The Fan

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. .

| Minji |

Seulgi Unnie

| { Sorry I really didn't know that I'd suddenly be called for a radio appearance ]

| { so sorry Min-ie  ]

[ no worries unnie } | 

[ I needed to go shopping anyways } |

[ I'll definitely watch your radio show when I get back though } |


Minji sighed as she leaned over the mall railing, gazing at the lower floor full of shops and center placed concession stands. It was a normal Saturday, and she had made plans to go shopping together with Seulgi unnie. 

Although the Red Velvet member was almost 6 years older than her, Minji and Seulgi had hit it off the moment she attended her first dance practice.

While back then most trainees disliked her because of the widely spread rumors about her special treatment, Seulgi approached her with intrigue. 

Taking her under her wing, Seulgi had taught her the fundamentals. Minji quickly grew to admire the insanely hardworking veteran trainee, and spent many a late night practicing their dance together.

Even if it was obvious she didn't have the naturally born fluidity that Seulgi had, Minji soaked in information as best she could and gained the respect of her mentor with her improvement. 

Even after debuting, Seulgi kept in touch with her, the two continuing their friendship over text and long calls into the night. Unfortunately with Minji's busy school life and Seulgi's overload of schedules, meeting in-person became extremely difficult. 

Deciding not to waste her rarely bestowed free day, she decided to window shop, strolling along the mall walkways for any store that peaked her interest. 

Call her spoiled, but a double-edged sword of having a doting yet overcontrolling mother was her desire for Minji to have the very best in fashion and accessories. 

On one hand Minji never found herself wanting for clothes or bags; on the other, the experience of picking something out for herself or choosing something for her friend was stolen away from her. 

Many nights she would come home some days and find a brand-name bag hastily left on her bed as an apology for not being home to be an actual parent. 

Minji had probably taken a full loop around the entire 2nd floor of the mall, and was preparing to leave when a series of scurried footsteps caused her pause. Just from the sound she could tell that the light pounds were heading in her direction as if to catch up to her.

Turning around, Minji gazed down—a tiny girl barely 10 or 11 stood huffing no more than a few paces away. She had an adorable teethy smile, and small umber eyes that looked vaguely familiar.

"Excuse me—hhhh—Excuse me..." 

Minji couldn't help but smile towards the total stranger, wondering why this random child had run after her so brazenly. 

"I'm a fan. I'm a big fan of you." The girl revealed cutely. 

"Fan?" Minji tilted her head slightly. Now there was something she'd never heard before, especially from someone at that age. 

"You're my fan?" She questioned, confused by the girl's words. She hadn't debuted, had this girl mistook her for another idol?

She didn't want to boast... but more than once her looks were compared to some of the most beautiful actresses in Korea... ok, maybe she was boasting. 

Sure, she had been in a music video or two, but she wasn't a name that could come up without some research. Certainly not something a girl of her age would have time to look up. 

"You're Minji unnie right? Song-Min-ji?" The girl repeated, still gathering her breath.

She actually knew her name?


"Hyelin-ie!" A stern voice called from behind her. 

A voice, that was far too familiar. 

Lee Dohyun?

The 3rd year boy was also struggling to catch his breath as he caught up to the energetic little girl. "Ya Hyelin-ie, what did I tell you about running off?" 

"Oppa, it's Song Minji. The rhythm gymnastics unnie I saw at the first competition you took me to watch." The little girl spouted out excitedly. 

There was a look of utter horror plastered over Dohyun's face as he hesitantly met her gaze. 

He had a sister? 

Wait he had mentioned it, back then. The excuse for why he had a instagram. It was his little sister's doing. 

"You... know me? From a gymnastics competition?" It had been 3 years now, she had almost forgotten her past in rhythm gymnastics. 

"I went to watch you maybe 3 years ago, and I thought unnie was so pretty then, that I was sad when I heard that you retired. But, when oppa told me you became a trainee, I think it's even cooler." The girl rambled on, flashing a wide smile. 

"What's your name again little one?" Minji lowered herself to meet the girl's eyes. 

