The Angel

Their Angel

Everyone knows Super Junior and EXO's group Angel. The one who takes care of the group; their image, their health, their well-being, the one who coddles the young ones and for EXO's case, gently reprimand the old ones.

Do you know who is it?

It's none other than, their leaders, Park Jungsoo or rather Leeteuk and Kim Junmyeon known as Suho. These 2 are always there for their members. Either to support and encourage them during good times or as a shoulder to cry on during bad times. Both act as the members' mother, father, brother and friend. Guardian Angels indeed!

But, do you know that both groups have another Angel? This Angel is very dear to them.

Wanna know her?

First and foremost, let me introduce this Angel. Their Angel is a 'she'. She isn't beautiful but she isn't ugly as well, she's in between. Her height, well she is tiny (like Nako of IZ*ONE) and she isn't slim but not fat as well. As for her personality, she is a sweet and sassy gal. She looks out for others but she isn't afraid to say what she thinks is right and do it. She takes care of each and everyone of the boys and doesn't hesitate to scold them even though she is the youngest - yes, you heard it right. She is the 'maknae' that's why she's very important to them. She is their special little princess.

As for how they met. Well, she met Super Junior randomly.


There she was just enjoying an evening walk by the Han River when she collided with an unknown guy that seems to be in a hurry. She didn't know who it was because the guy is wearing a cap and a mask. She just knows it was a guy when he apologize to her hastily, not giving her a chance to apologize as well.

When she started to walk again, she felt that she stepped on something. When she looked down, she saw a wallet.

It's from that guy, I guess. She thought to herself as she picked it up

She take a look inside to see who the mysterious guy is so she'll know where to return it. And what she found made her shock

There's no money, he might be broke, poor one!

ㅋㅋㅋㅋ, just kidding!

/* ke ke ke ke*/

Actually, she saw multiple cards and a business card that thankfully have the owner's information.

Guess who is it!

I'll give you a clue: Firstly, he is a human (naturally ㅋㅋㅋ), has hair and wear clothes (of course, ㅋㅋㅋ). Okay, I'll quit fooling around. So, this person is one of the hyungs, has a cute dent in the corner of his mouth when he smiles, likes to seek attention and known to be Korea's National Idol MC.

Ahh, I don't know what I'll do if you can't guess.

It's none other than, Super Junior's self-proclaimed angel without wings, Leeteuk!

Who would've known that she'll get entangled with one of Korea's most respected idol.

Back to the problem at hand, she immediately took out her phone, dialed the indicated number and waited for the guy to pick up but many rings later, no one answered. She is pissed but she try to reason with herself.

He might thought I'm a stalker or worse, a sasaeng.

So she ended the call and sent a message instead.


You probably don't remember but you bumped into me in Han River. You dropped your wallet and I got it with me. I found you're number there. Please contact me so you can retrieve it.

She stared at her phone for a while to see if he will reply or call back but sadly, there is none so she just stuffed her phone and the wallet in her pocket and continued walking.

She's within her neighborhood when suddenly she felt her phone vibrating so she took it out and there is an unknown number calling.

She was confused at first on why does an unknown number is calling her but she remembers the failed contact before so she answered it immediately.

"Yeoboseyo?" She greeted

/*Hello when answering the phone*/

"Ne! This is Leeteuk and you contacted me saying you got my wallet." The man on the phone said


"Ah, yes! That's me. Uhm, how can I give it back to you?" She asked straight to the point

"About that, do you know Cafe Armoire?"

"That's Yesung ssi's cafe, right?"

"Yes, it is. Well, we can meet there. We'll have enough privacy to talk there." Leeteuk confirmed

"Algoseumnida, Leeteuk-ssi." She said before hanging up.

/* I understand Leeteuk-ssi*/

She then went to the nearest bus stop that'll take her to to the said cafe.


After some time, she arrived at her destination. She scan the inside of the cafe first to see if Leeteuk is there but he isn't. She's a bit lost of what to do. Good thing though that she saw Yesung is the one manning the cashier and no one is ordering so she went straight to him.

