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"Catching the Monarch is getting harder than we've thought." Police Cheif said angrily, slamming his hand on the desk. "You said you'll catch him. What happened, Kim?!"

"Sir, we are too close. We even know his identity... all we need to do is to get closer to him."

"How?! He doesn't allow anyone to his family or gang." 

"And for that, I just have a great idea." The detective leaned back on his chair. He was always confident in what he was doing. It was like he knew what was going to happen. Junmyeon turned to the door. It seemed like he was waiting for someone. 

"Sir!" A man ran in the office in hurry with an iPad in his hands.

"Kim Jongdae! On time for real!" He greeted him. "Explain please..."

"Umm... Do Kyuhyun, as known as the Monarch, has a son named, Kyungsoo." Jongdae read. "And his son, who is studying medicine, is searching for an English tutor."

"So?" Police chief asked. "What are you going to do?"

"Apply for the job."

"Are you out of your mind?!" He shouted, making both younger men tremble in fear. "You want to go inside that scary family? What if they find out? Do you know what they'll do with you?"

"Probably kill me." He smiled. "But sir, that is the only way left for us. Only this way we'll succeed at finding an evidence to catch him." He moved forward and placed his hands on his table. "Besides, I know my job. It's not my first time, sir."

"Fine, whatever." He gave up, because after eight years, he knew it was ridiculous to argue with Kim Junmyeon. At the end, he would do whatever he wanted to do. 


"When will you come back?" The five year old boy asked with his pouty cute lips. "I will miss you."

"I will miss you too." Junmyeon patted his head. "But baby, this is daddy's job. You know that, don't you?"

"Ok..." He mumbled. 

"Jisung-ah..." The woman put a hand on his shoulder. "We are going to have fun together, right?"

The detective stood up. "Thank you, Seungwan."

"Anytime, oppa..." She smiled. "Jisung... go to Haewon's room and play with her. I need to talk to your father."

"Ok..." He hugged his father's legs for the last time before running to the bedroom. Junmyeon looked at his son till he went in the room. He sighed, suddenly feeling afraid of the future events. 

"What is this mission of yours?" Seungwan asked.

"I can't tell..." He put a hand on her shoulder. "Wan, take care of my son."

"To me, your son is no different from Haewon," She put her hands in her pockets. "Not only he is my cousin's son, but also he is my late best friend's. Don't you trust me?"

"It's not about that..." He lowered his head at the mention of his late wife. "I promised Joohyun to take care of him. I promised lots of things to her and none of them were fulfilled. This is the only thing I can do for her, to take care of Jisung perfectly."

"Then come back safe." She whispered and cocked her head. "You will, won't you?"

He looked up and smiled. "Right."


Junmyeon rang the bell and stepped back. "Yes?"

"Ah... I'm Kim Suho, I've applied for tutoring Mr. Do."

"Oh... yes. Come in, Mr. Kim."

The door opened. He took a breath and stepped in the house. The house looked like a palace. "The way they use that dirty money..." He mumbled and tightened his grip on his bag. There were his precious fake papers in it. The files that proved he had taught English in London for years and now he was working as a tutor in Korea. The evidence looked too valid to be doubted. They couldn't risk anything to arouse their suspicions. 

"Mr. Kim..." A young woman in his age called. "This way..."

He nodded and walked closer before bowing. "Good afternoon, I'm Kim Suho."

"Do Yoonah," She said, leading him to the livingroom. "I'm Kyungsoo's older sister. Nice to meet you."

"Yeah... nice to meet you too, ma'am."

"Please take a seat." They both sat down. Junmyeon put his bag next to his feet. "So... there were lots of applications for this job, though... you were accepted. I mean... my husband chose you. Because he said your resume looked satisfying."

"That's nice of him to say that."

She smiled. "And... there were women with good education too, but I couldn't trust them with my little brother."

"Oh... that's kinda right." He whispered.

"We are here to talk about salary..." She took the cheque from the table with her pen. "Ask for as much as you want. I don't care about money as long as Kyungsoo learns English like his mother tongue."

"May I ask, why does he wants to learn English?"

She looked up at him. "For immigration." She replied shortly. "So, how much?"

"Oh... um..." He thought for some seconds. Good thing was that he had searched about the average salary of tutors. "Seventeen million wons monthly. For... four sessions a week. And each session is three hours, how about this?"

"Just that?" She tilted her head. "Ok, twenty five million it is."


