(Mis)conceptions of us: untold, not unwritten

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Lee Taemin; amateur writer, wallflower, and secretly devoted to the social butterfly; Kim Kibum.



Written for the ‘Years of us’ fest, hosted by @summerof5hinee on Twitter.

The prompts I used; ‘the year of the goat’ & ‘the year of the Rooster’.
Especially these words: summer, creativity, sensitivity, autumn, compassion, loyalty & wisdom.

Thank you for your work in putting this fest together <3



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967 streak #1
Chapter 1: This is so beautifully written that it feels so satisfying.
I love the way you build everything into that kiss and then the lock down. But then, Kibum has also been interested even before the journal invasion. He definitely gave in to his desires when he was assured of Taemin's feelings.
It's good that they have Minho in their lives to caution and to encourage.
Thank you so much for sharing. I really like it. This is the first Taekey fic I read.