"Good evening, welcome to Cafe Armoire." Yesung greeted her with a smile

"Hi, good evening as well, Jongwoon ssi." She greeted back

"Oh, you know my real name." He exclaims

"Of course, I do! I'm a fan after all." She revealed

"Oh!" He answered, didn't know what to say which made her laugh

"But if you're a fan shouldn't you call me Yesung?" He curiously asked

"You aren't Yesung, the artist now, right. You are Kim Jongwoon, co-owner of Cafe Amoire." She answered

He was stunned for a moment but he smiles again, understanding evident on his face.

"Alright. What service can Kim Jongwoon give you?" He jokingly asked and was met with laughter

"Actually, I'm looking for Leeteuk ssi. Is he here?" She directly asked "I need to return something back to him, you see." She added when she saw his confused face

"Wait, you're the one he's been waiting for? He said there will be someone who'll look for him and I must the person to him and it's you." He explained and the girl nodded

"Jongjin-ah will you take charge here for a while?" He called out and when his younger brother appeared, he signal to the girl to follow him.

They walk together while talking like they are friends for a long time. She was led to the rooftop. And there, seated in a corner is Leeteuk. He didn't notice them even when they got close as he is busy staring at nothing in particular, drowning in his thoughts.

He just jolted back when Yesung clears his throat.

"Hyung, here's the one you've been waiting for. I'll leave you two." He announced and went back downstairs

"Annyeonghaseyo, Leeteuk imnida!" He said while bowing first

/*Hello, I'm Leeteuk!*/

(Really a gentleman, right readers?)

"Ah, ne, annyeonghaseyo, Cheonin imnida." The girl introduced (finally we know her name ㅋㅋㅋ)

/*Ah, yes, hello, I'm Cheonin*/

"Cheonin ssi please take a seat." He gesture towards the opposite chair which she obliges

She takes the wallet out of her pocket and placed it on the table in front of Leeteuk.

"Here's your wallet, Leeteuk ssi."

She saw how something flicker in the other's eyes when she called his name, his stage name to be exact but before she could dwell on it, it's gone.

"Ah, yeah thank you so much, Cheonin ssi. I'm glad you found my wallet. Imagine my devastation when I found out that I had lost it." He smiles while reaching for it but the smile is strained

"No worries, glad to be of help, Leeteuk ssi." She says with a smile and there it is again, the flicker

After that, silence surrounds them and Leeteuk is once again drowned in his thoughts. The girl observed him. He looks stressed and tired and she feels her heart aching.

"Jungsoo ssi, are you alright?" She asks but there's no answer so she tried again but still, nothing. She waved her hand in front of him and it successfully caught his attention.

"Oh, sorry. Were you saying?" He asked sheepishly

"I ask if are you okay, Jungsoo ssi." She said with a sigh, her eyes full of concern

"Oh, yes, I'm alright." He answered distractedly "But wait, did you just addressed me with my real name?" He asked cautiously

"Yes, I did." She confirmed "You aren't Leeteuk the Leader and National MC right now instead, you are Park Jungsoo, a Korean citizen who happened to lost his wallet." She repeated her words earlier

He was speechless. Many emotions are swimming in his eyes and Cheonin saw it all.

"Jungsoo ssi, be calm. Please don't be hard on yourself." She assured him

"This is embarrassing you know. I've got a lot in my head. I don't know what to do." And he released a deep sigh, eyes downcast

"Maybe you just need someone to talk to. And lucky for you, I'm here. I'm all ears."

"But... I don't know you." He hesitates

"Did you know... that it's easier to open up to a stranger for they can't judge you and they can give unbiased advice, if you needed one of course." She countered

She can see the internal battle going in his head, weighing the pros and cons. She just stared at him silently, letting him decide on his own. Minutes passed by and he started sharing his thoughts.

He talk for a while and she didn't intervene, she just listens. She'll only speak when he directly asked for her opinion. You can see that Leeteuk relaxed bit by bit.

"Thank you." He said full of sincerity

"Everybody needs someone that'll listen to them and I'm glad to be the one able to do so. Also, I'm honoured."

"Wow, you sure know a lot. May I ask, how old are you?"

"Korean age, I'm 23." She answered

"What? Now, I'm really embarrassed! We have an almost 2 decades difference! And you said you're honoured, why?"

"Well... It's because... I'm a fan." She suddenly dropped the bomb

"What?" He asked incredulously and she can feel him tense up again

"Please, don't look at me differently. I know you are stressed, that you are having a hard time that's also why I called you by your real name. I wanted to at least ease you from being Leeteuk the leader, Leeteuk the National MC, Leeteuk the reliable sunbae. Let you be Jungsoo" She said while looking into his eyes though it is uncomfortable having an eye to eye contact with her idol but she strained herself not to look away so he'll know her sincerity.