She held the cheque towards him. "Here." He got it. "When will you start?"

"Maybe now?"

"That's great!" She said. "Kyungsoo is in his room. Go upstairs please, the last room in the hallway is his."

"Ok, ma'am." He took his bag before standing up. Junmyeon went upstairs and stopped in front of his room. He took a deep breath and knocked. 

"Yes noona?"

"It's your new English tutor." He said, but heard nothing. "Sir?"

"Come in."

The detective opened the door and walked in. The room was big. The young boy was sitting by the window, reading a book named Human Anatomy. "Good afternoon..."

Kyungsoo turned to him. Junmyeon gaped at him. He was twenty three for real? He was too cute for that, maybe a high schooler title would fit him better than a med student. "Hello." He jumped down and put his book on his desk. "I'm Do Kyungsoo." He held his hand towards him for a handshake. "Nice to meet you. Mr...?"

"Uh... yes. Kim. Kim Suho I am, sir..."

"Call me Kyungsoo. You are going to teach me." He smiled just to show the older his heart-shaped lips. "I'm happy I found a new tutor in a week." He said before sitting on his chair. "Take a seat, Mr. Kim."

"Thank you," He sat on the other chair. "You said new, you had other tutors too?"

"I had one, but I hated her." He whispered, looking down at his hands. 

Junmyeon panicked, but didn't show it in his face. "Why?" 

"She always tried to seduce me. Once she even tried to abuse me. I was lucky noona arrived on time." He sighed. "Anyways, when are we going to start?"



"Yes, we can start right now." He took out his book and opened it. "This is your book, am I right?"

"Right..." He looked at him with his big dark brown eyes. "How did you know?"

"I asked your noona before coming here." He turned the pages fast. "So, where should we begin?"

"This page it is." Kyungsoo stopped him. 

"Oh wow! It's about immune system in different creatures." Junmyeon changed his language to English. "Why do you read this?"

"Because that us related to my major."

"Great! I really like things about human body."

"Your accent is flawless... how can you be this good? Have you lived abroad?"

He smiled. "Yeah, I've spent some years in London." To find more information about your father. He continued inside his head. "Ok... let's start."


"Goodbye Mrs. Do..." Junmyeon bowed and turned to leave that he faced with a tall orange haired boy. "Sorry..." He walked away. 

The boy walked to the woman. "Hi noona."

"Sehunie! Kyungsoo was waiting for you. He is in his room."

He nodded. "Who was that?"

"His new tutor."


Junmyeon got to his new house and stopped the car there. He took his suitcase out of the car and walked to the apartment. He opened the entrance. "Oh my Goodness!"

"Mr. Kim Suho, aren't you?" The old man who appeared out of nowhere, asked with a frowned.

"Ah... You must be Mr. Yoon!" He put his suitcase down. "I am, sir." He wanted to shake hands with him, but he ignored him completely. 

The man looked at him from head to toe. "You are alone, right?"

He nodded. "Yes. I just came from England. I asked my friend to rent your apartment for me." He smiled.

"Ok .. so listen. I see children an

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743 streak #1
Chapter 4: This chapter brings the Holiday feelings! ;)
743 streak #2
Chapter 3: Oops! The heart is in trouble! ;)
743 streak #3
Chapter 2: Chapter two was quite something and that cliffhanger!
747 streak #4
Chapter 4: The ‘secret’ is kind of out on both sides, but I think it will still be awhile before they act on it. I’m hoping Jongdae did not give anything away with his ‘military’ mistake while talking to Shindong. I don’t want Junmyeon to be in danger. Good update, Snow.
747 streak #5
Chapter 3: Jongin is such an idiot, I don’t know why he keeps ignoring the fact that Kyungsoo does not like him. However, it looks like Soo and Junmyeon are really into each other. I’m wondering what sort of complications will arise from that fact. Good chapter, thank you.
Nicole121314 #6
Chapter 1: This is cringey yet good chapter... Thanks for the update desr...
747 streak #7
Chapter 1: I enjoyed the first chapter and the characters are interesting, especially Kyungsoo. We also learned why Junmyeon wants to get Monarch so badly, which is very sad. I can’t wait to see how the plot evolves.
743 streak #8
Chapter 1: The first chapter is quite interesting! The action starts right away and I love it! I am looking forward to seeing what happens next! Thank you! 💗🌹
I am really excited to read this! Can’t wait^^
Oooo interesting