"Lee Hyelin, I'm eleven years old but I hear that I'm little for my age, and I'm your biggest fan. This is my oppa, Lee Dohyun. He goes to your high school, but it's ok if you don't know, he's a total Assa (outsider) and only plays LoL." 

It was hard to believe that such a bright and beautiful little girl was related by blood to the quiet loner. 

"Actually, I do know your oppa." She couldn't help it, growing satisfied by the mortified expression plastered over the usually calm Dohyun's face. 

"Huh? Unnie knows my oppa?" Hyelin suddenly whipped back to her brother. "You're friends with unnie and you didn't tell me?" 

"I wouldn't say we're friends... more like coworkers." He stared her dead in the eyes before disagreeing. 

"Coworkers? Who would want to work with you?" Minji grumbled. "Well Lee Hyelin, I hope you aren't busy; as my biggest fan, you now have to do exactly what I tell you."

The girl gazed in glee at her words, a look of innocent happiness that could only be found in elementary students.

"Now let's go shopping. This unnie is going to buy you lots of cute clothes so you can grow up to be just like me... no even prettier than me." She ordered, holding out her hand for Hyelin to take. 

Minji couldn't hold back a giggle as Dohyun remained frozen in place. 

"Thanks unnie, I can't stand shopping with Dohyun oppa. He's so boring and doesn't know anything." Hyelin older brother.

"Want to know a secret Hyelin-ah?" 

"What?" The little Lee sister inquired with child-like fascination, as if everything Minji would say was gospel. 

"Your oppa is just like that at school too." 

They both started to giggle, as she felt the tiny girls hand squeeze hers tighter. Maybe that's what she wanted, a sister, someone to dote on. 

That had always been one of the big draws of being an idol, more than the money or fame, was the sisterhood and sincere interactions that could be seen in videos she watched. She knew some of it was staged, but what was a dream if it wasn't a little glorified. 



. .

| Dohyun |

"Oppa, I need to use the bathroom." Hyelin spouted out before rushing down the narrow hallway leading to the restroom.

This left, Dohyun alone with her... an icy silence immediately befalling the two of them. 

Dohyun wasn't sure what to say, still dwelling on the complete humiliation that his fangirl sister had actually encountered her. 

The biggest problem however, was her reaction; Minji had been patient to his little sister, showing a completely different side to her then he would've imagined. 

"Dohyun sunbae." 

Completely zoned out, Dohyun slowly refocused to see her staring directly at him.

It was only his second time, seeing her dressed casually. 

He wondered whether it was her face that made the strange combination of fur and a crop top somehow looked actually fashionable.

Or perhaps he was the one with terrible fashion sense. Perhaps both could be true at the same time... with those large eyes, she was objectively beautiful... besides her spoiled demeanor and possible princess syndrome.

"Yes?" He answered. 


She clearly had something on her mind, and Dohyun could bet it had to do with the humbling fact that his sister practically worshiped her. A piece of information that he had never intended to reveal to her. 

"Nevermind. It's not important." 

Dohyun began to nod awkwardly, before finally remembering the -like symptoms he felt  when he peeped at the price tags of the items that Minji purchased for his sister. 

He mistakenly almost didn't check, because of how nonchalantly she purchased what appeared to be small accessories. 

"Hey, also... I'll pay you back for the clothes, even if she's your fan, going to this extent—" 

Minji scoffed as she stared at him with a smirk. "One, you definitely can't afford this considering where you work."

Somehow it didn't even seem demeaning the way she gave her factual explanation.

"Two, just seeing her hesitancy showed me she's never been spoiled in her life. Either way, this money is my money I made from modeling part time, so I can spend it however I want." She concluded, leaving very little for him to refute. 

While he did his best to try and provide for his sister and buy her things that she'd like. He also didn't have money to spoil her on something more than the occasional on-sale clothes or snacks he brought back from his part-time job.

"Besides, unlike you, your sister is pretty. She's going to be in middle school in less then two years, you may not know this as a boy... but if she doesn't have any nice clothes, she'll be bullied by other girls for sure." Minji added surprisingly bluntly. 

Dohyun grinned at her statement, wondering how someone could connect future bullying as evidence to support why she was buying luxury clothes for a total stranger. 