Sensing that she's being genuine, he let his self relax. Just then, Yesung came back with 2 cake slices and 2 lattes. (SJ - L.S.S song ㅋㅋㅋ)

"Hey, here's food for you guys." He said as he place the food on the table

"Oh, but I didn't order anything." She tried to politely decline but her stomach suddenly growl which made the 2 men laugh

"Really? But you're obviously hungry. Don't worry, it's on the house."

She can't do anything but to shyly accept the food "Alright, thank you, Jongwoon ssi."

"Huh, 'Jongwoon ssi'?" Leeteuk ask to no one in particular

"Yes, just like what I said to you before, he isn't Yesung right now but Kim Jongwoon." Cheonin answered

"That's right, she's great, hyung, you know." Yesung agrees

"I know... Cheonin is great." Leeteuk also agrees

"You already know her name!" Yesung stated, surprised

"Yes, you don't know? Ah, poor you. I'm first to know her name ㅋㅋㅋ." Leeteuk jokes

"No way! The whole time we're chatting, you didn't mentioned it!" Yesung whined to her

"What, you didn't ask!" Cheonin said with a 'duh expression' and Leeteuk laughed again while Yesung pouted

"Oh, did you also know she's only 23, in Korean age? She's way too young." He added

"Seolma (no way)!" Yesung said, astonished

"Why, do you think I'm old like you, guys?" Cheonin asked in a mocking tone which was met by "Yah!" from the two and they all laugh

"Oh, yeah. I'm curious, why Cheonin?" Yesung asked

"Well, Cheon is 天 (Tiān) meaning sky and In is 人 (Rén) meaning person. A person from heaven." She answered

"Ahh, we have been blessed with an angel." Yesung said and look at his hyung

Leeteuk saw how Yesung is comfortable with the girl for he won't show his childish side from anyone aside from his family and their members even when they just met. Also, he himself feels attached to her already. Like she is her dongsaeng (younger sibling).

"Indeed!" Leeteuk agrees which made Cheonin shy.

"We?" She asked bewildered

"Yes, we would like to know you." Answered Leeteuk

"Don't you think I'm too young for you?" She asked seriously

"W-what? I didn't mean it that way!" Leeteuk hurriedly explained and Cheonin laughed out loud which was followed by Yesung and made Leeteuk confused but he gradually understand and he joined in on their laughter.

After that, they exchanged contact numbers. She visits the shop a lot of times although she'll do it when there's few customers or at night in order to not alert unwanted attention. She also met the other members during one of her visits. She even got to know their managers specially manager Won Yongsun. And that's how their friendship starts. As time passed by, she accompany them during schedules (she'll help in managing the nine 18-year old idols who acted like 5 years old at times) but she's well hidden, sometimes she visits them in the company (yep SM staffs also know her) either to have lunch with them, watch them practice or just be there. She even visits them in their houses (yep, she knew their passwords) specially when they are sick for they can be stubborn most of the times mostly the older members.


Cheonin presses the password on the door and it unlocked with a click.

She leaves her outdoor shoes on the rack and wears an indoor slippers before proceeding to the all-white kingdom.

The man who just came out of his bedroom  was stunned when he saw who it was but then he immediately came to his senses when his guest spoke first.

"Annyeonghaseyo ahjussi (Hello uncle), where do you think you're going?" She asked with crossed arms as she saw that the latter is dressed up

"To work." The latter answered and the other just hummed in response as she observed him

"Y-you-" He cleared his throat "You Cheonin-ah, why are you here?" He asked

"I don't know, you tell me ahjussi." She answered

"I-i... Will you stop calling me ahjussi!"

"But YOU are an ahjussi!" She countered but she was met with a glare

"Fine, Jungsoo OPPA." She said with a role of her eyes but then she narrowed her eyes towards the other

"W-what?" He stuttered again

"Don't think you can escape. You know you just came down from a fever and you'll go back to work right away! Also, Yongsun samcheon already told me that he cancelled all your schedules for today." She calmly explained but her eyes shows differently

/*samcheon = uncle*/

"What, he did? I didn't know that" He asked incredulously

"Did you check your phone?" She asked

He hurriedly opens his phone and there it is, a message from his manager with the cancellation details of his sched.

