
Maybe This Time
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Dara's POV



As I stared at my parent's tombstones, I inhale deeply then smiled. "How are you both? Both of you probably having fun as usual." I inhale deeply again as I tried to shake off the sadness and loneliness. Today is the death anniversary of my parents. Dad died 11 years ago while Mom died only last year. Ironically, they died on same date and I'm not sure until now what I should feel about it. I inhale deeply once more then I particularly looked at my mother's tombstone. "Mom, as you already know, it's been a year since I stopped accepting any dangerous assignment but it's boring if I'll be honest." Then I chuckled as I suddenly remembered those scolds and glares she used to throw at me. "I'll try my best to keep my promise." Then I wipe the tears that falls from my eyes. "I missed you both so much but I'm fine. I can take care of myself. You both know that so no need to worry about me." Then I continue talking to them in the next hour. When I return home, I smiled to see fruits and foods outside the gate, but I can't see no one around. Living in a small town in the province, everyone knows each other. After bringing everything inside, I arranged the table then looked at my parent's photos. "We really have nice neighbours. Even they are nosy at times, I know they only worried about me since I'm just by myself."


Then I stopped for a moment and grinned as I silently walk towards the windows then carefully take a peek through the blinds. Some of the neighbours are lurking around the gate. Trying to get a glimpse of what I'm doing inside. They are the ahjummas and ahjussis that are really concerned about me. After a while, they hurriedly dispersed as Wooyoung arrived. I giggled in silence. These elderly neighbours are really cute. I went back to the table then after of few seconds, I heard the door opens and I felt Wooyoung's presence inside the house. We grew up together, so we trust each other enough, to the point that we just casually gets inside of each other's house. "Your Uncles and Aunties are acting cute again today." He said as soon as he approached me.


I chuckled. "Did you ditch working?" It's only mid-afternoon.


He groans. "I will be in nightshift for this month." He is a police officer in our small town. Then he looked at the table and pay his respect to my parents. "Hello Aunty, Uncle. I bet both of you are having fun together. Your daughter is having fun by herself too that she is suddenly gone for few days." Then he chuckled as I snorted. "Please visit her in her dreams to scold her because she forgot to tell me about it."


I hit his arm that made him laugh. "You don't like nightshift, what happened?"


He sighs. "Donghyuk got into a small accident last night so he is in a cast. Sanjangnim assigned me to take over his shift since I'm the only other single guy in the team."


I giggled. "You should get married then."


"No, thank you." Then he looked at me with seriousness. "How have you been in the past days? Nothing serious happened?


I shake my head. "I already told you, I'm not really doing the same tasks anymore. I promised it to Mom."


"That's good to know."


"It's boring though." Then I laugh as he glared at me. "You're acting like Mom right now."


He scoffed. "You know our worried neighbours that always ask me whenever they can't see or feel you. I can't count how many lies I came up with."


I smiled gratefully at him. "Thank you for always covering me up."


He just chuckled. After an hour of chatting with him, he bid goodnight. "I need to prepare for my upcoming shift."


"Take care, don't get yourself in a cast too."


He just laughs then he is at the door already when he suddenly turned around. "I almost forgot, I know that you are not interested but I will still let you know. Our high school batch will have reunion next month."


"Again? They already had it two years ago."


He shrugged his shoulders. "It seems they will try to make it a regular reunion every two years."


I rolled my eyes. "It's just a waste of time. You attend if you like."


"I'm still thinking about it. I'm too lazy to go to the city just for that."


I smiled at teasingly at him. "Seoul is a big city, you won't see her."


"Shut up."


"Even I, I haven't seen her every time I need to do my mission in the city."


"Shut the hell up." Then he abruptly leaves.


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njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #1
Chapter 10: Nice story, I'm hooked, I love it, waiting for the next update
update juseyo
Chapter 6: Mooore
Chapter 6: Omg
-monette- #5
Chapter 4: Thanks for this story authornim 😊 Can’t wait to read the next chapters 😊
bruna0719 #6
fighting authornim! I will be here always, waiting for your story updates! ❤
Chapter 1: Thank u authornim