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Tulip Daimaoh-Son is four years old and has her first crush. Gohan has his first emotional breakdown as a parent. Piccolo tries to be the ever-prevailing proverbial voice of reason.


  • Fandom: Dragon Ball Z
  • Story Number: 46
  • Pairing: Son Gohan Jr x Piccolo Daimaoh Jr [HanP]
  • Chapters: 1/1
  • Status: Complete 
  • Warnings: Boy Love (), Original (Derivative) Character, Headcanons, Lime
  • Tags: Alternative Reality, Alternative Reality, Hurt & Comfort, Fluff, Interspecies Relationship, Established Relationship, Married Life With Kid(s), Family Bonding, Teaser Story
  • Start & Completion: 2016/06/27–2017/03/23


This is part of my series: "Umarete Yokatta" 【生まれてよかった】 (which roughly means 'I'm glad you were born'). These are random (sort of) independent stories revolving around Gohan and Piccolo as a married couple with kid/s. This is set in the "Fast-Forward (Future) Retroverse" timeline. For clarification's sake, the "hows" of their marriage is still in the process of being told, and their offspring have yet to be given proper story introductions (as it's all part of an elaborate series of arcs I am still in the process of writing), but it isn't really necessary to wait for those to enjoy these. 

This story is related to "Homecoming", "Don't Smell the Rozealeas", & "When Tulips Bloom in Winter".

Original post:


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