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"Wait, wait, wait." He said. "I am paid to teach one person named Do Kyungsoo. Ok? So please leave us alone." Junmyeon said.

"Then," Jongin walked closer. "What if I pay you too?"

The detective went silent. That would be ok, wouldn't it? He could gain more information too. "Well, that's... kinda fine."

"Good." He sat on the couch. "Come here, take a seat, Do Kyungsoo-ssi."

Kyungsoo rolled his eyes at him. He grabbed the tutor's hand and pulled him somewhere far from Jongin. "Mr. Kim!"

"What is it?"

"You shouldn't have accepted it!" He cried.

"Why? Is he that bad?"

"I don't like him, Mr. Kim!" He walked back to the tall boy and sat next to him.

Junmyeon looked at him and sighed before walking to them. "Ok." He sat down. "Let's start our lesson. We are going to read this article."


Junmyeon was laying on the couch and looking at the photos he had taken. "What are you doing, Monarch? Selling body parts?" He wondered and closed his eyes. "Ah... the day I arrest you is the best day of my life. After that, I will be able to die without any regrets."

His real phone started ringing. So he put the second one away and took it. A video call? "Ah... hello!"

"Hi oppa!" Wendy waved. "Jisung wanted to...oh my God!"

The boy grabbed the phone. "Daddy!" He smiled. "I miss you!"

"I miss you too, my dear son. How are you doing?"

"Good! Haewonie and I play all day! Auntie Wen cooks delicious foods for us! We go to park and play... everything is fun, but..." He trailed away. "But..."

"But what, sweetheart?"

"When are you coming back?"

"When my work finishes here." Junmyeon replied simply with a smile on his face. He didn't want to see his son's sad face. "Ok?"

"When will your work finish?"

"I don't know, dear. I just know it will finish soon. You can wait, can't you?"

He nodded. "Ok."

Junmyeon's other phone started ringing. He bent towards it and took it. The caller was his student, Do Kyungsoo. "Darling, dad has to go now. I have works. I call you later. Love you, bye."

"Jisung loves you, take care!"

He ended the video call and answered the other phone. "Hello?"

"Mr. Kim! Please help me!"

"Huh?" He sat up. "What's wrong, Kyungsoo?"

"Ah... Mr. Kim, my noona wants to set me up with someone. I don't like her, can you please help me?"

"What should I do?"

"Just come and take me out. Wherever, I just don't like to be at home tonight!"

"Fine. I'm on my way." He stood up, grabbed his new car keys and rushed out.


Junmyeon parked the car in the street and took out his phone. He dialed his student's number and called him. "Hey kid, I'm here-"

Kyungsoo opened the door and got in. "Hi Mr. Kim." He put his big bag in front of his legs.

He smiled. "Are you ok?"

"Yes." He breathed a sigh of relief. "Now that I'm here, I'm fine."

"Good." He whispered. "Now... what?"

The younger looked at him. "I don't know either. I just didn't want to be at home, that's all."

"We can... go somewhere that I like." Junmyeon suggested. "What about this?"

"I like the idea." He mumbled. "Let's go."


Junmyeon glanced at his student every now and then as he drives carefully. He hadn't talked a word after their conversation in the city. Now they were close to rural areas. "Kyungsoo..." He called. "Why are you so quiet?"

"Huh?" He chuckled and moved a little bit. "You know, I've never been out with my teacher... this is somehow-"


"Yeah. That's right."

Junmyeon sighed. "I want you to be comfortable with me, like... how friends are to each other."

"You are not my friend."

"Right." The detective whispered. "But... oh, I know this prevents you to talk freely..." He said. "So, I can talk about myself so you'd feel more comfortable." He suggested. "Do you have questions?"

"Oh. Yes." He thought, humming. "Ok. How old are you?"

"Thirty two."

"Are you married?" He asked.

"I'm single now, but I've gotten married once." He replied, trying so hard to hold back his tears.

He looked at him with wide eyes. "Are you divorced?"

He shook his head. "She passed away." It was better to say that she was killed, but he couldn't use that verb in front of him.

"Oh... I'm so sorry." He turned away. "I know how it hurts to lose a loved one. I've lost my mother too."

"I'm sorry to hear that." He put a hand on his leg. "How did she pass away?"

"A car crash... though Yoona noona says she was murdered by dad's enemies."


"Yeah... I was a kid, so I can't remember very well." He pulled up his sleeve and showed him a stitch place. "I was in that accident too. Noona says it was all planned." He bit his lower lip. "My mother died because she wanted to protect me. She isn't alive because of me..." Tears rolled down his face.