"Fine!" He sigh in defeat and Cheonin walk over to him

"Oppa, you know it's for your own good. You need to rest first and fully gain your strength. After then, you can be SJ's Leader and Nation's Idol MC again all you want." She tells him, now with gentleness "Besides, Heechul oppa told me to look after you so who am I to disobey him." She adds with a giggle while Leeteuk just groaned in embarrassement.


As for EXO, well their first encounter is during one of their fan signing events way back. She went there with a bag full of plushies in one hand and their album in the other. She patiently wait in line for her turn.

When she was up, she approach the first person which is the maknae.

"Hi, welcome to the fanmeet!" Sehun greeted her and she greeted back while handing him the album

"Ireumi mwoyeyo?" Sehun asked

/*What's you're name*/

"Cheonin-ieyo." She answered and he nods as he writes

/*It's Cheonin*/

"So, how are you?" She casually asked which made the other taken aback but he recovers quickly

"I'm great!" He answered sincerely as he hands back the album

"That's good to hear! I hope you won't tire yourself and I hope for your success." She said then she gives the maknae a wolf plushie "Please take care of this, she is a new friend, it's special." She added and Sehun look at it reluctantly at first but he still take it into his arms and didn't abandon it.

She did the same to the other members.

She greeted them, ask them how are they and give a little encouraging words or phrases. She also give them plushies: Bear for Kai, Penguin for D.O, White Tiger for Chanyeol, Dinosaur for Chen, Flying Squirrel for Baekhyun, Unicorn for Lay, Cat for Xiumin and Bunny for Suho and she asked them to take care of it for it is their new special friend.

They didn't know why is it special but they accept it nonetheless and didn't let it go during the whole event.

They just found out why it is special when Baekhyun accidentally presses his plushie's hand when he was playing with it during the car ride home and encouraging words spill from it.

"Oppa, keep on fighting, I know you can do it!"
"Oppa, I know it's hard but I believe you can surpass it!"
"Oppa, don't be afraid, I'm here, I got you're back!"
"Oppa, no matter what happens, I will always love you!"
"Oppa, don't forget, EXO and EXO-Ls are one!"
"Oppa, please take care of yourself, I don't want you to get sick so I can cheer you on continously!"
"Oppa, your success is our success!"
"Oppa, wherever you are, I'll be right there with you."
"Oppa, you're music is my inspiration. I hope you can continue doing it."
"Oppa, you know you are great, right?"
"Oppa, you're the best!"
"Oppa is awesome, always remember that!"
"Oppa, I'll support whatever your decision is!"
"Oppa, don't mind what others say, just be yourself and you'll be fine!"
"Oppa, humans make mistakes and you, you are a human so don't be afraid to make mistakes for you are a human after all."

He immediately tells the other about his discovery so they all try it and was amazed by the results.

During tough times, they'll hug their particular plushie then squeeze it's hand to hear the encouragements. They imagine the girl is in front of them, personally saying those words to them and they'll feel immense comfort knowing that there's someone supporting them.

They never forget Cheonin for they are very thankful to her. That's why, during one of her visits in the company, they met again.


She was walking along the corridor of SM with SJ members when they encounter EXO.

(Of course, if SJ gathers together, it will be very noisy ㅋㅋㅋ)

"Annyeonghaseyo, hyungs!" EXO greeted

/*Hello, older brothers!*/

"Ne, annyeonghaseyo!" SJ greeted back with the exception of Cheonin

And that's when EXO notices her.

"Oh, Cheonin ssi!" They exclaimed

"Hi, long time no see!" She greeted enthusiastically

"W-wait, you know each other?" Leeteuk asked

"Yes, I went to their fan signing before." Cheonin answered

"It's true hyung, she even gave us plushies back then." Suho confirmed and she smiled even wider

"Speaking of the plushies, where are they, did you take care of it?" Cheonin asked

"Of course we did. We still had them till now and we are very thankful to you for giving those to us." Suho said

"You're welcome. I hope it's useful." Cheonin said

"Those plushies saved us, of course it's useful!" Xiumin said

"Yes, it become our support system." D.O said

(I know you can't imagine D.O saying that but this just ones, please do ^^)