"You don't look like someone who ever had to worry about that. Does that mean you were the one doing the bullying?" He , finding her concern rather cute. 

"Ya... neo—" 

"—Unnie, oppa." Hyelin interrupted with renewed excitement, after returning from the restroom. 

She darted forward towards their direction— skipping past him straight to Minji. 

As soon as she did, Minji didn't hesitate to flash a gloating expression as if to boast how easily she had captured his sister's heart. 

While he wished he could blame it on money, something told him there was so much more to Hyelin's admiration than just that. 

Dohyun rolled his eyes before trailing behind them, the two girls happily waltzing ahead. 

The shopping spree thankfully stopped, as Hyelin grew completely overwhelmed by the volume of outfits that Minji insisted she try on. 

They were just exiting another store, when the growing sound of music struck their ears. 

"Wait isn't that the BTS song?" Hyelin called within a few seconds of listening. 

"Blood Sweat and Tears." Minji identified with similar excitement. 

Behind the loud song was crowd noise, signaling some kind of event was ongoing at the epicenter of the mall. Enthralled, Hyelin began to drag Minji towards the noise, leaving Dohyun to pick up almost 2 million won worth of bags. 

When he finally caught up to them, he saw what had attracted Hyelin. It was a large makeshift space fenced off to create a ring at the center. On the outskirts passerbyers had gathered around to watch two MCs along with several darkly dressed dancers. 

"Come compete and win prizes in Hyundai's Random Play Dance Event!" The MC of the event spoke loudly in invitation. 

Dohyun observed to the left of the ring, was a small opening where two employees held tablets to let people check-in.

"Those with cover dance skills, come dance and win prizes! Daesang winner will receive tickets to next week's Music Bank recording!" 

"Woah, that looks like fun." Hyelin began to tug on the other girl's arm. 

"You should do it Hyelin-ah, do you know any cover dances?" Minji inquired towards his sister. 

Dohyun scoffed from beside them, as there had been multiple instances where he had been forced to remind Hyelin to turn down the music while she danced along to the TV for hours. 

"I'm really good! Is unnie going to play too?" 

Minji hesitantly shook her head, as she pat Hyelin on the head. "I'm not really supposed to perform in front of crowds without my agency's permission." 

"Awww, that's too bad. Then I guess it's up to me to win, I'll win first place and win the grand prize for unnie!" Hyelin promised adorably before scurrying over to where the two workers to sign up. 

Minji giggled as she watched Hyelin enter into the ring and waive excitedly towards them. 

"Your sister is cute." 

"She's a handful... but I guess at least she hasn't experienced jung-i-byeong (8th grade syndrome)." Dohyun chuckled, as he watched proudly towards his younger sister. 

"Ya, she still has at least 3 years before that would happen." Minji nudged him on the shoulder. 

The ring began to fill up with almost 20 different people, and while most seemed average fans, a couple appeared to be rather professional looking.

"Let's begin!" The MC shouted signaling a 10 second countdown. 

"Does she dance a lot?" Minji wondered aloud as he noticed she had scooted closer to him to better observe.

"She dances a lot, but I don't know if she's any good. I guess you'll have to tell me if she has any potential or if I should just tell her now to give-up her idol aspirations." He joked. 

Immediately he was met with an annoyed scoff. 

"Ya, it doesn't matter now. If she's doing rhythmic gymnastics, she already has a sense of melody. She just has to get proper training and she can definitely start auditioning." Minji renounced his words. 

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding. She's actually pretty descent." 

The first song began and they both focused back onto the ring. The first song 'Growl' by EXO came on, an iconic Kpop song that even Dohyun knew from being played pretty much anywhere you went in Korea.

"Geomeun geurimja nae ane kkaeeona" ♫

Hyelin started dancing along with the other participants, impressing even him as she carefully performed the floor sliding movement in the chorus. 

"Wooo! Go Hyelin-ie!" Minji called loudly. 

The music faded out and the participants all parted to the sides to clear the floor for the next

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Baeva04z #1
Chapter 3: After all the chapters this feels very random was there a plot about him like he seemed in multiple occasions obsessed with her
pikachu_101 #2
Chapter 19: Hi, I really enjoyed your story. Is this still being updated ?