I decided to stop doing things that made me feel human. I tried too hard for too long to think I could keep living as one, but I just can’t. I’m not human. Not anymore. As an immortal, which is what I am, I don’t need to eat, so I don’t eat. It’s just that simple.” But the look in his eyes made Kyuhyun feel it wasn’t that simple. 


“Don’t you miss it?”


“It doesn’t matter if I do.” He replied. “I’m not human; I shouldn’t act like one.” 


It got quiet for a bit, Yesung went back into his head, and Kyuhyun just stared at him.


“Say, Yesung, am I human?” Yesung snapped back and looked at him.


“What? No. Of course not.” 


“But I enjoy eating; I eat and drink a lot, actually. Humans have a way of partying; no matter where you are in the world, it’s the same; when people are happy, they eat a lot. It’s fun! Am I human for that?” Kyuhyun kept questioning.


Yesung didn’t answer; he knew where he was trying to go with that.


“Immortals party all the time, you should know; you come to some of their parties sometimes, “He said softly, “It’s not because you’re not human anymore that you can’t enjoy things anymore, right?” 


“It’s not-”


“I’m not going to pretend to know what you went through.” He interrupted him, “I have never been human, my family isn’t human, and my friends rarely are either.” He paused, looking into Yesung’s conflicted eyes. “I don’t know what it’s like to lose people as you did, and I don’t know what it feels like to be human. But Yesung… We have something in common with humans, you know?”


Kyuhyun smiled.


“Emotions. We tend to feel differently than them, but we do have them. Or, well, I wouldn’t be here talking to you if I didn’t feel anything, right?” He smiled, “You don’t have to go eat with me today if you don’t want to. You don’t ever have to do that if you never want to. But please, if you ever want to, do it, okay?”


Yesung just stared. And stared.


And stared.


Kyuhyun wasn’t sure what he was thinking about or what was happening in his head, making him feel nervous again. 


He just wanted him to be happy.


And after what felt like an eternity, Yesung finally answered.


“... Okay.” Kyuhyun gasped.






And Kyuhyun smiled again, a smile so big, so joyful, he couldn’t help it but actually shine, which made Yesung squint his eyes a little bit at the sight.


“I’m so glad you said yes!! Oh, you’ll see. Apparently, this area is really great for food; the soil is really fertile here, really rich in humus, which made it really easy to cultivate vegetables and fruits, so a lot of their food are dishes based on what-”


“I thought you didn’t know what they had for food around here,” Yesung said while cutting him, arching an eyebrow.


“.... All of that is just a hypothesis, of course, based on what I saw until now.” 


Yesung actually laughed at that. Not a little one that he usually has when he thinks something is funny, but a full one, blasting through the forest, ringing into Kyhyun’s ears, who couldn’t help but smile with him.


“Alright, if you say so.” He chuckled. 


Then he got up, and once he was on his two feet, he stretched his hand towards Kyuhyun, still on the ground.


“Shall we go then?”


Kyuhyun smiled, his heart skipping a few beats at the idea of taking this hand into his own for the first time.


“With you? Always.” 


He took his hand.




I hope you are still enjoying this story, haha, and the fluff! Fluff fluff everywhere!! 


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Chapter 10: So beautiful! It really captures your attention 🥹. Thank you for the wonderful story!
398 streak #2
Chapter 10: Gyaaaaaaa~ (⁠〃゚⁠3゚⁠〃⁠)

It's too cute! I can't!!!! (⁠~⁠‾⁠▿⁠‾⁠)⁠~
Chapter 10: Kyu being a cheeky brat but got teased by his shy love instead hahaha
Can we get kiss(es) in the next extras, Author-nim, please?
_MyName_ #4
Chapter 10: Yes, finally!! A flustered and speechless Kyuhyun is just adorable, now waiting for the next meeting and the greeting ;)
sernflows #5
Chapter 10: Yesung pulled 'uno reverse card' to Kyuhyun 😂😂
such a cute kitten, Yesung was so shy to kiss Kyu but then said Kyu is all he need for the next centuries!!! ugh my poor heart is weak 🫠
and reading your end notes, I expect there'll be more extras yep? but I'm hoping that they don't go separate way again and end up living and have journeys together 🥹
398 streak #6
Chapter 9: Finally! An update! (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥

I can't wait for the extra ♪⁠ ⁠\⁠(⁠^⁠ω⁠^⁠\⁠ ⁠)
Chapter 9: This conclusion somehow reminds me of them in real life. They are so different, opposite of each other even, but satisfyingly complete each other.
Ah, my delulu heart hahaha
Anyway, can't wait for the extras. It must be awesome, as all your fics are, Author-nim
398 streak #8
Chapter 8: Beib, you are still here, right?
_MyName_ #9
Chapter 8: I was wondering at some point if Yesung also has some sort of powers.. it must be a burden, but in situations like this merciful.
It's so lovely to see Kyuhyun trying his best to get Yesung to see also the good things. And it seems like he's starting to succeed :)
_MyName_ #10
Chapter 7: This is so sad... I think he was scared and also desperate not to suffer the same fate as his family. But just focusing on that one goal left him unable to really think ahead, what happens after he's immortal. Hopefully with Kyuhyun's help Yesung can finally put that all behind him and look forward to the future.