"Oh my, what will EXO-Ls say when they hear what you just said." She teased them

"Hmm... I don't know. Why don't you tell us, Cheonin ssi." Baekhyun fired back

"Why me?" Cheonin asked, playing innocent

"We don't know. Maybe because you are an EXO-L yourself." Chanyeol jibed

"Alright, you got me!" She said with a laugh

"What? You gave them plushies?" Eunhyuk suddenly butted in

"And you are their fan?" Donghae added

"Aigoo. Don't be jealous now! Yes I'm also their fan and yes, I gave them plushies before. I did it so they won't feel alone and have support that even if no one's physically there, they'll feel EXO-Ls' love towards them." Cheonin defended herself

"Aww, that's so sweet of you! That's our little princess!" Heechul abruptly praised her and she feels shy instantly, she finds the floor fascinating suddenly

Noticing this, the other SJ members cooed at her.

"Aigoo, uri agi is shy." Ryeowook said that made her puff his cheeks

/*uri agi - our baby*/

"Aww, uri agi is cute!" Kyuhyun said pinching her chubby cheeks

"Will you stop that!" Cheonin whines childishly as she swats away Kyuhyun's hands

"Why, Kyuhyun hyung is right, you're so cute!" Kai suddenly butts in and the others agreed

"Not you too!" She exclaimed turning to EXO and the boys laughs

"Okay, that's enough! Leave her alone!" Leeteuk and Suho ordered in unison

"Suho oppa Leeteuk oppa, saranghae (I love you)." She said as she hugged the 2 leaders

"Hey, why you just give those two a hug, what about me? Can't I have a hug as well!" Yesung complained

"Yeah, me too!" Sehun also complained and everyone follows

"No, you won't get one! You tease Cheonin so Cheonin won't give it to you?" She said as she sticks her tongue out to them while still hugging the 2 leaders that are sporting different reactions: one is hugging her back with a smile while the other is just staring but also hugging her

SJ who are used to her antics can't help but smile fondly at her while EXO were taken aback.

Seeing their bewilderment, Shindong hurries to explain. "When she gets shy, she acts childish like that and mentions her self in the 3rd person point of view just like a real child."

"It's also our fault she acts like that for we coddle her as she is the youngest. Yo know, she's even younger than you." Siwon added

The EXO members just nodded in understanding, afraid to talk that might stir the princess' mood.

"Anyways, where are you guys going?" Leeteuk asked Suho while coaxing Cheonin

"Oh, yeah. We're heading to the cafeteria to eat, hyung!" Suho answered

"Eat? Oppa us too. Cheonin wants to eat too." Cheonin said as she tug on Leeteuk's shirt

"Alright, we'll eat. Let's go!" Leeteuk held her left hand

"Suho oppa and EXO will come too, right?" She asked as she looks up to Suho and the other EXO members with big eyes while she reach out for Suho's hand with her right one which made the 2 groups melt and they all went down to eat.

And that's EXO and Cheonin's 2nd meeting as well as a new friendship between themal and stronger brotherhood between EXO and SUPER JUNIOR.


Up until now, their relationship is strong and sturdy, nothing will break them. She loves them, protects them, cares about them and helps them.

Others may say that without Leeteuk, SJ will be gone and Donghae's tears are what binds them together while EXO won't be EXO if even just 1 member isn't there. Well, they are right but both groups know who really binds them, who knows their quirks and knows what runs in their minds and hearts and is willing to be there just for them.

So in return, both groups cherishes her and they do everything in their power to protect her. They won't let anyone as in anyone harm her for she, Cheonin, is their Angel.


Hi, everyone!

I'm back with another one-shot. (Actually, it's a finals requirement for one of my subjects and I decided to publish it) And another first at that for it's my first time with a chap this long and my first time to combine 2 groups and also my first time with an OC fanfic.

I hope you guys will like it.

Vote and comment, please

Kamsahamnida 💚🖤💙

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744 streak #1
Chapter 1: Thank you so much for this great story! I really enjoy it! <3
Chapter 1: This was so sweet, how Super Junior and EXO met their angel. And she was very nice by being there for rest of the teams, she was so thoughtful when she addressed the members by their real names showing that she sees them as a real people. And giving EXO members plushies with encouragement when they need it the most.

Thank you for writing this, author.
744 streak #3
Super Junior and EXO - are my two FAVORITE groups. I am looking forward to this one!