"Kyungsoo..." He stopped the car close to a river. "I'm so sorry about your mother, but you shouldn't blame yourself." The medical student got out of the car. "Hey..." The detective turned off the engine and got out of the car to follow him. "Kyungsoo..." He walked to him.

"I feel like..." He lowered his head as tears fell on the ground. "I've always felt guilty, all these years."

He put a hand on the younger's shoulder. "If there should be someone who feels guilty about his family member's death, that would be me." Junmyeon said. "But I'm trying to make it up instead of crying and blaming myself."

He looked at him, sniffing. "How?"

"By becoming a good person." He said. "I promised Joohyun to finish what I've started."

"Joohyun? Is that... your late wife's name?" He nodded. "What are you going to finish?"

"It's a secret." He crossed his arms. "We usually came to this place. It has a beautiful and peaceful nature." The detective pressed his lips together as he closed his eyes to prevent crying. "Here... I confessed to her for the first time. We kissed for the first time and I proposed to her..." Staring at the pretty landscape, he sighed.

"Mr. Kim?"


"May I hug you?" Kyungsoo asked.

He raised his eyebrows and turned his head to him. The boy was looking at him with tearful, puppy-like eyes. He couldn't say no to those eyes. Do Kyungsoo was just another innocent victim of Monarch's dirty games.‌‌ It seemed like he didn't know much about his father's job either. "Yeah, you can-" He stopped when he felt the younger's arms around his body. Junmyeon breathed deeply and hugged him back. It had been a long time since he had embraced someone- other than Jisung. It felt good and it made him smile. "Kyungsoo?"

He hummed, hiding his face in crook of his neck. "Yes?"

"You can always talk to me when you are having a hard time... or anytime you need to talk to someone."

He smiled. "Thank you." He murmured against his skin. After some minutes in his embrace, he stopped shedding tears and breathed deeply. "Mr. Kim?"


He pulled away. "Are you hungry?"

He cocked his head. "A little."

Kyungsoo ran to the car and came back with his bag. He took a box out of it. "I've brought sandwiches."

"Oh... wait." He went to his car and brought two chairs. He opened and placed them next to each other. He went back to the car and came back with the matching table. He placed it in front of the chairs. "Here."

"Wow! You are amazing!" The younger sat on one of the chairs and placed the food boxes on the table. "I always wanted to do something like this."

"Really? Haven't you? With your family?"

"No, never." He took out a sandwich and handed it to him. "My father is always busy, my mom passed away really soon and... Yoonah noona is busy with her own family. She is around ten years older than me.... we could never be close like every other siblings. She has always been like a mother. Yeah... a motherly figure to me."

"What about friends?"

"I don't have many friends. Only Sehun and Chanyeol, those ladders."

Junmyeon chucked. "Ladders?"

"They are really tall." He said with annoyance.

"Oh..." He hummed. "What about Jongin?" He bit his sandwich.  "Who is he to you? Aren't you two friends?"

"We... used to be friends when we were kids, he... was somehow my best friend. To me he was closer than my cousin, Sehun. Because our fathers were friends and colleagues too." Kyungsoo looked at the landscape in front of him. "But after some years, he changed. He became violent. He

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743 streak #1
Chapter 4: This chapter brings the Holiday feelings! ;)
743 streak #2
Chapter 3: Oops! The heart is in trouble! ;)
743 streak #3
Chapter 2: Chapter two was quite something and that cliffhanger!
747 streak #4
Chapter 4: The ‘secret’ is kind of out on both sides, but I think it will still be awhile before they act on it. I’m hoping Jongdae did not give anything away with his ‘military’ mistake while talking to Shindong. I don’t want Junmyeon to be in danger. Good update, Snow.
747 streak #5
Chapter 3: Jongin is such an idiot, I don’t know why he keeps ignoring the fact that Kyungsoo does not like him. However, it looks like Soo and Junmyeon are really into each other. I’m wondering what sort of complications will arise from that fact. Good chapter, thank you.
Nicole121314 #6
Chapter 1: This is cringey yet good chapter... Thanks for the update desr...
747 streak #7
Chapter 1: I enjoyed the first chapter and the characters are interesting, especially Kyungsoo. We also learned why Junmyeon wants to get Monarch so badly, which is very sad. I can’t wait to see how the plot evolves.
743 streak #8
Chapter 1: The first chapter is quite interesting! The action starts right away and I love it! I am looking forward to seeing what happens next! Thank you! 💗🌹
I am really excited to read this! Can’t wait^^
Oooo interesting